Mini- Auction #73 - Auction closes 2003 October 31

NASA CACHETS AND OTHER SPECIAL COVERS                                              
   1. 03/16/66 Gemini  8 launch   KSC                       NASA RSC     EV   27.00 
   2. 11/09/67 Apollo  4 launch   KSC                       NASA RSC     EV   24.00 
   3. 01/22/68 Apollo  5 launch   KSC                       NASA RSC     EV   24.00 
   4. 04/04/68 Apollo  6 launch   KSC                       NASA RSC     EV   24.00 
   5. 05/18/69 Apollo 10 launch   KSC   Stafford AUTOP      NASA RSC     EV   15.00 
   6. 07/16/69 Apollo 11 launch   KSC   part of ca off env  NASA RSC     MB    5.00 
   7. 07/16/69 Apollo 11 launch   KSC                       NASA RSC     EV   21.00 
   8. 05/05/71 Shepard   anniv    KSC                       NASA RSC     EV   15.00 
   9. 04/16/72 Apollo 16 launch   KSC                       NASA RSC  A  EV    9.00 
  10. 05/14/73 Skylab  1 launch   KSC                       NASA RSC  A  EV    9.00 
  11. 05/25/73 Skylab  2 launch   KSC                       NASA RSC  A  EV    9.00 
  12. 07/28/73 Skylab  3 launch   KSC                       NASA RSC  A  EV    9.00 
  13. 11/16/73 Skylab  4 launch   KSC                       NASA RSC  A  EV    9.00 
  14. 07/15/75 ASTP      launch   KSC                       NASA RSC  A  EV    9.00 
  15. LOT OF 19 postcards - for the first day of use of the STS slogan   MB   25.00 
      cancel 7/77 the collector sent along a postcard request the postmaster to    
      note the reason that their city was selected to use the slogan cancel ---    
      of the 20 cities 19 responded in some form - GREAT postal history tie in!!!!!
  16. 12/17/78 75th anniv first flight week program (2 different Wright  EV   25.00 
      Bros pictorial cancels); USPS announcement of Wright Bros stamps             
      with FDI; STS ALT crew litho w/FDI; STS landing Rockwell photo w/FDI         
  17. LOT OF 20 3-Muscateers PrtC for STS tests/events 1970's            MB   10.00 
MERCURY - GEMINI - APOLLO - SKYLAB - ASTP - STS                                     
  18. 04/09/69 Astronaut selected Houston  10th anniv    local + SCCS    EV    4.00 
  19. 05/05/61 Shepard   launch   Saigon                         PrtC    EV    7.00 
  20. 07/21/61 Grissom   launch   Saigon                         PrtC    EV    7.00 
  21. 02/20/62 Glenn     launch   PC                        Zaso PrtC    EV   25.00 
  22. 02/20/62 Glenn     launch   PAFB                           SCC     EV   25.00 
  23. 02/23/62 Glenn rtn to port  USS Noa                Mayport PrtC    EV   75.00 
  24. 05/24/62 Carpenter launch   PAFB                 self-serv SCC  A  EV   15.00 
  25. 05/24/62 Carpenter launch   PAFB              Proj Mercury FDC     EV   18.00 
  26. 07/04/62 Astronaut welcome  Houston             Houston PS PrtC    EV    6.00 
  27. 10/03/62 Schirra   launch   CC                             PrtC    EV   21.00 
  28. 05/16/63 Cooper    recovery CC                      Sarzin PrtC A  EV   21.00 
  29. 05/16/63 Cooper    recovery Rome                           PrtC    EV    7.00 
  30. 05/16/63 Cooper    recovery USS Kearsarge             Ship RSC     MB   15.00 
  31. 04/08/64 Gemini  1 launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   25.00 
  32. 01/19/65 Gemini  2 launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   25.00 
  33. 01/19/65 Gemini  2 recovery USS Lake Champlain        Navy RSC     EV   30.00 
      01/19/65 Gemini  2 recovery                           Navy RSC     EV   15.00   
  34. USS Greene      35. USS Holder      36. USS O'Hare   37. USS Putnam           
  38. USS Volgesang   39. USS Ware                                                  
  40. 03/23/65 Gemini  3 recovery USS Intrepid              Navy RSC     EV   30.00 
      03/23/65 Gemini  3 recovery                           Navy RSC     EV   15.00   
  41. USS Ault        42. USS Mullinux                                              
  43. 06/03/65 Gemini  4 launch   CC                             SCC     EV   25.00 
  44. 06/03/65 Gemini  4 launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   25.00 
  45. 06/07/65 Gemini  4 recovery USS Wasp                  Navy RSC     EV   25.00 
      06/__/65 Gemini  4 recovery                           Navy RSC     EV   15.00   
  46. USS Barry       47. USS Chukawan    48. Hawkins      49. Orleck               
  50. USS Owens       51. USS Rupertus    52. Sperry       53. Orleck               
  54. 08/21/65 Gemini  5 launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   25.00 
      08/29/65 Gemini  5 recovery                           Navy RSC  A  EV   15.00   
  55. USS Du Pont     56. USS New         57. Owens                                 
  58. 08/21/65 Gemini  5 tracking Waimea         MSFN HI    auto      A  MB    4.00 
  59. 10/25/65 Gemini  6 abort    Waimea         MSFN HI    auto      A  MB    6.00 
  60. 12/15/65 Gemini  6 launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   21.00 
  61. 12/16/65 Gemini  6 recovery USS Wasp                  Navy RSC     EV   21.00 
  62. 12/16/65 Gemini  6 recovery USS Wasp                  Ship RSC  A  EV   30.00 
  63. 12/15/65 Gemini  6 tracking Waimea         MSFN HI    auto      A  MB    4.00 
  64. 12/15/65 Gemini  6 tracking E Grand Forks  STDN MN                 MB    4.00 
  65. 12/15/65 Gemini  6 tracking Corpus Christi MSFN TX              A  MB    4.00 
  66. 12/04/65 Gemini  7 launch   CC (plugged 9)           Orbit PrtC    EV    5.00 
  67. 12/18/65 Gemini  7 recovery USS Wasp                  Navy RSC     EV   21.00 
  68. 03/16/66 Gemini  8 launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   21.00 
  69. 03/17/66 Gemini  8 recovery CC                  Centennial PrtC    EV   21.00 
  70. 03/17/66 Gemini  8 recovery USS Boxer                 Navy RSC  A  EV   15.00 
  71. 06/03/66 Gemini  9 launch   CC                  Centennial PrtC    EV   21.00 
  72. 06/03/66 Gemini  9 launch   CC   Stafford AUTOP Centennial PrtC    EV   21.00 
  73. 06/03/66 Gemini  9 launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   21.00 
  74. 06/03/66 Gemini  9 launch   CC (plugged 9)           Orbit PrtC    EV    5.00 
  75. 06/06/66 Gemini  9 recovery CC                  Centennial PrtC    EV   21.00 
  76. 06/06/66 Gemini  9 recovery USS Wasp                  Navy RSC     EV   21.00 
  77. 06/06/66 Gemini  9 recovery USS Wasp HC               Navy RSC     EV   25.00 
  78. 06/06/66 Gemini  9 recovery USS Epperson (poor)       Navy RSC     EV    5.00 
  79. 07/18/66 Gemini 10 launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   21.00 
      07/__/66 Gemini 10 recovery                           Navy RSC     EV   15.00   
  80. USS Collett     81. USS De Haven    82. Kawishiwi    83. Lawe                 
  84. USS Norris      85. USS Severn      86. Stoddert     87. Sumner               
  88. 07/18/66 Gemini 10 tracking Kekaha         MSFN HI    auto      A  MB    4.00 
  89. 07/19/65 Gemini 10 tracking E Grand Forks  STDN MN              A  MB    4.00 
  90. 07/18/66 Gemini 10 tracking St Johns Canada   Radio track       A  MB    4.00 
  91. 09/12/66 Gemini 11 launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   21.00 
      09/15/66 Gemini 11 recovery                           Navy RSC     EV   15.00   
  92. USS Chandler    93. USS Kawishiwi   94. O'Bannon                              
  95. 11/11/66 Gemini 12 launch   CC                 GT-12 Orbit PrtC    EV   21.00 
  96. 11/11/66 Gemini 12 launch   CC (plugged 9)     GT-12 Orbit PrtC    EV    5.00 
  97. 11/11/66 Gemini 12 launch   CC           Proj Gemini Orbit PrtC    EV   21.00 
  98. 11/15/66 Gemini 12 recovery USS Wasp                  Navy RSC     EV   21.00 
  99. 11/15/66 Gemini 12 recovery USS Wasp             B706 Beck PrtC    EV   25.00 
      Gemini 12 secondary recovery ships                    Navy RSC     EV   15.00   
 100. USS Canisteo   101. USS Hollister  102. Kawishiwi   103. Kennedy (poor)       
 104. USS Ozbourn    105. USS Roan       106. Strauss                               
 107. 11/12/66 Gemini 12 tracking Waimea         MSFN HI              A  MB    4.00 
 108. 02/26/66 Apollo  1 launch   CC                     Swanson RSC  A  EV   25.00 
 109. 02/26/66 Apollo  1 launch   CC (plugged 9)           Orbit PrtC    EV    5.00 
 110. 02/26/66 Apollo  1 recovery USS Boxer                 Navy RSC  A  EV   25.00 
 111. LOT OF 4 Apollo  1 recovery USS Ingram,Kakaskia,Turner,Waldron NavyMB   10.00 
 112. 07/05/66 Apollo  2 launch   CC                             SCC     EV   25.00 
 113. 08/25/66 Apollo  3 recovery USS Owens                 Navy RSC     EV   12.00 
 114. 11/09/67 Apollo  4 launch   KSC                 black Navy RSC  A  EV   12.00 
 115. 11/09/67 Apollo  4 recovery USS Bennington       B728 Beck PrtC A  EV   18.00 
      Apollo  4 secondary recovery ships                    Navy RSC  A  EV   15.00   
 116. USS Kennedy    117. USS Sabine     118. York County                           
 119. 01/22/68 Apollo  5 launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   21.00 
 120. 01/28/68 Apollo  5 recovery Norfolk  USS Escape            RSC  A  EV   25.00 
 121. 02/05/68 Apollo  5 tracking PAFB     USNS Costal Crusader  RSC  A  EV   25.00 
 122. 01/30/68 Apollo  5 tracking Miami B. USNS Redstone         RSC  A  EV   25.00 
 123. 01/22/68 Apollo  5 tracking Fairbanks      STDN AK           OS A  MB    5.00 
 124. 01/22/68 Apollo  5 tracking WSMR           WSTF                 A  MB    5.00 
 125. 01/23/68 Apollo  5 tracking Balsam Grove   STDN NC              A  MB    5.00 
 126. 01/23/68 Apollo  5 tracking Corpus Christi STDN TX              A  MB    5.00 
 127. 01/22/68 Apollo  5 tracking None (date stamped) MSFN Spain   OS A  EV    5.00 
 128. 04/04/68 Apollo  6 recovery USS Okinawa               Navy RSC     EV   18.00 
 129. 10/11/68 Apollo  7 launch   CC                      Sarzin PrtC    EV   15.00 
 130. 10/22/68 Apollo  7 recovery USS Essex                 Navy RSC  A  EV   15.00 
 131. 10/22/68 Apollo  7 recovery USS Nicholas              Navy RSC  A  EV    9.00 
 132. 12/27/68 Apollo  8 recovery USS Yorktown              Navy RSC  A  EV   15.00 
 133. 01/29/69 Apollo  9 LEM unveiled Port Washington     Sarzin PrtC    EV    5.00 
 134. 05/18/69 Apollo 10 tracking Barstow        MSFN CA         RSC  LS EV    5.00 
 135. 07/16/69 Apollo 11 launch   CC                       Folio PrtC    EV   21.00 
 136. 07/16/69 Apollo 11 launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   21.00 
 137. 07/19/69 Apollo 11 orbit    CC                      Sarzin PrtC    EV   18.00 
 138. 07/20/69 Apollo 11 landing  CC                       Folio PrtC    EV   21.00 
 139. 07/21/69 Apollo 11 landing  South Hampton England special  PrtC A  EV    9.00 
 140. 07/21/69 Apollo 11 landing  Gibraltar                      PrtC    EV    9.00 
 141. 07/20/69 Apollo 11 EVA      Port Washington         Sarzin PrtC    EV    6.00 
 142. 07/21/69 Apollo 11 docking  CC                  Centennial PrtC    EV   18.00 
 143. 07/24/69 Apollo 11 recovery CC                       Folio PrtC    EV   18.00 
 144. 08/08/69 Apollo 11 tracking Australia  Honeysuckle Creek   RSC     MB    5.00 
 145. 07/16/69 Apollo 11 tracking Grand Canary                   RSC     MB    5.00 
 146. 07/16/69 Apollo 11 tracking Seychelles       auto               A  MB    5.00 
 147. 07/16/69 Apollo 11 tracking Spain      MSFN  auto          RSC  A  MB    5.00 
 148. 09/06/69 Apollo 11 visit    Wapakoneta                     NC   A  EV    5.00 
 149. 07/20/76 Apollo 11 anniv    Wapakoneta             NAASM 1 PrtC    EV   18.00 
 150. 07/20/79 Apollo 11 anniv    MSFC  w/Apollo 11 stamp MSFCSC RSC     EV    7.00 
 151. 07/24/79 Apollo 11 anniv    USS Goldsborough      Ship RSC/RSC     EV    9.00 
      07/20/79 Apollo 11 anniversary  M=.00 meter P=pictorial  RSC or NC EV    6.00   
 152. KSC             153. CC              153. Kunia        155. Norfolk           
 156. Dayton M        157. Huntsville M    158. GSFC         159. WSMR              
 160. Pasadena        161. Kitty Hawk      162. Bethpage     163. Wapakoneta NAASM 2 P 
 164. Wapakoneta #3 P 165. Wapakoneta IASP 166. Houston SCCS 167. Houston SCCS/Local P 
 168. Houston SCCS1 P 169. Houston SCCS2 P 170. Houston card 171. Houston MSCSC P   
 172. Houston JSCSC P 173. Houston silk  P 174. Houston RSC  175. Houston Calle P   
 176. Apollo        P 177. Downey        P 178. Dayton    P                         
 179. 07/20/79 Apollo 11 anniv    Houston + 11/8 NY Apollo 11    PrtC    EV    9.00 
 180. 07/20/79 Apollo 11 anniv    Kunia  auto USS Hornet CO      RSC     EV   15.00 
 181. 07/20/80 Apollo 11 anniv    Houston                        PrtC    EV    7.00 
 182. 07/20/03 Apollo 11 anniv    Wapakoneta                     PrtC    EV    4.00 
 183. 11/14/69 Apollo 12 launch   CC                        crew PostC   EV    6.00 
 184. 11/14/69 Apollo 12 launch   Apollo PA                      ca      EV    4.00 
 185. 11/19/69 Apollo 12 EVA      Houston       astronaut on LEM PostC   EV    6.00 
 186. 11/24/69 Apollo 12 recovery Apia W Samoa                   PrtC    EV    5.00 
 187. 11/24/69 Apollo 12 recovery USS Hornet HC             Navy RSC  A  EV   15.00 
 188. 07/31/70 Astronaut retires  Houston    Cooper      Local + SCCS    EV    5.00 
 189. 04/11/70 Apollo 13 launch   KSC                            SCC     EV   12.00 
 190. 04/11/70 Apollo 13 launch   CC                             RSC     EV   12.00 
 191. 04/11/70 Apollo 13 launch   CC                             SCC     EV   12.00 
 192. 04/14/70 Apollo 13 abort    CC                             SCC     EV   12.00 
 193. 04/15/70 Apollo 13 in-flite Moon KY                        ca      EV    5.00 
 194. 04/16/70 Apollo 13 inflight Wein       Austria special     NC   A  EV    5.00 
 195. 04/17/70 Apollo 13 recovery CC                             SCC     EV    9.00 
 196. 04/17/70 Apollo 13 recovery Gloucester England special     NC   A  EV    5.00 
 197. 04/17/70 Apollo 13 recovery USS Kawishiwi             Navy RSC  A  EV    6.00 
      Apollo 13 tracking sites                                        A  EV    6.00   
 198. Canberra NASCOM 199. Orroral Valley 200. Carnarvon   201. Exmouth             
 202. Cooby Creek     203. DSS-41 Woomera 204. Baker-Nunn  205. Dow Hill            
 206. DSS Barstow     207. Grand Bahama   208. Chile STDN  209. Pleumeur-Bodou      
 210. Fylingdales     211. London NASCOM  212. Obs Japan   213. DSS South Africa    
 214. Spain MSFN      215. Grand Canary                                             
 216. 04/18/70 Apollo 13 medal    Houston Nixon Medal of Freedom MSCS    EV    4.00 
 217. 02/05/71 Apollo 14 landing  CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV    6.00 
 218. 02/05/71 Apollo 14 landing  Houston                  MSCSC PrtC    EV    6.00 
 219. 02/05/71 Apollo 14 landing  Moon KY                        PrtC    EV    4.00 
 220. 02/09/71 Apollo 14 recovery CC                    Colorano silk    EV    6.00 
 221. 02/09/71 Apollo 14 recovery USS New Orleans           Navy RSC     EV   12.00 
      Apollo 14 tracking sites                                        A  EV    6.00   
 222. Huntington Beach - McDonnel Douglas 223. Goldstone   224. COMSAT ME           
 225. Orroral Valley  226. Exmouth        227. DSS Woomera 228. Baker-Nunn Woomera  
 229. W-F-S Berlin    230. Madagascar     231. Observatory Netherlands              
 232. 02/25/71 Apollo 14 quarntineHouston                        PrtC    EV    6.00 
 233. 07/26/71 Apollo 15 launch   Apollo PA                      ca      EV    4.00 
 234. 07/30/71 Apollo 15 landing  KSC                            PrtC    EV    6.00 
 235. 07/30/71 Apollo 15 landing  Houston                   crew PostC   EV   12.00 
 236. 07/31/71 Apollo 15 EVA      KSC                            PrtC    EV    6.00 
 237. 08/07/71 Apollo 15 recovery USS Austin                Navy RSC     EV    6.00 
 238. 08/07/71 Apollo 15 recovery USS Austin           B875 Beck PrtC A  EV    8.00 
 239. 09/09/71 Apollo 15 tracking CC         USNS Vanguard  Ship RSC  LS EV    7.00 
 240. 10/06/71 Apollo 15 tracking CC         USNS Vanguard  Ship RSC     EV    6.00 
      Apollo 15 tracking sites                                        A  EV    5.00   
 241. SAO Amado AZ    242. Naval Obs AZ   243. STDN GU     244. COMSAT HI           
 245. COMSAT WV       246. SAO Kula HI    247. NASCOM HI   248. COMSAT ME           
 249. GSFC            250. WSTF           251. Obs Sunspot 252. Hayden Planet. NY   
 253. Morehead Planet 254. NOAA Houston   255. Wallops     256. Carnarvon           
 257. Radio Obs Canada258. Mould Bay Can. 259. NASCOM Eng. 260. Pic du Midi Obs     
 261. Haute Prov Obs  262. Raisting       263. Ramstein    264. Tokyo Obs           
 265. COMSAT Korea    266. Madagascar     267. Obs S Africa268. Spain MSFN          
 269. Grand Turk      270. TUSLOG                                                   
 271. 08/24/71 Apollo 15 visit    New York                       RSC     EV    4.00 
 272. 08/24/71 Apollo 15 visit    United Nations                 RSC     EV    4.00 
 273. 09/06/71 Apollo 15 visit    Pittsburgh      Irwin hometown RSC     EV    4.00 
 274. 12/13/71 Apollo 16 rollout  KSC                            RSC     EV    6.00 
 275. 04/16/72 Apollo 16 launch   KSC                   miss emb PrtC    EV    8.00 
 276. 04/16/72 Apollo 16 launch   KSC                  I&O Space PrtC    EV    8.00 
 277. 04/16/72 Apollo 16 launch   CC                             RSC  A  EV    6.00 
 278. 04/16/72 Apollo 16 launch   KSC                      Orbit PrtC    EV    8.00 
 279. 04/16/72 Apollo 16 launch   Houston                  MSCSC PrtC    EV    6.00 
 280. 04/19/72 Apollo 16 orbit    CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV    5.00 
 281. 04/20/72 Apollo 16 landing  KSC                      Solar PrtC    EV    6.00 
 282. 04/20/72 Apollo 16 landing  KSC                  I&O Space PrtC    EV    6.00 
 283. 04/20/72 Apollo 16 landing  CC                             RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 284. 04/20/72 Apollo 16 landing  CC                    miss emb PrtC    EV    6.00 
 285. 04/20/72 Apollo 16 landing  CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV    6.00 
 286. 04/27/72 Apollo 16 recovery USS Ticonderoga           Navy RSC  A  EV   12.00 
 287. 04/22/72 Apollo 16 tracking CC         USNS Vanguard       RSC  A  MB    4.00 
 288. 04/24/72 Apollo 16 tracking Berlin     W-F-S               RSC     EV    4.00 
 289. SET OF 4 Apollo 17 lau-recv Houston                Local + SCCS    EV   20.00 
 290. 12/19/72 Apollo 17 recovery USS Ticonderoga           Navy RSC  A  EV   12.00 
 291. 12/19/72 Apollo 17 recovery Norfolk                   Navy RSC     EV    5.00 
 292. 05/14/73 Skylab  1 tracking VAFB                           PrtC    MB    4.00 
 293. 05/25/73 Skylab  2 launch   KSC        Masonic    Colorano silk    EV    6.00 
 294. 05/26/73 Skylab 2 sta entry CC                    Colorano silk    EV    6.00 
 295. 06/22/73 Skylab  2 recovery KSC                            SVC     EV    5.00 
 296. 06/22/73 Skylab  2 recovery Norfolk                   Navy RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 297. 05/26/73 Skylab  2 tracking Agana      COMSAT GU           RSC  A  EV    3.00 
 298. 08/06/73 Skylab  3 EVA      KSC                            SVC     EV    5.00 
 299. 09/25/73 Skylab  3 recovery USS New Orleans           Navy RSC  A  EV   12.00 
 300. 07/28/73 Skylab  3 tracking Barstow    Goldstone DSS       RSC     EV    3.00 
 301. 07/28/73 Skylab  3 tracking Waimea     STDN                RSC  A  EV    3.00 
 302. 11/16/73 Skylab  4 launch   Houston                        NC   A  EV    2.00 
 303. 02/08/74 Skylab  4 recovery USS New Orleans           Navy RSC  A  EV   12.00 
 304. 02/08/74 Skylab  4 recovery Norfolk                   Navy RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 305. 11/20/73 Skylab  4 tracking CC         USNS Redstone       RSC  A  MB    4.00 
 306. LOT OF 4 Skylab  4 tracking Ramstein,STDN GU,TUSLOG,MSFC        A  EV   12.00 
 307. 02/08/74 Skylab  4 tracking VAFB                           RSC  A  EV    3.00 
 308. 07/09/73 ASTP cosmo  visit  Houston                        SVC     EV    5.00 
 309. 05/30/74 ASTP ATS-6 launch  CC  w/ASTP FD KSC              SVC     EV    6.00 
 310. 05/30/74 ASTP ATS-6 launch  CC  w/ASTP docking Houston     SVC     EV    6.00 
 311. 06/24/74 ASTP astron visit  Moscow                         PrtC    EV    5.00 
 312. 09/07/74 ASTP visit G. Ford Washington    auto             PrtC    EV    9.00 
 313. 09/07/74 ASTP module arrive CC                             RSC     EV    5.00 
 314. 12/19/74 ASTP module test   KSC                            RSC     EV    5.00 
 315. 01/14/74 ASTP chamber test  KSC                            RSC     EV    5.00 
 316. 01/16/74 ASTP chamber test  KSC                            RSC     EV    5.00 
 317. 02/06/74 ASTP cosmo  visit  CC                             RSC     EV    5.00 
 318. 02/10/74 ASTP crews meet    KSC                            SVC     EV    5.00 
 319. 02/10/74 ASTP last day visitKSC                            RSC     EV    5.00 
 320. 03/24/75 ASTP rollout       KSC                            RSC     EV    6.00 
 321. 03/25/75 ASTP rollout       KSC   CARRIED ON ROLLOUT       PrtC    EV   30.00 
 322. 05/22/75 ASTP egress test   KSC                            RSC     EV    5.00 
 323. 05/22/75 ASTP ordnance      CC                             RSC     EV    5.00 
 324. 06/13/75 ASTP leak test     KSC                            RSC     EV    5.00 
 325. 06/16/75 ASTP hypergolic    KSC                            RSC     EV    5.00 
 326. 06/20/75 ASTP hypergolic    KSC                            RSC     EV    5.00 
 327. 06/23/75 ASTP Saturn load   KSC                            RSC     EV    5.00 
 328. 06/25/75 ASTP CDDT          KSC                            RSC     EV    5.00 
 329. 07/02/75 ASTP CDDT complete KSC                            RSC     EV    5.00 
 330. 07/03/75 ASTP CDDT prime    KSC                            RSC     EV    5.00 
 331. 07/07/75 ASTP ordnance      KSC                            RSC     EV    5.00 
 332. 07/12/75 ASTP astro arrive  PAFB                           RSC     EV    5.00 
 333. 07/13/75 ASTP countdown     CC                             RSC     EV    5.00 
 334. 07/15/75 ASTP      launch   KSC                            SVC     EV    7.00 
 335. 07/15/75 ASTP      launch   KSC                            RSC     EV    6.00 
 336. 07/15/75 ASTP      launch   CC                             PrtC    EV    5.00 
 337. 07/15/75 ASTP      launch   CC            Korolev trk ship PrtC    EV    5.00 
 338. 07/15/75 ASTP      launch   CC            Gagarin trk ship PrtC    EV    5.00 
 339. 07/17/75 ASTP      docking  KSC                            SVC     EV    5.00 
 340. 07/17/75 ASTP      docking  KSC                       Zaso silk    EV    5.00 
 341. 07/17/75 ASTP      docking  KSC pictorial + 10th anniv pictorial   EV    6.00 
 342. 07/17/75 ASTP      docking  KSC pictorial             Navy RSC  A  EV    4.00 
 343. 07/17/75 ASTP      docking  Union City                     SVC     EV    3.00 
 344. 07/17/75 ASTP      docking  Austria                        PrtC    EV    4.00 
 345. 07/17/75 ASTP      transfer KSC                            SVC     EV    5.00 
 346. 07/19/75 ASTP      undock   KSC                            SVC     EV    5.00 
 347. 07/24/75 ASTP      recovery KSC                            SVC     EV    5.00 
 348. 07/24/75 ASTP      recovery PAFB                           RSC  A  EV    4.00 
 349. 07/24/75 ASTP      recovery Houston                        SCC     MB    3.00 
 350. 07/24/75 ASTP      recovery Honolulu                       PrtC    EV    4.00 
 351. 07/24/75 ASTP      recovery Kunia                          RSC     EV    5.00 
 352. 07/24/75 ASTP      recovery San Francisco                  SVC     EV    5.00 
 353. 07/24/75 ASTP      recovery San Francisco        B998 Beck PrtC A  EV    6.00 
 354. 07/24/75 ASTP      recovery San Francisco             Navy RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 355. 07/24/75 ASTP      recovery Norfolk                        SVC     EV    5.00 
 356. 07/24/75 ASTP      recovery Norfolk              B999 Beck PrtC A  EV    6.00 
 357. 07/24/75 ASTP      recovery Norfolk                   Navy RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 358. 07/15/75 ASTP      tracking USPS       USNS Redstone       RSC  A  MB    3.00 
 359. 07/15/75 ASTP      tracking MSFC                      MSFC RSC  A  MB    3.00 
 360. LOT OF 5 ASTP      tracking Goldstone,NOAA CO,USN Surv AZ       A  EV   15.00 
      ASTP tracking sites                A    US   EV  3.00   Foreign    EV    4.00   
 361. COMSAT GU       362. COMSAT ME      363. STDN CA     364. COMSAT WA           
 365. COMSAT CA       366. STDN GU        367. EAFB        368. Eglin ARRS          
 369. STDN AK         370. GSFC           371. COMSAT HI   372. JSC TX              
 373. COMSAT GU       374. COMSAT ME      375. STDN CA     376. COMSAT WA           
 377. WSTF NM         378. NSSFS  AZ      379. COMSAT WV   380. COMSAT PR           
 381. STDN HI         382. USN 1??75      383. AFPS 98736  384. 14th Aero CO        
 385. 20 Surv Eglin   386. ETR Antigua    387. Ascension   388. NASCOM Aust         
 389. ETR Bahama      390. STDN Canada    391. STU Canada  392. Fylingdales         
 393. NASCOM England  394. ARRS England   395. Ramstein    396. Fucino Earth Sta    
 397. NZ Earth Sta    398. Grand Turk     399. GSFC land                            
 400. EAFB NASA Exch  401. STU Medley     402. Edinborough 403. Raisting            
 404. Zurich          405. Ascension      406. Winkfield   407. Grand Bahama        
 408. Orroral Valley  409. Marseille      410. Norway Obs  411. STDN Ecuador        
 412. VAFB launch     413. STDN GU        414. Planetarium Ontario                  
 415. VAFB docking    416. STDN Spain     417. Ramstein    418. Balboa CZ           
 419. 09/16/75 ASTP      awards   KSC                            RSC     EV    4.00 
 420. 09/17/76 STS       rollout  Palmdale auto 4 proj mgrs  3-M PrtC    EV   20.00 
 421. 09/17/76 STS       rollout  Palmdale auto chief framing/procedures EV   12.00 
 422. MULTIPLE STS       rollout  Palmdale/Houston pictorial 3-M PrtC    EV   15.00 
 423. MULTIPLE STS rollout/ALT    Palmdale/Edwards 2/18/77   3-M PrtC    EV   15.00 
 424. 10/27/76 STS       STA      Houston   certified delivery   SVC     EV    6.00 
 425. 01/31/77 STS overland EAFB  Palmdale auto orbiter PM   3-M PrtC    EV   12.00 
 426. 01/31/77 STS overland EAFB  Edwards                    3-M PrtC    EV    5.00 
 427. 02/08/77 STS/747   mated    Edwards                    3-M PrtC    EV    5.00 
 428. 02/12/77 STS vibration test Edwards                    3-M PrtC    EV    5.00 
 429. 02/12/77 STS vibration test Edwards  auto 2 STS dir    3-M PrtC    EV   12.00 
 430. 02/15/77 STS/747 taxi/ALT   Edwards/Edwards 8/12/77    3-M PrtC    EV   12.00 
      auto Boeing Pgm Mgr 747 modification                                         
 431. MULTIPLE STS/747 taxi/ALT   Edwards/Edwards/Edwards    3-M PrtC    EV   15.00 
      2/15 taxi 2/18 IC-1 and 10/26/77 CA-5  auto NASA HQ STS pgm dir              
 432. 02/18/77 STS/747 ALT IC-1   Edwards                    3-M PrtC    EV    9.00 
 433. 02/18/77 STS/747 ALT IC-1   Edwards auto 2 mgr + dir   3-M PrtC    EV   15.00 
 434. 02/18/77 STS/747 ALT IC-1   Edwards                    3-M PrtC    EV   40.00 
      auto 2 STS dir, Thompson, Scott                                              
 435. 02/18/77 STS/747 ALT IC-1   Edwards auto Slayton/ALT dir   PrtC    EV   40.00 
 436. 02/22/77 STS/747 ALT IC-2   Edwards                    3-M PrtC    EV    9.00 
 437. 02/25/77 STS/747 ALT IC-3   Edwards                    3-M PrtC    EV    9.00 
 438. 02/25/77 STS/747 ALT IC-3   Edwards auto 747 pilots    3-M PrtC    EV   20.00 
 439. 02/28/77 STS/747 ALT IC-4   Edwards auto Slayton/ALT dir   PrtC    EV   40.00 
 440. 02/28/77 STS/747 ALT IC-4   Edwards auto 747 pilots    3-M PrtC    EV   20.00 
 441. 03/04/77 STS/747 demating   Edwards                    3-M PrtC    EV    5.00 
 442. 03/04/77 STS/747 demating   Edwards auto 2 mgr + dir   3-M PrtC    EV   15.00 
 443. 03/22/77 STS       STA flt  Edwards auto Slayton/ALT dir+1 PrtC    EV   35.00 
 444. 05/04/77 STS/747 test flt   Edwards                    3-M PrtC    EV    5.00 
 445. MULTIPLE STS/747   ALT flt  Edwards 6/17 & 18              PrtC    EV    9.00 
 446. 06/18/77 STS/747   ALT flt  Edwards                STS emb PrtC    EV    9.00 
 447. 06/18/77 STS/747   ALT flt  Edwards w/Downey STS 1 cancel  PrtC    EV   12.00 
 448. 06/18/77 STS/747   ALT flt  Edwards auto STS KSC dir       RSC     EV   15.00 
      with 3/1/77 KSC STS slogan cancel                                            
 449. 06/28/77 STS/747   ALT flt  Edwards                        PrtC    EV    9.00 
 450. 07/26/77 STS       ALT flt  Edwards  + 1st day Edwards STS slogan  EV    8.00 
 451. MULTIPLE STS   Two ALT flts Edwards  + 1st day Edwards STS slogan  EV   10.00 
 452. MULTIPLE STS   Two ALT flts Houston  + 1st day Houston STS slogan  EV   10.00 
 453. 07/26/77 STS       ALT flt  Edwards auto 2 ALT mgr/dir  ME PrtC    EV   15.00 
 454. 07/26/77 STS       ALT flt  Edwards                        PrtC    EV    9.00 
 455. 08/11/77 STS       STA flt  Edwards                    3-M PrtC    EV    5.00 
 456. 08/12/77 STS       ALT flt  Seattle  + 1st day Seattle STS slogan  EV    8.00 
 457. 08/12/77 STS       ALT flt  Palmdale + 1st day Palmdale STS slogan EV    8.00 
 458. 08/12/77 STS       ALT flt  Edwards                        PrtC    EV    9.00 
 459. 08/12/77 STS       ALT flt  Edwards  auto TPS pgm mgr  3-M PrtC    EV   12.00 
      with 10/26 ALT FF Edwards                                                      
 460. 08/12/77 STS       ALT flt  Edwards  auto ALT flt dir/mgr  PrtC    EV   15.00 
 461. 08/12/77 STS       ALT flt  Edwards  w/KSC    STS 1 cancel PrtC    EV   12.00 
 462. 08/12/77 STS       ALT flt  Edwards  w/Downey STS 1 cancel PrtC    EV   12.00 
 463. 08/12/77 STS       ALT flt  Edwards  w/Edwards 9/13 cancel PrtC    EV   12.00 
 464. 09/13/77 STS       ALT flt  Edwards                        PrtC    EV    9.00 
 465. 09/13/77 STS       ALT flt  Edwards  auto 2 ALT mgr/dir ME PrtC    EV   15.00 
 466. LOT OF 6 STS  9/13 ALT flt  Edwards  Rockwell printed documents    EV   25.00 
      Press release,timeline, etc.  NASA press release   each one cancelled        
 467. 09/23/77 STS       ALT flt  Edwards                        PrtC    EV    9.00 
 468. 10/12/77 STS       ALT flt  Edwards                        PrtC    EV    9.00 
 469. 10/12/77 STS       ALT flt  KSC      + 1st day slogan MSFC RSC     EV    8.00 
 470. 10/26/77 STS       ALT flt  Edwards                        PrtC    EV    9.00 
 471. 10/26/77 STS       ALT flt  Edwards  + 1st day slogan      NC      EV    8.00 
 472. 10/26/77 STS       ALT flt  Edwards  + 1st day slogan MSFC RSC     EV    9.00 
 473. 10/26/77 STS       ALT flt  Edwards  + 9/17/77 Aeropex pictorial   EV   12.00 
      auto NASA HQ Assoc Admin                           Aeropex PrtC              
 474. 10/26/77 STS       ALT flt  Edwards  Rockwell press release        EV    7.00 
 475. 10/26/77 STS       ALT flt  Edwards  Rockwell timeline document    EV    7.00 
 476. LOT OF 3 STS       ALT flts various  STS & ALT related lithos      EV   15.00 
      with ALT related cancel(s) on each item                                      
 477. MULTIPLE STS       ALT flts Edwards 10/12 & 26  Rockwell booklet   EV    9.00 
 478. 01/16/78 STS  astros named  Houston                        RSC     EV    4.00 
 479. MULTIPLE STS  MSFC flights  MSFC  3/13/78 and 4/10/79 MSFC RSC     EV    9.00 
      plus 1st day Huntsville STS slogan 7/5/77                                    
 480. 07/14/78 STS  TIF simulator Edwards                        SCCS    EV    3.00 
 481. 07/31/78 STS water survival CC                             SVC     EV    3.00 
 482. 08/23/79 STS/747   demating Edwards                        RSC     EV    3.00 
 483. 08/31/79 STS  astros report Houston                        SCCS    EV    4.00 
 484. 08/31/79 STS  astros report Houston MPP                    SCCS    EV    4.00 
 485. 04/12/81 STS 1     launch   KSC                            PrtC    EV    9.00 
 486. 04/12/81 STS 1     launch   KSC                  Art Craft PrtC    EV    9.00 
 487. 04/12/81 STS 1     launch   KSC + 1st day KSC STS slogan   NC      EV   12.00 
 488. 11/12/82 STS 5     tracking Seychelles   Lenoir AUTOP      RSC     EV    3.00 
 489. 06/18/83 STS 7     launch   KSC + Women in Space pictorial PrtC    MB    3.00 
 490. 06/18/83 STS 7   SRB recv   CC     UTC Liberty  overcancel RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 491. MULTIPLE STS 8     launch   KSC/Edwards   USPS FLOWN       PrtC    EV   25.00 
 492. 08/30/83 STS 8     launch   KSC                            PrtC    EV    6.00 
 493. 08/30/83 STS 8     launch   Downey pictorial               RSC     EV    4.00 
 494. 02/03/84 STS 10    launch   Houston                        RSC     EV    5.00 
 495. 02/03/84 STS 10    launch   Downey pictorial               RSC     EV    4.00 
 496. 04/06/84 STS 41C   launch   KSC                            RSC     EV    6.00 
 497. 04/13/84 STS 41C   landing  Edwards                        RSC     EV    6.00 
 498. 04/07/84 STS 41C SRB recv   CC     UTC Liberty  auto       RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 499. 04/06/84 STS 41C   tracking CC     USNS Range Sentinel     RSC  A  EV    6.00 
 500. LOT OF 3 STS 41C   tracking JPL,COMSAT GU,COMSAT WV             A  EV    9.00 
 501. 07/27/84 STS 41C   tracking Orlando USNS Vanguard  late date    A  EV    2.00 
 502. 08/30/84 STS 41D   launch   KSC                            RSC     EV    6.00 
 503. 08/30/84 STS 41D   launch   Houston                        RSC     EV    5.00 
 504. 08/30/84 STS 41D SRB recv   KSC    UTC Liberty  auto       RSC     EV    5.00 
 505. 08/30/84 STS 41D   tracking Greenbelt               GSFCSC PrtC    EV    4.00 
      STS 41D tracking sites                                          A  EV    3.00   
 506. GSFC            507. STDN FL        508. VAFB        509. Wallops Isl         
 510. STDN GU         511. JPL            512. STDN HI                              
 513. 10/05/84 STS 41G   tracking Agana  COMSAT GU               RSC     EV    3.00 
 514. 04/29/86 STS 51L   event    KSC                        3-M PrtC    EV    9.00 
               remains flown to Daver AFB    w/STS 5/21/81 FDI cancel              
 515. 04/29/86 STS 51L   event    Holualoa                   3-M PrtC    EV    9.00 
               Onizuka buried                w/STS 5/21/81 FDI cancel              
 516. 01/28/96 STS 51L   anniv    Houston pictorial      STS emb PrtC    EV    6.00 
 517. 12/02/90 STS 35    tracking Greenbelt                      RSC     EV    3.00 
 518. 12/01/91 STS 44    tracking Greenbelt    Henricks AUTOP    RSC     EV    3.00 
 519. 12/02/92 STS 53    tracking Greenbelt                      RSC  A  EV    3.00 
 520. 09/16/96 STS 79    launch   Downey pictorial      miss emb PrtC    EV    5.00 
 521. 09/08/00 STS 106   launch   Downey pictorial      miss emb PrtC    EV    5.00 
 522. 07/12/01 STS 104   launch   KSC                   miss emb PrtC    EV    6.00 
 523. 10/07/02 STS 112   launch   KSC                   miss emb PrtC    EV    6.00 
 524. 11/23/02 STS 113   launch   KSC                   miss emb PrtC    EV    6.00 
 525. 08/20/78 Redstone 1 anniv   CC                             RSC     EV    4.00 
 526. 03/17/78 Vanguard 1 anniv   CC                     Whitney RSC     EV    4.00 
 527. 09/09/59 Atlas              VAFB                      Zaso PrtC    EV   36.00 
 528. 01/11/61 T-GAM 83           Eglin                          RSC  A  EV   15.00 
 529. 01/19/61 Iris               WI                             RSC  A  EV   21.00 
 530. 07/13/61 Nike-Apache        WI 7/14                        RSC  A  EV   15.00 
 531. 07/20/61 Nike-Apache        WI                             RSC  A  EV   15.00 
 532. 07/25/61 Bomarc             Eglin                          RSC  A  EV   15.00 
 533. 09/16/61 Nike-Cajun         WI 9/18                        RSC  A  EV   15.00 
 534. 09/17/61 Nike-Cajun         WI 9/18                        RSC  A  EV   15.00 
 535. 08/27/62 Mariner 2          PC                             PrtC    EV   21.00 
 536. 12/16/62 Explorer 16        WI                             SCC     EV   21.00 
 537. 12/18/62 Transit 5A         VAFB                           SCC     EV   18.00 
 538. 09/18/63 Asset              CC                             SCC     EV   25.00 
 539. 01/25/64 Echo 2             VAFB                           SCC     EV   18.00 
 540. 03/27/64 Ariel 2            WI                             SCC     EV   18.00 
 541. 07/22/64 Asset              CC                             SCC     EV   25.00 
 542. 12/21/66 Prime              VAFB                           RSC     EV   25.00 
 543. 08/10/66 Lunar Orbiter      CC                             SCC     EV   18.00 
 544. 02/05/67 Lunar Orbiter 3    CC                       Orbit PrtC LS EV   18.00 
 545. 05/04/67 Lunar Orbiter 4    CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   18.00 
 546. 05/04/67 Lunar Orbiter 4    CC                             SCC     EV   18.00 
 547. 06/14/67 Mariner 5          CC                             SCC     EV   18.00 
 548. 08/02/67 Lunar Orbiter 5    CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   18.00 
 549. 08/01/67 Lunar Orbiter 5    CC                             SCC     EV   18.00 
 550. 12/05/68 Heos 1             PAFB                           SCC     EV   18.00 
 551. 10/19/67 Mariner 5 fly-by   CC                             SCC     EV   18.00 
 552. 02/25/69 Mariner 6          CC                             SCC     EV   12.00 
 553. 01/29/69 Isis 1             VAFB                           SCC     EV    9.00 
 554. 04/13/69 Secret Satellite   CC         MOL           Orbit PrtC A  EV    9.00 
 555. 06/29/69 Bonny launch       Port Washington         Sarzin PrtC    EV    3.00 
 556. 08/09/69 OSO 6              PAFB                           SCC     EV    9.00 
 557. 11/07/69 Azur               VAFB                           SCC     EV    9.00 
 558. 03/31/71 Isis 2             VAFB                           SVC     EV    5.00 
 559. 04/21/71 San Marco 3        Kenya                          SVC     EV    8.00 
 560. 08/16/71 CAS                WI                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 561. 11/15/71 Explorer 45        Kenya                          SVC     EV    8.00 
 562. 12/11/71 Ariel 4            VAFB                           SVC     EV    5.00 
 563. 01/31/72 Heos 2             VAFB                           SVC     EV    5.00 
 564. 11/21/72 Esro 4             VAFB                           SVC     EV    5.00 
 565. 12/16/72 Aeros              VAFB                           SVC     EV    5.00 
 566. 04/20/73 Anik 2             CC                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 567. 02/18/74 San Marco 4        Kenya                          SVC     EV    8.00 
 568. 03/08/74 Miranda            VAFB                           SVC     EV    5.00 
 569. 06/30/74 Project Aladdin    WI                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 570. 07/16/74 Aeros 2            VAFB                           SVC     EV    5.00 
 571. 08/30/74 ANS                VAFB                           SVC     EV    5.00 
 572. 10/15/74 Ariel 5            Kenya                          SVC     EV    8.00 
 573. 11/22/74 Skynet 2           CC                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 574. 12/10/74 Helios             CC                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 575. 12/18/72 Symphonie          KSC                            SVC     EV    5.00 
 576. 02/20/75 Intelsat failed    CC                  Centennial PrtC    EV    5.00 
 577. 05/07/75 Anik 3             CC                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 578. 08/26/75 Symphonie          CC                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 579. 08/20/75 Viking A           KSC auto dir & 2 scientists NASA RSC A MB   15.00 
 580. 09/09/75 Viking B           KSC auto dir & 2 scientists NASA RSC A MB   15.00 
 581. 12/05/75 DAD                VAFB                           SVC     EV    5.00 
 582. 01/17/76 CTS                CC                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 583. 06/18/76 GP A               CC                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 584. 06/18/76 GP A               WI                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 585. 07/08/76 Palapa A           CC                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 586. 03/10/77 Palapa B           VAFB                           SVC     EV    5.00 
 587. 03/10/77 Palapa B           Greenbelt               GSFCSC PrtC    EV    3.00 
 588. 09/13/77 OTS                CC                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 589. 12/14/77 CS                 CC  w/ 2/23/77 Kiku 2 Japan    SVC     EV   12.00 
 590. 07/14/77 GMS                CC                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 591. 08/10/77 US/USSR joint exp  WI                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 592. 08/12/77 US/USSR joint exp  WI                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 593. 08/15/77 US/USSR joint exp  WI                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 594. 08/16/77 US/USSR joint exp  WI                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 595. 08/17/77 US/USSR joint exp  WI                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 596. 08/18/77 US/USSR joint exp  WI                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 597. 08/19/77 US/USSR joint exp  WI                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 598. 08/22/77 US/USSR joint exp  WI                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 599. 08/23/77 US/USSR joint exp  WI                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 600. 12/14/77 GMS                CC                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 601. 01/26/78 IUE                KSC                            SVC     EV    5.00 
 602. 05/11/78 OTS                KSC                            SVC     EV    5.00 
 603. 06/11/78 US/USSR joint exp  WI                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 604. 06/20/78 US/USSR joint exp  WI                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 605. 06/25/78 US/USSR joint exp  WI                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 606. 08/12/78 ISEE 3             CC                             SVC     EV    5.00 
 607. 10/24/78 Cameo              VAFB                           SVC     EV    5.00 
 608. 09/20/79 HEAO C             Greenbelt               GSFCSC PrtC    EV    3.00 
 609. 10/30/79 Magsat             VAFB                           SVC     EV    5.00 
 610. 02/19/87 MOS 1              Tanegashima                    SVC     EV    6.00 
 611. LOT OF 4 Super-Nova Balloon Alice Springs Australia        SVC     MB    5.00 
 612. 06/17/82 Telescope          WSMR                           SVC     EV    5.00 
 613. 10/15/97 Cassini            KSC pictorial                  PrtC    MB    4.00 
 614. 12/11/98 Mars Climate Orb   Pasadena pictorial             PrtC    MB    5.00 
 615. 01/03/99 Mars Polar Lander  Pasadena pictorial             PrtC    MB    5.00 
 616. 02/10/99 Minuteman          VAFB                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 617. 03/27/99 Sea Launch         Long Beach                     PrtC    MB    4.00 
 618. 05/22/99 NRO Secret Sat     VAFB                           PrtC    MB    4.00 
 619. 06/19/99 Sea Winds/QuikSCAT VAFB                 satellite PrtC    MB    4.00 
 620. 06/19/99 Sea Winds/QuikSCAT VAFB                    launch PrtC    MB    4.00 
 621. 12/03/99 Mars Polar Lander  Pasadena pictorial   fails     PrtC    MB    5.00 
 622. 12/18/99 Terra              VAFB                           PrtC    MB    4.00 
 623. 05/24/00 Eutelsat W4        KSC                            PrtC    MB    4.00 
 624. 09/28/00 Minuteman          VAFB                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 625. 11/21/00 Earth Observing 1  VAFB                           PrtC    MB    4.00 
 626. 12/05/00 NRO Secret Sat     KSC                            PrtC    MB    4.00 
 627. 01/30/01 NAVSTAR 2R-7       KSC                   miss emb PrtC    MB    4.00 
 628. 01/30/01 NAVSTAR 2R-7       KSC                     launch PrtC    MB    4.00 
 629. 02/07/01 Minuteman          VAFB                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 630. 02/27/01 MILSTAR            KSC                   miss emb PrtC    MB    4.00 
 631. 02/27/01 MILSTAR            KSC                     launch PrtC    MB    4.00 
 632. 03/18/01 Sea Launch - Rock  Long Beach                     PrtC    MB    4.00 
 633. 04/07/01 Mars Odyssey       KSC                     launch PrtC    MB    5.00 
 634. 04/07/01 Mars Odyssey       KSC                  satellite PrtC    MB    5.00 
 635. 04/07/01 Mars Odyssey       Pasadena pictorial      launch PrtC    MB    5.00 
 636. 04/07/01 Mars Odyssey       Pasadena pictorial   satellite PrtC    MB    5.00 
 637. 05/17/01 Nike-Orion SPIRIT  WI                             PrtC    MB    3.00 
 638. 07/14/01 Minuteman          VAFB                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 639. 08/06/01 DSP 21             KSC                   miss emb PrtC    MB    4.00 
 640. 08/06/01 DSP 21             KSC                     launch PrtC    MB    4.00 
 641. 08/08/01 Genesis            KSC                   miss emb PrtC    MB    4.00 
 642. 08/08/01 Genesis            KSC                     launch PrtC    MB    4.00 
 643. 09/08/01 NRO Secret Sat     VAFB                           PrtC    MB    4.00 
 644. 09/21/01 OrbView 4 fails    VAFB                           PrtC    MB    4.00 
 645. 09/29/01 Starshine 3        Kodiak AK                      PrtC    MB    5.00 
 646. 10/05/01 NRO Secret Sat     VAFB                           PrtC    MB    4.00 
 647. 10/10/01 NRO Secret Sat     KSC                            PrtC    MB    4.00 
 648. 10/18/01 Quickbird          VAFB                 satellite PrtC    MB    4.00 
 649. 10/18/01 Quickbird          VAFB                    launch PrtC    MB    4.00 
 650. 01/06/03 Coriolis           VAFB                  miss emb ca      MB    4.00 
 651. 01/12/03 Icesat/Chipsat     VAFB                satellites ca      MB    4.00 
 652. 03/12/03 Peacekeeper        VAFB                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 653. 04/08/03 Milstar            CC                             PrtC    MB    4.00 
 654. 04/11/03 AsiaSat            CC                             PrtC    MB    4.00 
 655. 04/28/03 Galex              CC                   satellite PrtC    MB    4.00 
 656. 04/28/03 Galex              CC                      launch PrtC    MB    4.00 
 657. 05/13/03 HellasSat          KSC                  satellite PrtC    MB    4.00 
 658. 05/13/03 HellasSat          KSC                     launch PrtC    MB    4.00 
 659. 05/24/03 Cosmic Ray Balloon Ft Sumner  auto principal inv  PrtC    MB    6.00 
 660. 05/30/03 Black Brant IX     WI                             PrtC    MB    3.00 
 661. 06/02/03 Black Brant IX     WI                             PrtC    MB    3.00 
 662. 06/06/03 Orion - Sub-SEM    WI                             PrtC    MB    3.00 
 663. 06/10/03 Thuraya 2          Long Beach            miss emb PrtC    MB    4.00 
 664. 06/10/03 Thuraya 2          Long Beach              launch PrtC    MB    4.00 
 665. 06/10/03 Terrier-Malemute   WI                             PrtC    MB    3.00 
 666. 06/11/03 Minuteman          VAFB                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 667. 06/15/03 Astronomy Balloon  Palestine                      PrtC    MB    3.00 
 668. 06/26/03 OrbView 3          VAFB                           PrtC    MB    4.00 
 669. 06/30/03 4 Rockets - Cloud  WI                             PrtC    MB    3.00 
 670. 06/30/03 4 Rockets - Cloud  WI auto principal inv + 1 othr PrtC    MB    6.00 
 671. 07/13/03 JPL Balloon        Palestine                      PrtC    MB    3.00 
 672. 07/17/03 Rainbow 1          KSC                   "poster" PrtC    MB    4.00 
 673. 07/17/03 Rainbow 1          KSC                  satellite PrtC    MB    4.00 
 674. 07/17/03 Rainbow 1          KSC                     launch PrtC    MB    4.00 
 675. 07/17/03 Rainbow 1          KSC   booster recovery attempt PrtC    MB    4.00 
TEST FLIGHTS - EDWARDS, ETC.                                                        
 676. LOT OF 3 B-1                Edwards 1st flights ship 1,2,3 RSC     EV   15.00 
 677. 08/03/73 F-15 escape test   HAFB                   Szostek PrtC    EV    5.00 
 678. 07/10/74 F-15 RPRV          Edwards                        SVC     EV    5.00 
 679. LOT OF 17 F-111 1973-1977   Edwards                        RSC     MB    3.00 
 680. 06/12/74 F-111              Edwards                        RSC     EV    3.00 
 681. 05/09/69 HL-10              Edwards                        RSC     EV    9.00 
 682. 09/17/59 X-15 1st powered   Edwards    thin                PrtC    MB   40.00 
 683. 04/11/63 X-15               Edwards                        PrtC    EV   15.00 
 684. 10/04/73 X-24B abort        Edwards                        SVC     MB    5.00 
 685. 03/19/74 X-24B abort        Edwards                        RSC     MB    5.00 
 686. 01/31/75 X-24B abort        Edwards                        RSC     MB    5.00 
 687. 03/18/75 X-24B abort        Edwards                        RSC     MB    5.00 
 688. 04/08/75 X-24B abort        Edwards                        RSC     MB    5.00 
 689. 06/19/75 X-24B abort        Edwards                        RSC     MB    5.00 
 690. 06/24/75 X-24B abort        Edwards                        RSC     MB    5.00 
 691. 06/24/75 X-24B abort        Edwards                        SVC     MB    5.00 
 692. 08/19/75 X-24B abort        Edwards                        RSC     MB    5.00 
 693. 08/20/75 X-24B              Edwards    FLOWN on mothership RSC     MB    5.00 
 694. 10/31/75 X-24B abort        Edwards                        RSC     MB    5.00 
 695. 11/19/75 X-24B              Edwards    FLOWN on mothership RSC     MB    5.00 
      X-24B flights                   N = NASA Exch R =  RSC S = SVC     EV    9.00   
 696. 07/19/73  R      697. 07/19/73  S     698. 08/17/73 S  699. 08/31/73  S       
 700. 10/04/73  S      701. 10/30/73  R     702. 12/12/73 S  703. 02/15/74  S       
 704. 03/05/74  S      705. 04/25/74  S     706. 04/30/74 S  707. 05/24/74  S       
 708. 06/14/74  S      709. 06/28/74  S     710. 08/08/74 S  711. 08/29/74  S       
 712. 10/25/74  S      713. 11/15/74  S     714. 12/17/74 S  715. 01/14/75  S       
 716. 01/31/75  S      717. 03/20/75  S     718. 04/18/74 S  719. 05/06/75  S       
 720. 05/22/75  S      721. 06/06/75  S     722. 06/25/75 N  723. 06/25/75  S       
 724. 07/15/75  S      725. 08/05/75  S     726. 08/05/75 R  727. 08/20/75  S       
 728. 09/09/75  S      729. 09/23/75  R     730. 09/23/75 S  731. 10/09/75  S       
 732. 10/21/75  S      733. 11/03/75  S     734. 11/12/75 R  735. 11/19/75  S       
 736. 11/26/75  S      737. 11/26/75  N     738. 11/26/75 R                         
 739. 03/01/76 Mike Love killed   Edwards                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 740. 03/12/98 X-38 1st free flt  Edwards                        PrtC    MB    5.00 
 741. 07/26/74 YF-12              Edwards                        SVC     EV    3.00 
 742. 07/03/75 YF-12              Edwards                   NASA Exch    EV    3.00 
 743. 06/26/74 YF-16 1st missile  Edwards                        SVC     EV    5.00 
 744. 05/08/76 YF-16 RPRV         Edwards                        RSC     EV    3.00 
 745. 06/09/74 YF-17 1st flight   Edwards                        RSC     EV    7.00 
FIRST DAY COVERS   Also see Russian                                                 
 746. LOT OF 4 Space postal stationary - Landsat, Communications,etc.    MB    4.00 
 747. 05/31/58 IGY                Chicago    toned            SU PrtC A  EV    5.00 
 748. 02/20/62 Project Mercury    CC                     Mayport PrtC    EV    9.00 
 749. 02/20/62 Project Mercury    USAF Academy              AASA PrtC    EV    7.00 
 750. 04/22/64 World's Fair       World's Fair         Art Craft PrtC    EV    6.00 
 751. 10/05/64 Goddard            Roswell              Art Craft PrtC    EV    7.00 
 752. 09/29/67 Space Achievements KSC                  Art Craft PrtC    EV    9.00 
 753. 05/05/69 Apollo 8           Houston              Art Craft PrtC    EV    6.00 
 754. 09/09/69 Apollo 11          Washington           Art Craft PrtC    EV    7.00 
 755. 09/09/69 Apollo 11          Washington HC        Art Craft PrtC    EV   12.00 
      with Ft Bliss (Bulls Eye cancel) and Project Mercury stamps                  
 756. 09/09/69 Apollo 11          Washington           Fleetwood PrtC    EV    7.00 
 757. 09/09/69 Apollo 11          Washington               MSCSC PrtC    EV    7.00 
 758. 09/09/69 Apollo 11          Washington                crew PostC   EV    7.00 
 759. 07/01/71 USPS               Houston             NASA local PrtC    EV    5.00 
 760. 08/02/71 Space Achievements all 3 cities              USPS folders EV   18.00 
 761. 08/02/71 Space Achievements Houston              Art Craft PrtC A  EV    6.00 
 762. 08/02/71 Space Achievements Huntsville               Ellis PrtC    EV    7.00 
 763. 05/14/74 Skylab             Houston                        SVC     EV    5.00 
 764. 05/14/74 Skylab             Houston              Art Craft PrtC A  EV    5.00 
 765. 05/14/74 Skylab             Houston HC          Houston PS PrtC    EV    6.00 
 766. 05/14/74 Skylab             Houston               Skylab 1 SCCS    EV    5.00 
 767. 05/14/74 Skylab             Houston               Skylab 2 SCCS    EV    5.00 
 768. 05/14/74 Skylab             Houston               Skylab 3 SCCS    EV    5.00 
 769. 05/14/74 Skylab             Houston               Skylab 4 SCCS    EV    5.00 
 770. SET OF 4 Skylab             Houston   as above             SCCS    EV   20.00 
 771. 02/28/75 Pioneer            Mountain View                  SVC     EV    5.00 
 772. 02/28/75 Pioneer            Mountain View        Art Craft PrtC A  EV    5.00 
 773. 02/28/75 Pioneer            Mountain View             Ames RSC     EV    9.00 
 774. 04/04/75 Mariner            Pasadena                       SVC     EV    5.00 
 775. 04/04/75 Mariner            Pasadena             Art Craft PrtC    EV    5.00 
 776. 07/15/75 ASTP               KSC                  Art Craft PrtC    EV    5.00 
 777. 07/15/75 ASTP               KSC                            SCC     EV    6.00 
 778. 07/15/75 ASTP               KSC                            SVC     EV    5.00 
 779. 07/15/75 ASTP               KSC                       Zaso silk    EV    5.00 
 780. 07/15/75 ASTP               CC UO                          SVC     EV    7.00 
 781. 07/15/75 ASTP               Greenbelt UO    2 covers       SVC     EV   12.00 
 782. 09/03/75 USPS blk of 4      Philadelphia    (Westar)       PrtC    EV    5.00 
 783. 07/20/78 Viking             Hampton              Art Craft PrtC    EV    5.00 
 784. 07/20/78 Viking             Hampton                        SVC     EV    5.00 
 785. 03/04/79 Einstein           Princeton            Art Craft PrtC    EV    5.00 
 786. 05/21/81 Space Achievements KSC   all 8 stamps Tudor House PrtC    EV    8.00 
 787. 05/21/81 Space Achievements KSC   4 shuttle    Tudor House PrtC    EV    5.00 
 788. 05/21/81 Comprehending Univ KSC            Space Telescope booklet EV    6.00 
 789. 05/21/81 Exploring the Moon KSC   w/Apollo 11 stamp   Moon Litho   EV    6.00 
 790. 05/21/81 Shuttle stamp      KSC           Rockwell Shuttle booklet EV    6.00 
 791. 05/21/81 All 4 STS stamps   KSC      NASA GSFC STS-1 press kit     EV   10.00 
 792. 05/21/81 Shuttle stamp      KSC      Thiokol publication - SRB testEV    6.00 
 793. 05/21/81 Skylab             KSC         NASA Facts LBJSC - Skylab  EV    6.00 
 794. 11/24/89 Space Mail Deliver Washington   s/s     Artmaster PrtC    EV    8.00 
 795. 10/01/91 Space Exploration  Pasadena  Moon/Neptune     PCS PrtC A  EV    5.00 
 796. 10/01/91 Space Exploration  Pasadena  Mars/Pluto       PCS PrtC A  EV    5.00 
 797. 02/07/59?Luna;Observatory.. Hungary                        PrtC A  EV    6.00 
 798. 05/10/62 Glenn              "Madrid" Romania exiles        PrtC A  EV    6.00 
 799. 06/06/83 Trade & Developmnt UN               auto    WFUNA PrtC    EV    8.00 
 800. 07/24/69 Apollo 11          Western Samoa                  PrtC    EV    8.00 
 801. LOT OF 7 1962 and earlier   various                        NC      MB    5.00 
 802. 04/24/62 Cosmos 3           Moscow                         PrtC A  EV    8.00 
 803. 08/06/62 Vostok 2 anniv     ????                           NC      EV    5.00 
 804. 08/06/62 Vostok 2 anniv     Kiev                           NC   A  EV    5.00 
 805. 10/04/62 Sputnik anniv      Kiev                           PrtC    EV    6.00 
 806. 10/04/62 Sputnik anniv FDC  Moscow FD cancel               PrtC    EV    6.00 
 807. 10/04/62 Sputnik anniv FDC  Moscow Sputnik cancel          PrtC    EV    6.00 
 808. 10/30/62 Vostok  2-4   FDC  Moscow                         PrtC    EV    5.00 
 809. 11/27/62 Cosmonauts    FDC  Moscow                         PrtC    EV    5.00 
 810. 03/26/63 Rocket        FDC  Moscow                         PrtC    EV    5.00 
 811. 04/02/63 Luna satelliteFDC  Moscow                         PrtC    EV    5.00 
 812. LOT OF 3 Vostok 5 & 6       various                        PrtC    MB    3.00 
 813. 12/28/63 Vostok,satellites..Moscow         3 covers        PrtC    EV    6.00 
 814. 07/15/75 ASTP launch        Star City?                     RSC     EV    7.00 
 815. 07/21/75 ASTP return        Moscow                 US ASTP FDC     EV   18.00 
 816. 03/10/78 Soyuz 28           Intercosmos                    PrtC    EV    5.00 
 817. 07/05/78 Soyuz              Intercosmos                    PrtC    EV    5.00 
 818. 09/03/78 Soyuz              Intercosmos                    PrtC    EV    5.00 
 819. 04/12/80 Cosmonauts Day     Baikonur                       PrtC    EV    5.00 
PICTORIAL CANCELS/SLOGAN CANCELS/SPACE CACHETS                                      
 820. SET OF 20 cities use of Shuttle slogan cancel      7/77    NC/RSC  MB   15.00 
 821. 04/14/72 Rocket             Anaheim                        ca   A  EV    6.00 
 822. 10/06/72 Spacepex           Houston                        ca      EV    6.00 
 823. 10/27/72 Shuttle            Chicago                        PrtC    EV    6.00 
 824. 02/15/73 Apollo             Washington                     NC      EV    6.00 
 825. 02/18/73 to the Moon        Portland                       PrtC    EV    6.00 
 826. 02/24/73 Apollo 17          Detroit                        PrtC    EV    6.00 
 827. 03/03/73 Copernicus         Milwaukee                      PrtC    EV    6.00 
 828. 03/17/73 Skylab             Park Forest                    PrtC    EV    6.00 
 829. 09/21/73 Apollo Capsule     San Jose                       PrtC    EV    6.00 
 830. 09/22/73 Skylab             Webster                        PrtC    EV    6.00 
 831. 10/21/73 Skylab             New London                     PrtC    EV    6.00 
 832. 10/27/73 Ron Evans          Topeka                         PrtC    EV    6.00 
 833. 11/02/73 Nimbus             Clearwater                     PrtC    EV    6.00 
 834. 01/19/74 Kohoutek           Scottsdale                     PrtC    EV    6.00 
 835. 03/17/74 Skylab             Detroit                        PrtC    EV    6.00 
 836. 03/30/74 Rocket             Park Forest                    PrtC    EV    6.00 
 837. 04/20/74 Czechs in Space    Chicago                        PrtC    EV    6.00 
 838. 05/03/74 Skylab             Van Nuys                       PrtC    EV    6.00 
 839. 09/20/74 Copernicus satel.  Chicago                        PrtC    EV    6.00 
 840. 09/20/74 Astronaut EVA      San Jose              Colorano silk    EV    6.00 
 841. 09/29/74 ASTP               Houston                        NC      EV    6.00 
 842. 10/20/74 Gemini EVA         New London                     PrtC A  EV    6.00 
 843. 11/09/74 Astronauts         Sunnyvale                      PrtC    EV    6.00 
 844. 03/01/75 Pioneer 11         Detroit                        PrtC    EV    6.00 
 845. 03/07/75 Astronaut          San Mateo  on Pioneer FDC      silk    EV    7.00 
 846. 04/19/75 ASTP               Park Forest                    PrtC    EV    6.00 
 847. 04/26/75 ASTP               Manchester                     PrtC    EV    6.00 
 848. 07/05/77 STS slogan         Huntsville    first day        NC      EV    6.00 
 849. 07/01/77 STS slogan         Denver        first day   auto NC      EV    6.00 
 850. 07/01/77 STS slogan         KSC           first day        RSC     EV    6.00 
 851. 07/01/77 STS slogan         Houston       first day        NC      EV    6.00 
 852. MULTIPLE Zeppelin/Viking    Lakehurst/Chicago pict 9/77    SVC     EV    6.00 
 853. 09/11/77 Shuttle/747        Uniondale                      RSC  A  EV    6.00 
 854. 07/20/79 Apollo 11          Wapakoneta                     RSC     EV    8.00 
 855. 03/29/80 Pioneer/Voyager    Park Forest                    PrtC    EV    6.00 
 856. 09/28/80 Shuttle            Redondo Beach                  RSC     EV    6.00 
 857. 02/15/81 Space Achievements Clinton                        PrtC    EV    6.00 
 858. 03/07/81 Shuttle            New York                       sticker EV    6.00 
 859. 03/13/81 Shuttle            Denver                         PrtC    EV    6.00 
 860. 03/22/81 Shuttle            Dearborn Heights               PrtC A  EV    6.00 
 861. 07/10/82 Shuttle            Gadspex                        RSC     EV    6.00 
 862. 08/03/82 USS Intrepid       New York                       RSC     EV    6.00 
 863. 09/25/82 Mercury reentry    Redondo Beach                  PrtC    EV    6.00 
 864. 10/09/82 Shuttle            Dearborn Heights               PrtC    EV    6.00 
 865. 05/28/86 Shuttle            Chicago                        RSC     EV    6.00 
 866. 05/02/87 Friendship 7       Huntsville                     NC      EV    6.00 
 867. 07/20/90 ASTP               Titusville                     NC      EV    6.00 
 868. 01/19/92 Planet             Raleigh                        NC      EV    6.00 
 869. 07/09/92 Soviets in Space   St Louis                       PrtC    EV    6.00 
 870. 07/14/96 Star Trek          Hunt Valley                    NC      EV    6.00 
 871. 10/06/96 Shuttle            Anniston                       PrtC    EV    5.00 
 872. 01/11/97 Planetarium        Hastings                       RSC     EV    5.00 
 873. 01/12/97 Planets            Urbana                         NC      EV    5.00 
 874. 03/21/97 Star Trek          Hunt Valley                    NC      EV    5.00 
 875. 04/20/97 Apollo 16          Houston                        NC      EV    5.00 
 876. 07/04/97 Mars Pathfinder    Pasadena                       NC      EV    6.00 
 877. 10/08/97 Telescope          Texas                          RSC     EV    5.00 
 878. 10/15/97 Cassini            KSC                            RSC     EV    6.00 
 879. 10/18/97 Rocket             Lincroft                       RSC     EV    5.00 
 880. 10/20/97 Linnenger          Eastpointe                     PrtC OS MB    4.00 
 881. 01/31/98 Explorer 1         CC                             PrtC    EV    5.00 
 882. 05/25/98 Skylab             Houston                        NC      EV    5.00 
 883. 08/28/98 Shuttle            Houston                        NC      EV    5.00 
 884. 08/30/98 Palomar Obs        Palomar Mtn                    NC      EV    5.00 
 885. 10/06/98 Space Colony       Rock Hill                      RSC     EV    5.00 
 886. 10/13/98 Rocket to Mars     Mcibtosh station               RSC     EV    5.00 
 887. 10/25/98 Shuttle            Waterford                      RSC     EV    5.00 
 888. 11/15/98 Space ship         Virginia Beach                 RSC     EV    5.00 
 889. 12/04/98 ISS                Houston                        RSC     EV    5.00 
 890. 12/05/98 Rocket             Burlington                     RSC     EV    5.00 
 891. 01/03/99 Mars Polar Lander  Pasadena                       PrtC    EV    7.00 
 892. 02/21/99 Project Mercury    Clinton                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 893. 03/20/99 Apollo 11          Rochester                      NC      EV    7.00 
 894. 04/10/99 Apollo 11          Wilmington                     NC      EV    7.00 
 895. 12/03/99 Mars Polar Lander  Pasadena                       PrtC    EV    7.00 
 896. 04/19/00 Hubble telescope   Wynnewood                      RSC     EV    5.00 
 897. 04/24/00 Hubble telescope   Houston                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 898. 05/05/00 Shuttle            Houston                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 899. 05/06/00 Telescope          Duluth                         NC      EV    5.00 
 900. 08/19/00 Shuttle            Bellevue                       PrtC    EV    5.00 
 901. 08/25/00 Telescope          Green Bank                     NC      EV    5.00 
 902. 08/26/00 Hubble telescope   Houston                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 903. 08/27/00 Duck Astronaut     Deming                         PrtC    EV    5.00 
 904. 01/28/01 Lunar New Year     Baltimore                      PrtC    EV    3.00 
 905. 02/02/01 Hubble telescope   Sarasota                       PrtC    EV    5.00 
 906. 02/28/01 Stars              San Antonio                    PrtC    EV    3.00 
 907. 03/10/01 ASTP               Dearborn Heights               PrtC    EV    5.00 
 908. 03/31/01 Rocket             Park Forest                    PrtC    EV    5.00 
 909. 04/07/01 Mars Odyssey       Pasadena                       PrtC    EV    7.00 
 910. 09/30/01 Sun                Marietta                       PrtC    EV    3.00 
 911. 10/06/01 Hubble telescope   Anniston                       PrtC    EV    5.00 
 912. 05/31/03 Explorer 1         Huntsville                     PrtC    EV    5.00 
 913. 06/13/03 Superman           Metropolis                     PrtC    EV    3.00 
 914. 06/14/03 Shuttle            Fairmont                       PrtC    EV    5.00 
 915. 07/11/03 Star Trek          Hunt Valley                    PrtC    EV    5.00 
 916. 12/03/73 Pioneer 10         Austria                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 917. 07/04/76 Viking             Austria                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 918. 10/01/78 Shuttle            Austria                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 919. 07/21/79 Apollo 11          Austria                        PrtC    EV    7.00 
 920. 09/01/80 Pioneer 10         Austria                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 921. 03/12/77 Shuttle            Belgium                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 922. 09/26/81 Apollo 15          Belgium                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 923. 09/12/75 ASTP               Canada  (.00 meter)            NC      EV    4.00 
 924. 07/21/79 Apollo 11          England                        PrtC A  EV    7.00 
 925. LOT OF 7 Space cancels      France    1972-1976            PrtC    MB    4.00 
 926. LOT OF 13 Space cancels     France    Le Bourget 1963-1985 PrtC    MB    6.00 
 927. 07/05/71 Satellite          France                         PrtC    EV    5.00 
 928. 05/12/77 Cosmos 77          France                         PrtC    EV    5.00 
 929. 04/19/80 Shuttle            France                         PrtC    EV    5.00 
 930. 10/04/80 Ariane             France                         PrtC    EV    5.00 
 931. 12/04/80 Ariane             France                         PrtC    EV    5.00 
 932. 05/29/74 Helios             Germany                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 933. 11/30/74 Pioneer 10         Germany                        RSC     EV    5.00 
 934. 05/15/75 Spacelab           Germany (meter)                PrtC    EV    5.00 
 935. 08/16/76 Spacelab           Germany                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 936. 08/21/76 Spacelab           Germany                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 937. LOT OF 2 Viking             Germany (meter)                RSC     EV    7.00 
 938. 09/10/76 Viking             Germany                        RSC     EV    5.00 
 939. 09/11/76 Spacelab           Germany                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 940. 09/14/76 Earth Station      Germany                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 941. 03/21/77 Spacelab           Germany                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 942. 05/07/77 Spacelab           Germany                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 943. 10/02/78 Spacelab           Germany                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 944. 10/10/78 Astrophilately     Germany (meter)                PrtC    EV    5.00   
 945. 07/21/80 Astrophilately     Germany (meter)                PrtC    EV    5.00   
 946. 04/12/81 Gagarin            Germany                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 947. 06/14/81 Shuttle            Germany                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 948. 04/01/76 Viking             Switzerland                    PrtC    EV    5.00 
 949. 04/01/76 Viking             Switzerland UN                 PrtC    EV    5.00 
 950. 01/23/79 Helios/Meteosat    Switzerland                    PrtC    EV    5.00 
 951. 04/29/80 Shuttle            Yugoslavia                     PrtC    EV    5.00 
 952. LOT OF 6 Weraba 1976        various                        PrtC    EV   18.00 
 953. LOT OF 6 Luraba 1981        various                        PrtC    EV   18.00 
AUTOGRAPHS   INS = inscribed                                                        
 954. 04/12/03 Space cancel Ridgewood Aldridge                   NC      EV   10.00 
 955.   NONE                          Jim Voss                   NC      MB    4.00 
 956. 02/20/62 Proj Merc FDC  CC      Glenn              Mayport PrtC    MB   15.00 
 957. 02/23/62 Return to Port USS Noa Glenn              Mayport PrtC    MB   25.00 
 958. 05/15/63 Cooper         CC      Cooper                     PrtC    MB   15.00 
 959. 04/17/70 Apollo 13 recv USS I.J.Swigert (in person)   Navy RSC  A  MB   75.00 
 960. 07/15/75 ASTP           KSC  US crew (Stafford AUTOP) NASA RSC     MB   30.00 
 961. 07/15/75 ASTP           CC      Slayton RSC + Proj Mercury FDC     MB   40.00 
 962. 07/17/75 ASTP docking   KSC  US crew (Stafford AUTOP)      RSC     MB   30.00 
 963. 09/17/76 STS rollout    Palmdle.Fullerton,Engle,Haise,Truly  PrtC  MB   20.00 
 964. 01/31/77 STS overland   Palmdle.Fullerton,Engle            SVC     MB   20.00 
 965. 05/10/77 Spacelab test  Houston Overmyer                   Word    MB   20.00 
 966. MULTIPLE STS/747 ALT    Edwards Slayton + 2 ALT dir     ME PrtC    EV   40.00 
 967. 06/28/77 STS/747 ALT    Edwards Slayton,2 ALT,747 crew  ME PrtC    EV   55.00 
 968. 08/11/77 STS     STA    Edwards Haise,Fullerton        3-M PrtC    EV   25.00 
 969. 08/12/77 STS     ALT    Edwards Haise,Fullerton            PrtC    EV   25.00 
 970. 08/12/77 STS     ALT    Edwards Haise,Fullerton,Engle,Truly PrtC   MB   20.00 
      with 3/1/77 First Day KSC STS slogan cancel                                  
 971. 08/12/77 STS     ALT    Edwards Slayton                3-M PrtC    EV   35.00 
      with 12/17/78 Wright Bros pictorial cancel                                   
 972. 10/26/77 STS     ALT    Edwards Fullerton, Haise AUTOP 3-M PrtC    EV   15.00 
 973. 08/30/84 STS 41D        Houston Hartsfield,Coats,Hawley,Walker RSC MB   25.00 
 974. 08/30/84 STS 41D        KSC     Resnik,Mullane             RSC     MB  150.00 
 975. 08/30/84 STS 41D        KSC     Resnik,Coats               RSC     MB  150.00 
 976. 11/08/84 STS 51A        KSC     Gardner,Hauk               RSC     MB   15.00 
 977. 11/08/84 STS 51A        KSC     Hauk,Walker,Allen          RSC     MB   20.00 
 978. 06/17/85 STS 51G        KSC     Creighton,Brandenstein,Fabian  RSC MB   15.00 
 979. 07/29/85 STS 51F        KSC Acton,Bridges,Henize,Fullerton,England MB   30.00 
 980. 10/03/85 STS 51J        KSC     Grabe,Hilmers              RSC  A  MB   10.00 
 981. 10/03/85 STS 51J        KSC     Hilmers,Grabe,Pailes       RSC     MB   20.00 
 982. 10/30/85 STS 61A        KSC     Messerschmid               NC   A  MB   10.00 
 983. 10/30/85 STS 61A        Pasadena Ockels              JPLSC RSC  A  MB   10.00 
 984. 01/09/90 STS 32         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   40.00 
 985. 08/07/97 STS 85         KSC     Brown, Rominger   miss emb PrtC    MB   10.00 
 986. 04/17/98 STS 90         KSC     crew signed incl Hire   ME PrtC    MB   80.00 
 987. 12/04/98 STS 88         KSC     crew signed        STS emb PrtC    MB   65.00 
 988. 05/27/99 STS 96         KSC     crew signed incl Husband   PrtC    MB  100.00 
 989. 12/19/99 STS 103        KSC     crew signed       miss emb PrtC    MB   65.00 
 990. 09/08/00 STS 106        KSC     crew signed                NC      MB   65.00 
 991. 09/08/00 STS 106        KSC     crew signed ex. Malenchenko        MB   45.00 
 992. 09/08/00 STS 106        KSC     NASA crew signed                   MB   40.00 
 993.   NONE   STS 106        KSC     crew signed ex. Morukov            MB   35.00 
               Mastracchio signature pasted on cut out                             
 994. 09/08/00 STS 106        KSC     Morukov                            MB   10.00 
 995. 09/08/00 STS 106        KSC     Malenchenko                        MB   10.00 
 996. 10/11/00 STS 92         KSC     crew signed       miss emb PrtC    MB   65.00 
 997. 10/11/00 STS 92         KSC     crew signed                NC      MB   60.00 
 998. 02/07/01 STS 98         KSC     crew signed       miss emb PrtC    MB   65.00 
 999. 03/08/01 STS 102        KSC     Usachov           miss emb PrtC    MB   10.00 
1000. 04/19/01 STS 100        KSC     crew signed       miss emb PrtC    MB   65.00 
1001. 08/22/01 STS 105 lands  KSC     Voss, Helms                NC      MB   10.00 
1002. 04/08/02 STS 110        KSC     crew signed       miss emb PrtC    MB   65.00 
1003. 10/07/02 STS 112        KSC     crew signed ex Yurchikhin  PrtC    MB   50.00 
1004. 12/14/68 Soyuz 3 FDC    Moscow  Beregevoy                  PrtC    MB   10.00 
1005. 10/22/69 Soyuz 6 FDC    Moscow  crew signed                PrtC    MB   15.00 
1006. 10/22/69 Soyuz 8 FDC    Moscow  crew signed                PrtC    MB   15.00 
1007. 07/07/70 Soyuz 9 FDC    Moscow  crew signed                PrtC    MB   15.00 
1008. 07/17/75 ASTP           KSC     Soyuz crew signed          RSC     MB   15.00 
      TEST PILOTS                                                                   
1009. 03/08/03 Flt cancel Springfield Tucker (X-4, YB-49 ....)   NC      EV   10.00 
1010. 02/15/77 STS/747 taxi   Edwards 747 crew/SCATT dir     3-M PrtC    EV   25.00 
1011. 06/18/77 STS/747 ALT    Edwards 747 crew                   PrtC    EV   20.00 
1012. 07/26/77 STS/747 ALT    Edwards 747 crew          miss emb PrtC    EV   20.00 
1013. 08/12/77 STS     ALT    Edwards Yeager                     RSC     EV   35.00 
      with 12/17/76 Wright Bros pictorial cancel                                   
1014. 10/24/72 X-24B          Edwards Yeager                     RSC     MB   15.00 
1015. 10/05/72 M-2            Edwards Dana                       RSC     MB   10.00 
1016. 12/20/72 M-2            Edwards Manke                 NASA RSC  A  MB   20.00 
1017. 05/25/71 X-24A          Edwards Manke                      SVC     MB   10.00 
1018. 08/01/73 X-24B          Edwards Manke                 NASA RSC  A  MB   10.00 
1019. 10/03/73 X-24B          Edwards Love                       SVC     MB   25.00 
1020. 04/30/74 X-24B          Edwards Love                  NASA RSC  A  MB   25.00 
1021. 06/14/74 X-24B          Edwards Love                  NASA RSC  A  MB   25.00 
1022. 08/29/74 X-24B          Edwards Manke                 NASA RSC  A  MB   10.00 
1023. 04/18/75 X-24B          Edwards Manke                 NASA Exch A  MB   10.00 
1024. 09/09/75 X-24B          Edwards McMurtry              NASA Exch A  MB   10.00 
1025. 10/09/75 X-24B          Edwards Enevoldson            NASA Exch A  MB   10.00 
1026. 10/21/75 X-24B          Edwards Scobee                NASA Exch A  MB   75.00 
1027. 10/31/75 X-24B abort    Edwards McMurtry                   RSC     EV   25.00 
1028. 11/03/75 X-24B          Edwards McMurtry              NASA Exch A  MB   10.00 
1029. LOT OF 7 First day of use of STS cancel 7/_/77 signed by   RSC     MB   25.00 
      individuals from the STS or NASA facility of the slogan cancel               
      all but one cover has been dual cancelled in the same city for               
      a significant STS or NASA event                                              
1030. 10/05/64 Goddard FDC    Roswell Mrs. Goddard               PrtC    MB   15.00 
1031. 09/25/61 JFK UN         UN      Ted Kennedy                PrtC    EV   35.00 
1032. 11/26/63 JFK tribute    UN      Ted Kennedy auto + AUTOP   PrtC    EV   35.00 
1033. 01/15/74 Kohoutek       Greenbt Kohoutek            GSFCSC RSC  A  MB   25.00 
      PHOTOS/OTHER ITEMS                                                            
1034. Picture of Allen contest form   Joe Allen                          MB    5.00 
1035. School program                  Bluford           INS              MB   10.00 
1036. Individual                      Bluford           INS              MB   15.00 
1037. Individual                      Brand                              MB   10.00 
1038. STS 37  crew photo              Cameron                            MB    5.00 
1039. Individual photo/bio from book  Carpenter                          MB   25.00 
1040. University Program              Carpenter                          MB   20.00 
1041. Individual                      Chilton           INS              MB    8.00 
1042. Individual                      Coats             INS              MB    8.00 
1043. Individual                      Garneau           INS              MB   10.00 
1044. Individual photo in program     Hartfield                          MB    5.00 
1045. Individual                      Kozelak           INS              MB    5.00 
1046. Individual                      Linteris          INS              MB   10.00 
1047. Poem                            Lousma            folds            MB    8.00 
1048. STS 46  crew photo              Malerba                            MB    5.00 
1049. Individual                      Melnick           INS              MB    5.00 
1050. Individual                      Merbold                            MB    8.00 
1051. Individual                      Nagel                              MB    5.00 
1052. Individual on bio -- photocopy  Prahl             INS              MB    5.00 
1053. STS 40  crew photo              Seddon            INS              MB   10.00 
1054. Individual                      Springer          INS              MB    8.00 
1055. Wold Space Week program         Harris,Chang,Clervoy,Prunari,SharmaMB   40.00 
1056. STS/747 litho w/ALT cancel      Haise,Fullerton,Overmyer (Chase 1) EV   40.00 
1057. STS ALT litho w/ALT cancel      Engle,Truly                        EV   25.00 
1058. STS ALT litho w/ALT cancel      Haise,Fullerton AUTOPs             EV    5.00 
1059. STS ALT litho w/Wright Bro FDI  Haise,Fullerton                    EV   30.00 
1060. STS ALT Rockwell picture        Haise,Fullerton,Engle,Truly        EV   65.00 
      w/2 ALT cancels    also has auto of Rockwell Division Chief                   
1061. STS 27  crew photo              crew signed       INS              MB   40.00 
1062. STS 32  crew photo              crew signed                        MB   40.00 
1063. STS 34  crew photo              crew signed       INS              MB   40.00 
1064. STS 44  crew photo              crew signed       INS              MB   40.00 
1065. STS 103 crew photo              crew signed                        MB   65.00 
1066. STS 111 crew photo              crew signed                        MB   65.00 
1067. ISS crew photo Korzun,Whitson,Treschov   crew signed               MB   35.00 
1068. X-plane photo                   Bikle    (FRC director)            EV   12.00 
1069. LB photo                        Eggers   (Ames RC vehicle chief)   EV    9.00 
1070. STS External tank - 2 lithos    Kafka    (external tank manager)   MB   12.00 
      rollout w/shuttle FDI and STS launch cancelled 9/9/77 rollout date           
      both signed plus signed letters                                              
1071. STS w/space telescope litho     Keathley (space telescope proj mgr)EV   12.00 
      cancelled 5/21/81 FDI with STS and space telescope stamp                      
1072. STS Engine   photo              Sanchini (VP and SSME prog mgr)    EV   12.00 
SUBMARINES   C = Commission D = Decommission F = Polaris firing       ca EV    6.00   
             L = Launch     P = Patrol                                             
1073. Washington P   1074. Lee  transit  1075. Lee 7/4/65   1076. Lee 5th anniv C   
1077. Edison     F   1078. Lafayette  C  1079. Lafayette F  1080. Hamilton      L   
1081. Hamilton   C   1082. Jefferson  C  1083. Jackson trial1084. Jackson  transit  
1085. Jackson    F   1086. Jackson    F  1087. Jackson   P  1088. Adams    blue F   
1089. Adams gold F   1090. Adams Navy Day1091. Monroe bl F  1092. Monroe   gold F   
1093. Hale       L   1094. Hale  blue F  1095. Wilson trial 1096. Wilson   blue F   
1097. Wilson  gold F 1098. Wilson     P  1099. Webster   L  1100. Tecumseh blue F   
1101. Madison gold F 1102. Tecumseh   L  1103. Tecumseh  P  1104. Tecumseh gold F   
1105. Boone   trial  1106. Boone blue F  1107. Boone  go F  1108. Boone    trial    
1109. Boone Navy Day 1110. Boone      P  1111. Calhoun   C  1112. Calhoun  blue F   
1113. Calhoun gold F 1114. Grant      C  1115. Grant     ?  1116. von Steuben   C   
1117. S Jackson trial1118. S Jackson  F  1119. Rayburn   C  1120. Rayburn  blue F   
1121. Rayburn gold F 1122. Rayburn refit 1123. Greene    L  1124. Franklin      L   
1125. Kamehameha C   1126. Vallejo keel  1127. Vallejo   L  1128. Halibut       F   
1129. Permit     C   1130. Permit     F  1131. Nautilus anv 1132. Nautilis      D   
1133. Dace first torpedo                                                            
      Ships Visit   A = Australia     J = Japan                  RSC     EV    6.00 
1134. Bainbridge   A 1135. Enterprise A  1136. Long Beach A 1137. Wellington cancel 
1138. Seadragon #1 J 1139. Seadragon #2  1140. Seadragon #3 1141. Sargo         J   
1142. Plunger      J                                                                
MILESTONES OF FLIGHT                                                                
1143. #3  MB 15.00 1144. #4  MB 10.00 1145. #15 EV 6.00                             
1146. #4  MB 10.00 1147. #5  EV 10.00 1148. #9  EV 8.00 1149. #12  EV 6.00          
1150. 03/16/76 Washington    Goddard photo                               EV    7.00 
1151. 10/01/78 Washington    NASA takes over NACA press release          EV   15.00 
      plus copies of 3 other related press releases                                
1152. 10/01/78 Washington    NASA News  20 Years in Space                EV    6.00 
      plus NASA Activities   NASA 20th Anniversary issue                           
1153. 10/01/78 Washington    NASA 20 Years in Space Press Kit            EV   15.00 
1154. 07/20/79 Downey Apollo 11/STS pictorial cancel Apollo 11 lau photo EV   10.00 
1155. 07/20/79 Downey as above                   Apollo 11 capsule photo EV   10.00 
1156. 07/20/79 Downey as above     Rockwell Apollo 11 10th anniv booklet EV   10.00 
1157. 07/20/79 Downey as above     NASA News Apollo 11 10th Anniv note   EV   10.00 
1158. 07/20/79 Downey as above     NASA Apollo 11 mission report         EV   10.00 
1159. 07/20/79 Downey as above Rockwell Aerospace - A Story of Vision    EV    6.00 
1160. 07/20/79 Houston Apollo 11 pictorial cancel    Aldrin on LEM photo EV   10.00 
1161. 07/20/79 Houston Apollo 11 pictorial cancel    Aldrin on Moon      EV   10.00 
1162. 07/20/79 Houston Apollo 11 pictorial cancel    Spacepex program    EV   10.00 
1163. 07/20/79 Apollo PA pictorial cancel  Apollo 11 recognition day pgm EV   10.00 
1164. 07/20/79 Apollo PA pictorial cancel  Apollo landing sites on moon  EV   10.00 
1165. 07/20/79 Washington                            Apollo 11 art       EV   10.00 
1166. 07/20/79 Washington                Apollo 11 White House statement EV   10.00 
1167. 07/20/79 Washington               Air & Space Apollo 11 issue 1979 EV   10.00 
1168. 07/20/79 Washington    Apollo 11 anniv Library of Congress booklet EV   10.00 
1169. 07/20/79 Downey pictorial/4/12/81 Downey STS 1 pict  STS booklet   EV   12.00 
1170. 07/20/79 Downey pictorial/4/12/81 Downey STS 1 pict  2 STS photos  EV   12.00 
1171. 07/20/79 Downey pictorial                    2 STS rollout photos  EV   12.00 
1172. 04/21/78 and 4/12/81   MSFC       MSFC booklet on STS main engine  EV   10.00 
1173. 02/13/80 and 4/12/81   MSFC       MSFC booklet on SRB              EV   10.00 
1174. 04/12/81               MSFC       MSFC booklet on external tank    EV    6.00 
1175. 04/21/78 Bay St Louis  Rockwell STS main engine page               EV    5.00 
1176. 04/21/78 Bay St Louis  Rockwell STS launch art                     EV    5.00 
1177. 04/21/78 MSFC          MSFC booklet on STS main engine             EV    5.00 
1178. 10/20/78 MSFC   vibration test   STS launch art                    EV    5.00 
1179. 04/20/79 MSFC   STS ferry flt    STS/747 litho                     EV    5.00 
1180. 02/13/80 MSFC          MSFC booklet on SRB                         EV    5.00 
1181. 02/13/80 MSFC          MSFC return address envelope                EV    5.00 
1182. 03/25/80 Washington  X-15 anniv  NASA News 20th anniv X-15         EV    5.00 
1183. 04/12/81 Downey pictorial                  STS 1 on lau pad photo  EV    7.00 
1184. 04/12/81 Downey pictorial                  3 STS lau art lithos    MB    3.00 
1185. 04/12/81 Downey pictorial                  Rockwell STS booklet    EV    7.00 
1186. 04/12/81 Greenbelt     GSFC                           GSFC booklet EV    5.00 
TAKE A LOOK - WHO KNOWS WHAT YOU MAY FIND HERE                                      
1187. 05/03/62 Glenn Exhibit           Argentina                 PrtC    EV    5.00 
1188. 11/24/62 Astrophilatelic exhibit Germany                   PrtC    EV    5.00 
1189. 03/15/63 Space Exhibit           Brasil                    PrtC    EV    5.00 
1190. 08/20/73 Astronomy Assembly      Australia                 PrtC    EV    5.00 
1191. 09/17/79 Astronautics Congress   Germany                   PrtC    EV    5.00 
1192. 09/27/82 Astronautics Congress   France                    PrtC    EV    5.00 
1193. 10/10/83 Astronautics Congress   Hungary                   PrtC    EV    5.00 
1194. 10/02/90 Astronautics Congress   Germany                   PrtC    EV    5.00 
1195. 01/05/80 40 yrs helicopter flts  Fairfield  FLOWN  local + PrtC    EV   15.00 
      plus Fairpex '80 helicopter souvenir card                                     
1196. 10/01/68 NASA established anniv  Houston           local + SCCS    EV    5.00 
1197. Edwards  Map and photo of EAFB plus 2 other related items          EV    9.00 
1198. STS      Photos, booklet, lithos                      5 items      EV    9.00 
1199. CARDS    6 Show cards - ASTP, Apollo 11, STS, Age of space,....    EV    9.00 
1200. CARDS    Apollo 11 Citgo trading cards - 25th anniv  unopened pack EV   10.00 
1201. CATALOG  US Postal Cancellations Man's Conquest of Space           EV   15.00 
1202. LITHO    NASA 15th anniversary                                     EV    5.00 
1203. LITHO    STS astronaut candidates - 1978                           EV    5.00 
1204. LITHO    STS 51L crew photo                                        EV   10.00 
1205. LITHOS   Jupiter, solar system, infrared astronomy  - 4 items      EV    6.00 
1206. POST CARDS Deep space related postcards -Galileo,Cassini- 4 cards  EV   10.00 
1207. POSTER   "Moonwalker" poster    National Geographic Society        EV   15.00 
1208. PHOTOS   HL-10 related - tests                            7 photos MB    7.00 
1209. PHOTOS   X-24B related                                    4 photos MB    4.00 
1210. PHOTOS   STS 95 reception in Texas - 13 Kodak paper photos         EV   21.00 
1211. PRESS RELEASE NASA 5th Anniversary                                 EV   15.00 
1212. PRESS RELEASE, NASA News etc.    STS (VAFB related),Free flts, etc.EV   15.00 
1213. PROGRAM  5th Anniv Apollo 11     Smithsonian                       EV   15.00 
1214. PROGRAM  STS External tank rollout cancelled 9/9/77 New Orleans    EV   21.00 
1215. PUBLICATION  "The Dish" Dec 1975 to Issue 4 1978 - 10 issues       MB    5.00 
1216. PUBLICATION  "The IASP Explorer" May 1976 to 1982 Vol 21 no 6      MB    5.00 
1217. PUBLICATION  "The Astrophile"    Jan 1976 to April 1978            MB    5.00 
1218. PUBLICATION  "The Astrophile"    Jul 1978 through  2002            MB    5.00 
1219. PUBLICATION  4 National Geographics-Proj Mercury,Moon voyage,space EV   16.00 
1220. REMARKS  5th Anniv Apollo 11     NASA Deputy Admin Low             EV    6.00 
1221. STAMPS   France Telstar set                                        EV    5.00 
1222. STAMPS   Korea  ITU  satellite stamp + 3 s/s                       EV    5.00 
1223. STAMPS   Monaco JFK w/space craft blk of 4 + JFK Austria set       EV    5.00 
1224. STAMPS   Romania Space Dogs + Sputnik singles and blocks           EV    9.00 
1225. STAMPS   Various  mix of space and non-space singles & s/s Mexico..MB    1.00