Recovery, Tracking & Communication Ship Covers
Recovery Ship Covers - Part 1 - Gemini
3 & the USS Ellison
Recovery Ship Covers - Part 2 - Gemini 6A & Sokolsky
6 & the USS Noa - Was that Cover Backdated? (MS Word Format)
Project Mercury 6 Anomalies -
Where was that Ship? (MS Word Format)
Excerpts From Upcoming Books
Project Mercury
- by Steve Durst (4.61 pdf file)
Project Gemini - by Steve
Durst (7.46 pdf file)
Other Presentations
Primary Recovery Ships
Mercury Recovery
Ships Covers
Tracking Ship Covers
Web Sites
Owen Murray's Site - Morris
W. Beck US Navy Covers including Recovery Ship Covers
Dr Ross Smith's
Site - Recovery Ship Cover & Postmark Varieties