Joe Nagl's Collection Being Sold

Joe Nagl is a long time Space Unit member going back to the founding of the Space Unit itself. He paved the way for many of us in exhibiting, by exhibiting his space cover collection and gaining the respect of the American Philatelic Society members and exhibitors at major stamp shows in displaying space cover collections as viable, worthy, and exhibitable in philatelic competition. Joe's family are disposing of their father's early aviation, scientific balloon, German propaganda in WWII, flown X-Plane covers, Rocket Mail and space cover collections. See the advertisement in the last 'Astrophile' (see below).

Due to Joe's debilitating illness over the last few years, and lately, his desire to auction off his collections of a lifetime and to share his collections in a way, with those of us who know Joe and his family. Joe's hope is that his exceptional stamps and covers will find good homes with this public auction house designated to dispose of his holdings.

The majority of his collections will be offered at public auction by Harmer-Schau Auctions during OrcoExpo, Los Angeles, California, January 28-30, 2011. The majority of Joe's collections will be offered January 29, 2011. Space Unit members may check out the lots on the auction house's web site:

Click on the green colored catalog on the right (the catalog has a rare flown Discoverer 17 cover on the front) and you will be able to view all the lots being offered.

Steve Durst

Click on advertisement for a pdf version

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Last modified on 2011 January 18