Books on Space Collectibles1

lpnkball.gif (1115 bytes) General Space Collectibles

sbluball.gif (1031 bytes) Relics of the Space Race, Third Edition, Russell Still, PR Products - An introduction to manned space flight and the collectibles that have arisen as a result. The first half of the book begins with sections on the history of the various X-planes and continues with sections on each of the manned American and Soviet/Russian space projects. The second half goes on to detail the various collectible items associated with these projects including autographs, astronaut patches and US and USSR/Russian coins, stamps and covers. The book finishes with a series of very useful appendicesthe latest and is the most complete information available to collectors of space program artifacts. The expanded Autopen and autograph guides make this 350 page reference worth the price of admission alone. If you have NOT ordered your copy yet, don't take my word for it. Read the new review of Relics of the Space Race posted on collectSpace. Here's the link:

An excellent introduction to the area of space collectibles that should be part of any space collecters library.

lpnkball.gif (1115 bytes) Astro/Cosmonaut Biographies

sbluball.gif (1031 bytes) Men & Women of Space, Douglas B. Hawthorne, Univelt Publication - May be out of print. Cost about $70, everyone up to 1992, very comprehensive

lpnkball.gif (1115 bytes) Space Related Covers

sbluball.gif (1031 bytes) 'American Astrophilately - The First 50 Years' by David Ball and other Astrophilatelists including several Space Unit members

American Astrophilately assists both beginner and advanced collectors in identifying envelopes which meet the International Philatelic Federation (FIP) guidelines for exhibition for United States material at stamp shows. Several experts have contributed articles to explain NASA Official marks, tracking ships, prime recovery ships, and why some postmarks are preferred over others. The second part shows hundreds of envelopes in full color appropriate for exhibition. The artist responsible for the cachets is also identified. The following part shows the most important part of space event covers – the postmark. Machine and hand cancels from launch, mid-mission and recovery forces are shown from the Explorer 1 launch in 1958 through the X-Prize winning civilian spaceflight in 2004.

The appendices are chocked full of useful reference spreadsheets, lists, and charts. Sample award winning exhibits are included as well as guidelines and regulations from the FIP and US Postal Service. A landmark volume useful to all space event cover collectors and budding astrophilatelists.


1Reviews and comments are the opinions of the relevant authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Space Unit.

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