Space Topics Study Group (Space Unit)
Handbook Information Request

A membership handbook will be mailed with your March-April issue of the Astrophile. Please complete all of the information below and return this with your dues no later than 15 Jan 2002.
Collecting interests: (Enter “C” for covers & “S” for stamps)
Example: C for Manned event covers ; CS for Apollo 11 stamps and covers; S for Unmanned event stamps in the appropriate categories

A. Manned Events (US)         ____; B. Manned Events (Other)   ____;
C. Unmanned Events(US)        ____; D. Unmanned Events (Other) ____;
E. ASTP or Skylab specialize  ____; F. Apollo 11 specialize    ____;
G. Interplanetary/comets/etc. ____; H. Lunar                   ____;
I. Space Shuttle              ____; J. Int’l. Space Station    ____;
K. Autographs (US Space)      ____; L. Autographs (Soviet)     ____;
M. Autographs (Other Space)   ____; N. Space Books             ____;
O. Rocket Flown Covers        ____; P. Edwards AFB A/C         ____;
Q. Other                      ____.

Name: _____________________________________________________
Mailing Address: _____________________________________________
City, State/Province __________________________________________
Mailing, Post or Zip Code ____________ Country__________________
Email Address: ______________________________________________

Special Notice to SU Members There is a lot of talent and there are a lot of knowledgeable collectors in our membership. If we knew each one of you and something about you, we might talk to you in person about sharing some of your talents with the Space Unit. Please accept this notice as your personal invitation to get more involved. We need talent in the following areas:

1) A new Editor for the Astrophile (stipend included). Our outgoing Editor will assist. Must have a computer and Microsoft Word or *Pagemaker. (Preferred)
2) A Publicity Chairperson who will coordinate getting articles about the Space Unit into the philatelic media.
3) Two or three contributors to write on space stamps. Articles can be at writer’s discretion and can cover any aspect of US or foreign space related postage stamps.
4) Other “would be” authors. Note: Our editor will help make your article look good if you are concerned about how it will look to others.
5) Other assistance as needed.
Ray E. Cartier if you have an interest in helping in any way. Thanks very much!
What suggestions do you have to make the Space Unit better for you?



