
lpnkball.gif (1115 bytes) By Dr Ross Smith (SU 5002) (revised)

An extremely interesting and very well presented exhibit. Some really impressive covers and overall a great exhibit. Some covers that stood out (to a Recovery ship cover collector) are several early Mercury launch covers, an early tracking station cover for MA-5 (only six exist), a USS Noa cover with a time slug from MA-6 (less than 10 are known), an extremely rare USS Farragut cover and a very hard to find USS Pierce cover from MA-7, a previously unrecorded USS Kearsarge cover from MA-8 with a PM time slug, a USS Wallace L Lind Gemini related training mission cover, several Gemini Beck crew covers, a very rare USS Wasp cover from Gemini 6 (aborted mission), many Captain's covers, covers and letters from crew members and other hard to find covers. Also a nice range of Apollo PRS covers including a very unusual cover designed by a member of the crew of the USS Essex for Apollo 7 (only 18 were made) and a range of USS Hornet covers with unusual and colourful cachets from Apollo 11. Also present are Apollo Insurance covers and Recovery helicopter covers. I also noticed a particularly attractive and scarce hand painted Bob Boudwin cover from the USS New Orleans for ASTP. All in all, a wide range of interesting and sometimes rare covers.

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Last modified on 2012 June 23