Question and Answer and Requests

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Q 2010-001-00 From : John Macco (SU1457) -
I am doing some research on the covers flown during the ASTP mission in 1975. What is known is that cosmonaut Valery Kubasov flew a total of 25 covers which he had autographed by all five crewmembers and dated when they were signed. Any SU member with any information and/or scans of covers, please email me with your information. Any information will be greatly appreciated and all emails will be acknowledged. John can be contacted on .

Q 2009-001-00 From :
David Ball (SU3838) -
David is researching Riser covers as part of an upcoming handbook. As part of this research he discovered that Sean Marsar recently gave a significant number of colour pictures of Riser covers to a Space Unit member. David would like to contact that member so he can include the covers in his book. David can be contacted on

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Last modified on 2010 February 1