Items of General Interest

lpnkball.gif (1115 bytes) Exploring the Solar System Error reported!!
I went to the local philatelic bureau today to pick up some of the new space issues. While searching through the sheets available one of the "Exploring the Solar System" sheets with the 5 pentagonal $1.00 stamps appeared a bit odd. Low and behold just above and to the right of Saturns rings is a partial slice of the $11.75 circular hologram stamp with the lower part of the denomination 11 visible. The sheet is the same size as a normal one with no evidence of it having been cut improperly.

From a messageposted on the rcsm newsgroup

lpnkball.gif (1115 bytes) FIRST WORLD SPACE WEEK
At last year's United Nation's Space Conference (UNISPACE III), the U.N. declared that World Space Week would be celebrated annually between 4-10 October. This date was selected because it encompasses the anniversaries of the launch of Sputnik on October 4, 1957 and the signing of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty. Seventeen nations are currently planning Space Week celebrations.

lpnkball.gif (1115 bytes) NASA's Mars Climate Orbiter : We will have commemorative launch covers for this event with a special pictorial cancellation. They will be $2.00 each and available from the usual JPL Stamp Club address:

JPL Stamp Club
PO Box 771
La Canada CA

lpnkball.gif (1115 bytes) DSI Launch Cancellation : There is a special cancellation in the works for DS1 launch. It is not yet at the Pasadena Post Office. Our serviced and JPL Club covers may be delayed a while if we can get this cancellation in a week or so. Everything is great so far. Two major objectives accomplished with the successful operation of the small deep-space transponder and the solar concentrator array. From Jim Rose

lpnkball.gif (1115 bytes) SPACE CRAFT COVERS: A Monograph and Catalog Revised and updated second edition

Space Craft Covers have always been the Cadillac of the hobby, covering the "golden age" of space exploration. The first edition of this work has now become a standard reference work on astrophilately and this popular series of covers, and has long been out of print.

Chuck Vukotich has now delivered on the long promised a second edition. This is the complete reference book on Space Craft and Swanson designed covers The second edition presents many new discoveries not in the first edition, and much new Space Craft lore. The section on non-SCC Swanson covers is also greatly expanded. There are completely new sections on Space Craft collectibles and Swanson rubber stamp designs. The catalog section is expanded to include information on cancel types (hand or machine). Prices have been updated to reflect the latest auctions and dealer sales.

The second edition makes full use of the PC and is much cleaner than the first. The catalog section has a better presentation style, making it very easy to use. The work does not illustrate all SCC, but rather those which are unusual or of major interest. The illustrations are 25% of actual size, but sufficient for identification purposes. Two nice touches are the use of deluxe coil binding and a cover reproducing an early piece of space art by Carl Swanson in full color. 82 pages.

$20 (postpaid by Priority Mail in US or surface book rate non-US);
$30 (by airpost non-US)

Order from:
Charles J. Vukotich, Jr.,
635 Ridgefield Avenue,
Pittsburgh, PA 15216-1161

lpnkball.gif (1115 bytes)Former astronaut Bill Pogue sells a number of items

Items available for autograph. Bill POGUE, 4 Cromer Dr., Bella Vista, AR 72715

1. 4 1/2" x 6 1/2": B&W Glossy NASA Space Suit Portrait (Bill POGUE) with
Skylab model (1975)*
    price $ 5,00.--; S/H $ 1,50.-- ***

2. 8" x 10" Color Glossy Boeing 75th Anniversary Promo: Pogue in early NASA
(Blue) Flying siut in front     of space station Freedom (SSF) mockup with
models of SSF & Skylab on opposite sides*
    price $ 10.00.--; S/H 1,50.--***

3. Set of six space cards -color (2 1/2" x 31/2"): Pogue in space suit (NASA
portrait), Skylab 4 launch,     Skylab from Command Module, Pogue floating
through dome hatch (inside), Space sunrise, polar    
    Aurora; price $ 10,00.--; S/H 1,50.--***

4. Uncut plate space cards (color), 12 1/2" x 19" (see 3 above)*; Price $
150.--; S/H $ 25,00.--***

5. 60 minute VHS video: "We´re Go For Launch to Zero-g". Onboard-video
(Mercury to Shuttle)
    explaining and illustrating astronauts adaptation to space and their daily
routines. Narrated by Bill         POGUE.** ; price $ 25,00.--; S/H 3,50.--***

6. 5" x 7" color litho mounted on 7" x 17" mat. Sinai Peninsula looking north
into Israel and Palestine.     Text on mat explains circustances of taking the
picture and includes a legend to identify sites labeled     on the litho;
price $ 25,00.--; S/H 5,00.--***

7. 8" x 10" color litho of Skylab I took during final fly-around inspection of
America´s first space station;
    price $ 10,00.--; S/H $ 1,50.--***

8. Paperback: "How Do You Go To Bathroom In Space?" by Bill POGUE: Book
answers     frequently-asked questions - based on over 350 Q&A sessions with
    price $ 25,00.--; S/H $ 3,50.--***

* .... Limited Quantity; Payment will be returned after sell out.
** .. Video case autographed on front 
***. One S/H charge for multiple items on numbered line. 

Specifiy dedication to precede autograph. I´ll sign "Bill Pogue, Pilot Skylab
4", unless you request otherwise. For space cards specify if You want each one
autographed. All autographs in Sharpie black or blue (specify color).

This page is maintained by Dr R J Smith .
Last modified on 20 July, 2000.