Mini- Auction #59 - Auction closes September 30, 2000

SPACE CRAFT COVERS                                                             
   1. 09/13/61 Mercury Robot      PAFB                           SCC     MB   25.00 
   2. 02/08/62 Tiros 4            PAFB                           SCC     MB    5.00 
   3. 02/20/62 Glenn              PAFB     PURPLE SHIFT ERROR!!  SCC     MB   25.00 
   4. 02/20/62 Mercury FDC        CC              yellow/blue    SCC     EV    7.00 
   5. 03/07/62 OSO                PAFB                           SCC     EV   21.00 
   6. 04/25/62 Saturn             PAFB                           SCC     MB   15.00 
   7. 04/26/62 Ariel              PAFB                           SCC     EV   21.00 
   8. 05/10/62 Anna 1             PAFB                           SCC     EV   21.00 
   9. 05/24/62 Carpenter          PAFB                           SCC     MB    6.00 
  10. 07/10/62 Telstar            PAFB                           SCC     EV   18.00 
  11. 07/19/62 Nike Zeus          VAFB                           SCC     EV   18.00 
  12. 09/18/62 Tiros 6            CC                             SCC     EV   18.00 
  13. 09/18/62 Tiros 6            PAFB                           SCC     EV   18.00 
  14. 09/28/62 Alouette           VAFB                           SCC     EV   18.00 
  15. 09/29/62 Courier Type       Lompoc                         SCC     EV   18.00 
  16. 10/03/62 Explorer 14        CC                             SCC     EV   21.00 
  17. 10/31/62 Anna 2             CC                             SCC     EV   18.00 
  18. 10/31/62 Anna 2             PAFB                           SCC     EV   18.00 
  19. 12/14/62 Relay 1            PAFB                           SCC     EV   18.00 
  20. 12/18/62 Transit 5A         VAFB                           SCC     EV   18.00 
  21. 02/14/63 Syncom             CC                             SCC     EV   18.00 
  22. 03/28/63 Saturn             CC                             SCC     MB   15.00 
  23. 04/03/63 Explorer 17        CC                             SCC     EV   21.00 
  24. 06/19/63 Tiros 7            CC                             SCC     EV   18.00 
  25. 07/26/63 Syncom             CC                             SCC     EV   18.00 
  26. 09/28/63 Transit 5B         VAFB                           SCC     EV   18.00 
  27. 10/17/63 Vela Hotel         CC                             SCC     EV   18.00 
  28. 10/17/63 Vela Hotel         PAFB                           SCC     EV   18.00 
  29. 11/27/63 Atlas-Centaur      CC                             SCC     EV   21.00 
  30. 11/27/63 Atlas-Centaur      PAFB                           SCC     EV   21.00 
  31. 12/21/63 Tiros 8            CC                             SCC     EV   18.00 
  32. 01/25/64 Echo 2             VAFB                           SCC     EV   18.00 
  33. 01/30/64 Ranger 6           CC                             SCC     EV   21.00 
  34. 03/27/64 Ariel 4            WI                             SCC     EV   15.00 
  35. 04/14/64 Fire 1             CC                             SCC     EV   21.00 
  36. 05/28/64 Saturn             CC                             SCC     MB   15.00 
  37. 07/17/64 Vela               CC                             SCC     EV   15.00 
  38. 07/20/64 SERT               WI                             SCC     EV   15.00 
  39. 07/22/64 Asset              CC                             SCC     EV   25.00 
  40. 08/19/64 Syncom             CC                             SCC     EV   15.00 
  41. 08/19/64 Syncom             PAFB                           SCC     EV   15.00 
  42. 08/25/64 Explorer 20        VAFB                           SCC     EV   18.00 
  43. 08/28/64 Nimbus             VAFB                           SCC     EV   15.00 
  44. 09/01/64 Titan              CC                             SCC     EV   12.00 
  45. MULTIPLE Early Bird         NY/Sat Beach    Stock/launch   SCC     EV   25.00 
  46. 11/06/64 Explorer 23        WI                             SCC     EV   18.00 
  47. 12/21/64 Explorer 26        CC                             SCC     EV   18.00 
  48. 01/22/65 Tiros 9            CC                             SCC     EV   12.00 
  49. 01/22/65 Tiros 9            PAFB                           SCC     EV   12.00 
  50. 02/03/65 OSO                CC                             SCC     EV   12.00 
  51. 02/17/65 Ranger 8           PAFB                           SCC     EV   15.00 
  52. 04/03/65 Snap 10A           VAFB                           SCC     EV   12.00 
  53. 04/06/65 Early Bird         CC                             SCC     EV   12.00 
  54. 05/25/65 Pegasus 2          CC                             SCC     EV   12.00 
  55. 05/25/65 Pegasus 2          PAFB                           SCC     EV   12.00 
  56. 05/29/65 Explorer 28        CC                             SCC     EV   15.00 
  57. 07/02/65 Tiros 10           CC                             SCC     EV   12.00 
  58. 07/20/65 Vela               CC                             SCC     EV   12.00 
  59. 07/30/65 Pegasus 3          CC                             SCC     EV   12.00 
  60. 08/11/65 Atlas Centaur      CC                             SCC     EV   15.00 
  61. 08/21/65 Gemini 5           CC                             SCC     EV   18.00 
  62. 08/25/65 OSO                CC                             SCC     EV   12.00 
  63. 08/29/65 Gemini 5 recovery  PAFB                           SCC     EV   18.00 
  64. 10/14/65 POGO               VAFB                           SCC     EV   12.00 
  65. 10/15/65 OV2-1              CC                             SCC     EV   12.00 
  66. 11/06/65 Explorer 29        PAFB                           SCC     EV   15.00 
  67. 11/19/65 Explorer 30        WI                             SCC     EV   15.00 
  68. 11/28/65 Alouette           VAFB                           SCC     EV   12.00 
  69. 12/06/65 FR-1               VAFB                           SCC     EV   12.00 
  70. 12/21/65 OV2-3,LES          CC                             SCC     EV   12.00 
  71. 02/03/66 ESSA 1             CC                             SCC     EV   10.00 
  72. 02/28/66 ESSA 2             CC                             SCC     EV   10.00 
  73. 04/08/66 OAO                CC                             SCC     EV   10.00 
  74. 04/08/66 OAO                PAFB                           SCC     EV   10.00 
  75. 05/05/66 Nimbus 2           VAFB                           SCC     EV   10.00 
  76. 06/07/66 OGO                CC                             SCC     EV   10.00 
  77. 06/07/66 OGO                PAFB                           SCC     EV   10.00 
  78. 06/16/66 Military Commun.   CC                             SCC     EV   10.00 
  79. 06/16/66 Military Commun.   PAFB                           SCC     EV   10.00 
  80. 06/23/66 Pageos             VAFB                           SCC     EV   10.00 
  81. 07/01/66 Explorer 33        PAFB                           SCC     EV   12.00 
  82. 10/02/66 ESSA 3             VAFB                           SCC     EV   10.00 
  83. 10/26/66 Atlas Centaur      CC                             SCC     EV   10.00 
  84. 10/27/66 Intelsat           CC                             SCC     EV   10.00 
  85. 10/27/66 Intelsat           PAFB                           SCC     EV   10.00 
  86. 12/07/66 ATS                CC                             SCC     EV   10.00 
  87. 12/14/66 Biosat             CC                             SCC     EV   10.00 
  88. 01/11/67 Intelsat           CC                             SCC     EV    7.00 
  89. 01/18/67 Titan - 8 Sat      CC                             SCC     EV    7.00 
  90. 01/26/67 ESSA 4             VAFB                           SCC     EV    7.00 
  91. 03/08/67 OSO 3              CC                             SCC     EV    7.00 
  92. 03/08/67 OSO 3              PAFB                           SCC     EV    7.00 
  93. 03/23/67 COMSAT             PAFB                           SCC     EV    7.00 
  94. 04/20/67 ESSA 5             VAFB                           SCC     EV    7.00 
  95. 04/28/67 Vela               CC                             SCC     EV    7.00 
  96. 04/28/67 Vela               PAFB                           SCC     EV    7.00 
  97. 05/05/67 Ariel 3            VAFB                           SCC     EV    7.00 
  98. 05/24/67 Explorer 34        VAFB                           SCC     EV    9.00 
  99. 05/29/67 ESRO 2             VAFB      ESRO low             SCC     EV    7.00 
 100. 07/01/67 Titan              CC                             SCC     EV    7.00 
 101. 07/19/67 Explorer 35        CC                             SCC     EV    9.00 
 102. 07/28/67 POGO 4             VAFB                           SCC     EV    7.00 
 103. 08/01/67 Lunar Orbiter      CC                             SCC     EV    9.00 
 104. 09/07/67 Biosat 2           CC                             SCC     EV    7.00 
 105. 09/28/67 COMSAT             CC                             SCC     EV    7.00 
 106. 09/28/67 COMSAT             PAFB                           SCC     EV    7.00 
 107. 10/18/67 OSO 4              CC                             SCC     EV    7.00 
 108. 11/06/67 ATS                CC                             SCC     EV    7.00 
 109. 11/07/67 Surveyor           CC                             SCC     EV    9.00 
 110. 11/10/67 ESSA 6             VAFB                           SCC     EV    7.00 
 111. 12/13/67 Pioneer 8          PAFB                           SCC     EV    9.00 
 112. 01/07/68 Surveyor           PAFB                           SCC     EV    9.00 
 113. 01/11/68 Explorer 36        VAFB                           SCC     EV    9.00 
 114. 03/04/68 OGO 5              PAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 115. 03/05/68 Explorer 37        WI                             SCC     EV    8.00 
 116. 04/04/68 Saturn             PAFB                           SCC     MB   15.00 
 117. 05/16/68 ESRO               VAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 118. 06/13/68 Titan - comm sats  CC                             SCC     EV    6.00 
 119. 06/13/68 Titan - comm sats  PAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 120. 07/04/68 Explorer 38        VAFB                           SCC     EV    8.00 
 121. 08/06/68 Spook Bird         CC                             SCC     EV    6.00 
 122. 08/08/68 Explorer 39/40     VAFB                           SCC     EV    8.00 
 123. 08/08/68 Explorer 39/40     VAFB      sticker cachet       SCC     EV    8.00 
 124. 08/10/68 ATS 4              PAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 125. 08/16/68 ESSA 7             VAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 126. 09/19/68 Intelsat           CC                             SCC     EV    6.00 
 127. 09/26/68 Titan OV/LES       PAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 128. 10/03/68 ESRO               VAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 129. 12/05/68 HEOS               CC                             SCC     EV    6.00 
 130. 12/05/68 HEOS               PAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 131. 12/07/68 OAO                PAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 132. 12/15/68 ESSA 8             VAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 133. 12/18/68 Intelsat           PAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 134. 12/24/68 Apollo 8           PAFB                           SCC     EV    8.00 
 135. 01/22/69 OSO                CC                             SCC     EV    6.00 
 136. 01/22/69 OSO                PAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 137. 01/29/69 ISIS               VAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 138. 02/05/69 Intelsat           PAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 139. 02/09/69 Tacomsat           PAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 140. 03/13/69 Apollo 9 recovery  CC                             SCC     EV    8.00 
 141. 04/13/69 Nimbus 3           VAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 142. 05/22/69 Intelsat           CC                             SCC     EV    6.00 
 143. 05/21/69 Intelsat           PAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 144. 05/23/69 Vela               CC                             SCC     EV    6.00 
 145. 05/23/69 Vela               PAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 146. 06/05/69 OGO 6              VAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 147. 06/21/69 Explorer 41        VAFB                           SCC     EV    8.00 
 148. 07/07/69 Biosat 3  recov    PAFB                           SCC     EV    8.00 
 149. 07/16/69 Apollo 11          PAFB                           SCC     EV   12.00 
 150. 07/20/69 Apollo 11          Montclair                      SCC     EV   10.00 
 151. 07/24/69 Apollo 11          KSC                            SCC     MB   10.00 
 152. 07/24/69 Apollo 11          PAFB                           SCC     EV   12.00 
 153. 07/26/69 Intelsat           CC                             SCC     EV    6.00 
 154. 07/26/69 Intelsat           PAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 155. 08/09/69 OSO                CC                             SCC     EV    6.00 
 156. 08/12/69 ATS                PAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 157. 08/27/69 Pioneer 10         PAFB                           SCC     EV    8.00 
 158. 10/01/69 ESRO               VAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 159. 11/07/69 Azur               VAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 160. 11/14/69 Apollo 12          KSC                            SCC     MB    6.00 
 161. 11/14/69 Apollo 12          KSC       with minor red shift SCC     MB    6.00 
 162. 11/21/69 Skynet             PAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 163. 11/22/69 Skynet             CC                             SCC     EV    6.00 
 164. 11/24/69 Apollo 12          CC                             SCC     EV    8.00 
 165. 11/24/69 Apollo 12          PAFB                           SCC     EV    8.00 
 166. 01/14/70 Intelsat           PAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 167. 01/23/70 ITOS               VAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 168. 02/03/70 Sert               VAFB                           SCC     EV    6.00 
 169. 04/27/72 Apollo 16          KSC                            SCC     MB    4.00 
 170. 12/07/72 Apollo 17          KSC                            SCC     MB    4.00 
 171. 12/14/72 Apollo 17          KSC                            SCC     MB    4.00 
 172. 12/14/72 Apollo 17          CC                             SCC     EV    6.00 
 173. 12/19/72 Apollo 17          KSC                            SCC     MB    5.00 
 174. 08/02/71 Space Achieve FDC  Houston     LEM only           SCC     EV    6.00 
 175. 04/01/76 Weraba             Zurich                         SCC     EV    6.00 
MERCURY - GEMINI - APOLLO - SKYLAB - ASTP - STS                                     
 176. 05/28/59 Able-Baker launch  PC                             GCC     MB  450.00 
 177. 12/13/58 Gordo              PC                             GCC     MB   70.00 
 178. 01/31/61 Ham       launch   PC                             PrtC    MB   80.00 
 179. 05/05/61 Shepard   launch   PC                          HF PrtC    MB   40.00 
 180. 05/05/71 Shepard   anniv    KSC                            PrtC    EV    5.00 
 181. 05/05/71 Shepard   anniv    CC                             PrtC    EV    5.00 
 182. 05/05/86 Shepard   anniv    KSC                            sticker EV    5.00 
 183. 07/21/61 Grissom   launch   PAFB                           SCC     EV   60.00 
 184. 09/13/61 Robot     launch   PC                      Sarzin PrtC    MB   20.00 
 185. 11/29/61 Enos      launch   PC                             sticker MB   20.00 
 186. 02/20/62 Glenn     launch   PAFB                           SCC     EV   15.00 
 187. 02/20/62 Glenn     recovery USS Randolph    auto      Ship sticker MB  100.00 
 188. 05/24/62 Carpenter launch   PAFB                           SCC     EV   15.00 
 189. 05/24/62 Carpenter recovery USS Intrepid              Ship PrtC LS MB   17.00 
 190. 05/24/62 Carpenter recovery USS Alstede               Ship PrtC A  EV   12.00 
 191. 06/05/62 Carpenter parade   New York                       PrtC A  EV    5.00 
 192. 07/04/62 Astronauts welcome Houston                    HPS PrtC    EV    6.00 
 193. 10/03/62 Schirra   launch   PAFB                           SCC     EV   15.00 
 194. 10/03/62 Schirra   launch   Houston                    HPS PrtC    EV   12.00 
 195. 05/15/63 Cooper    launch   PAFB                           SCC     EV   15.00 
 196. 05/16/63 Cooper    recovery CC                             SCC     EV   15.00 
 197. 05/15/63 Cooper    recovery USS Fletcher              Ship RSC     EV   12.00 
 198. 05/15/63 Cooper    tracking Honolulu   USNS Longview       RSC  A  EV   12.00 
 199. 01/19/65 Gemini  2 launch   PAFB                           SCC     EV   21.00 
 200. 03/23/65 Gemini  3 launch   PAFB                           SCC     EV   18.00 
 201. 03/23/65 Gemini  3 recovery USS Intrepid Orbit PrtC + Ship RSC     EV   21.00 
 202. 08/21/65 Gemini  5 launch   PAFB                           SCC     EV   18.00 
 203. 08/29/65 Gemini  5 recovery PAFB                           SCC     EV   18.00 
 204. 12/04/65 Gemini  7 launch   CC                      Gordon ca.     EV   12.00 
 205. 03/16/66 Gemini  8 launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   12.00 
 206. 09/12/66 Gemini 11 launch   CC                      Gordon ca.     EV   12.00 
 207. 09/13/66 Gemini 11 2nd day  PAFB                           RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 208. 09/12/66 Gemini 11 tracking India      Naini Tal                A  EV    6.00 
 209. 03/18/61 Little Joe launch  WI                             RSC     MB   30.00 
 210. 04/28/61 Little Joe launch  WI                             RSC     MB   30.00 
 211. 12/08/64 Little Joe launch  WSMR                           PrtC    MB   25.00 
 212. 02/26/66 Apollo    recovery USS Boxer                 Navy RSC     MB   25.00 
 213. 07/05/66 Apollo  2 launch   KSC   upside down NASA cachet on stamp MB  100.00 
 214. 08/25/66 Apollo    recovery USS Hornet HC             Navy RSC  A  EV   15.00 
 215. 08/25/66 Apollo    recovery USS J Owens               Navy RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 216. 08/25/66 Apollo    recovery USS R Owens               Navy RSC     EV    5.00 
 217. 01/27/97 Apollo  1 anniv    KSC                            NC      EV    2.50 
 218. 04/04/68 Apollo    recovery USS Okinawa               Navy RSC  A  EV   12.00 
 219. 04/04/68 Apollo    recovery Norfolk                   Navy RSC  A  EV    9.00 
 220. 10/22/68 Apollo  7 recovery PAFB                           SCC     EV   12.00 
 221. 10/25/68 Apollo  7 tracking Port Hueneme   USNS Huntsville RSC  A  EV    7.00 
 222. 10/22/68 Apollo  7 tracking Jacksonville   USNS Vanguard Ship RSC  EV    7.00 
 223. 10/22/68 Apollo  7 tracking Jacksonville   USNS Vanguard Navy RSC  EV    7.00 
 224. 10/11/68 Apollo  7 tracking VAFB                           RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 225. 12/21/68 Apollo  8 launch   PAFB                           SCC     EV   12.00 
 226. 12/30/68 Apollo  8 tracking Woomera        WRE                     EV    5.00 
 227. 03/03/69 Apollo  9 launch   KSC                     Bendix PrtC A  EV    9.00 
 228. 03/13/69 Apollo  9 recovery PAFB                           SCC     EV   12.00 
 229. 03/16/69 Apollo  9 return   USS Guadalcanal                RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 230. 05/18/69 Apollo 10 launch   KSC                     Bendix PrtC A  EV    9.00 
 231. 05/19/69 Apollo 10 tracking Canberra City  DSS 42               A  EV    5.00 
 232. 05/19/69 Apollo 10 tracking Carnarvon      MSFN                 A  EV    5.00 
 233. 06/12/69 Apollo 10 visit    San Juan                Sarzin PrtC    EV    6.00 
 234. 07/20/69 Apollo 11 landing  KSC                       NASA RSC     MB   30.00 
 235. 07/24/69 Apollo 11 recovery PAFB                           SCC     EV   15.00 
 236. 07/24/69 Apollo 11 recovery USS Hornet                     PrtC    EV   15.00 
 237. SET OF 3 Apollo 12 lau-recv Houston               tracking env     EV   15.00 
 238. 11/14/69 Apollo 12 launch   CC                      Sarzin PrtC    EV    6.00 
 239. 11/17/69 Apollo 12 orbit    CC                      Sarzin PrtC    EV    5.00 
 240. 11/19/69 Apollo 12 landing  CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV    6.00 
 241. 11/19/69 Apollo 12 landing  Houston               tracking env     EV    5.00 
 242. 11/19/69 Apollo 12 landing  PAFB                           SCC     EV    7.00 
 243. 11/20/69 Apollo 12 EVA      CC                      Sarzin PrtC    EV    5.00 
 244. 11/24/69 Apollo 12 recovery Houston                        GCC     EV    5.00 
 245. 11/24/69 Apollo 12 recovery PAFB                           SCC     EV    7.00 
 246. 11/24/69 Apollo 12 recovery Houston               tracking env     EV    5.00 
 247. 11/24/69 Apollo 12 recovery USS Hornet                Navy RSC     EV   15.00 
 248. 11/14/69 Apollo 12 tracking Fort Myers   STADAN                 A  EV    6.00 
 249. 11/19/69 Apollo 12 tracking Krugersdrop  DSS 51                    EV    6.00 
 250. 04/20/70 Apollo 13 tracking CC           USNS Vanguard     RSC  A  EV    7.00 
 251. 04/14/69?Apollo 13 tracking Madrid                         RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 252. 01/31/71 Apollo 14 launch   KSC                     Bendix PrtC A  EV    9.00 
 253. 02/05/71 Apollo 14 landing  CC                             PrtC A  EV    5.00 
 254. 02/05/71 Apollo 14 landing  CC                        SCCS PrtC    EV    5.00 
 255. 02/05/71 Apollo 14 landing  CC                        Type/PrtC    EV    5.00 
 256. 02/09/71 Apollo 14 recovery CC                             PrtC    EV    5.00 
 257. 02/09/71 Apollo 14 recovery CC                        Type/PrtC    EV    5.00 
 258. 02/09/71 Apollo 14 recovery USS New Orleans           Navy RSC     EV   10.00 
 259. 02/09/71 Apollo 14 recovery USS Spiegel Grove         Navy RSC     EV    4.00 
 260. 01/31/71 Apollo 14 tracking Eglin                          RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 261. 02/08/71?Apollo 14 tracking Australia                      RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 262. 02/01/71 Apollo 14 tracking Canberra City   Honeysuckle         A  EV    5.00 
 263. 02/01/71 Apollo 14 tracking Woomera         Baker Nunn          A  EV    5.00 
 264. 01/31/71 Apollo 14 tracking Raisting                               EV    5.00 
 265. 07/26/71 Apollo 15 launch   KSC                       NASA RSC  A  EV    8.00 
 266. 07/26/71 Apollo 15 launch   KSC                     Bendix PrtC A  EV    9.00 
 267. 07/30/71 Apollo 15 landing  CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV    6.00 
 268. 08/02/71 Apollo 15 liftoff  CC                        SCCS PrtC    EV    5.00 
 269. MULTIPLE Apollo 12 lift/recv KSC/Titusville                SVC     EV    9.00 
 270. 07/26/71?Apollo 15 tracking Tollose       Denmark          RSC     EV    4.00 
 271. 07/26/71 Apollo 15 tracking Landstuhl     Germany      RSC/PrtC A  EV    4.00 
 272. 07/26/71 Apollo 15 tracking Raisting      Germany      RSC/PrtC    EV    4.00 
 273. 07/27/71 Apollo 15 tracking Diyarbakir    Turkey           RSC     EV    4.00 
 274. 09/09/71 Apollo 15 honored  Washington    by Congress      GCC     EV    4.00 
 275. 04/16/72 Apollo 16 launch   CC                       Ellis PrtC    EV    6.00 
 276. 04/20/72 Apollo 16 landing  CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV    5.00 
 277. 04/21/72 Apollo 16 EVA      CC                    Colorano Silk    EV    5.00 
 278. 04/24/72 Apollo 16 event    Houston       LEM into Moon    GCC     EV    4.00 
 279. 04/27/72 Apollo 16 recovery PAFB                           SVC     EV    3.00 
 280. 04/27/72 Apollo 16 recovery USS Ticonderoga           Navy RSC     EV    8.00 
 281. 04/27/72 Apollo 16 recovery USS Goldsborough         Ships RSC     EV   10.00 
 282. 04/27/72 Apollo 16 recovery Norfolk                   Navy RSC     EV    4.00 
 283. 04/16/72 Apollo 16 tracking USPS          Corpus Christi   RSC     EV    4.00 
 284. 04/17/72 Apollo 16 tracking Melbourne     ARL              PrtC    EV    4.00 
 285. 12/07/72 Apollo 17 launch   KSC                       NASA RSC     EV   10.00 
 286. 12/07/72 Apollo 17 launch   KSC                        VIP Card    EV    9.00 
 287. 12/07/72 Apollo 17 launch   KSC                     Bendix PrtC A  EV    9.00 
 288. 12/19/72 Apollo 17 recovery KSC                            SVC     EV    3.00 
 289. 12/19/72 Apollo 17 recovery KSC                        VIP Card A  EV    6.00 
 290. 08/01/72 Mitchell  quits    Houston                        GCC     EV    2.50 
 291. 07/26/72 Skylab    SMEAT    Houston             Centennial PrtC    EV    6.00 
 292. 09/22/72 Skylab suit fit    Dover         Kerwin           PrtC    EV    4.00 
 293. 05/14/73 Skylab  1 tracking Greenbelt                      RSC     EV    4.00 
 294. 05/25/73 Skylab  2 launch   KSC                   miss emb PrtC    EV    5.00 
 295. 05/26/73 Skylab  2 board    Houston                        GCC     EV    5.00 
 296. 06/22/73 Skylab  2 recovery USS Ticonderoga           Navy RSC  A  EV    8.00 
 297. SET OF 3 Skylab 1&2 track   Edwards   SL 1 lau SL 3 lau/landing    EV    9.00 
 298. 05/25/73 Skylab  2 tracking Canberra City Honeysuckle      RSC     EV    4.00 
 299. 07/28/73 Skylab  3 tracking Houston       creases      RSC/GCC     EV    2.00 
 300. 07/29/73 Skylab  3 tracking Agana         STDN             RSC     EV    4.00 
 301. 08/06/73 Skylab  3 EVA      PAFB                           GCC     EV    4.00 
 302. 09/22/73 Skylab  3 EVA      PAFB                           GCC     EV    4.00 
 303. 09/22/73 Skylab  3 EVA      Houston                        GCC     EV    4.00 
 304. 09/25/73 Skylab  3 recovery KSC                   miss emb PrtC A  EV    5.00 
 305. 09/25/73 Skylab  3 recovery Moorestown NJ tracking meter   RSC     EV    5.00 
 306. LOT OF 2 Skylab  3 tracking Edwards       lau and recovery RSC  A  EV    6.00 
 307. 09/25/73 Skylab  3 tracking Edwards                        RSC  A  EV    3.00 
 308. 12/29/73 Skylab  4 EVA      Houston                        GCC     EV    4.00 
 309. 02/08/74 Skylab  4 recovery KSC                       NASA RSC     EV    6.00 
 310. 02/08/74 Skylab  4 recovery PAFB                   Whitney RSC     EV    4.00 
 311. 02/08/74 Skylab  4 recovery USS New Orleans Artopages+Navy RSC     EV   10.00 
 312. 11/16/73 Skylab  4 tracking KSC           NRL       IASP + RSC     EV    3.00 
 313. 11/16/73 Skylab  4 tracking KSC           NRL              RSC     EV    3.00 
 314. 02/01/74 Conrad    retires  Houston       USN              GCC     EV    2.00 
 315. 02/01/74 Conrad    quits    Houston       NASA             GCC     EV    2.00 
 316. 08/01/74 Shepard   retires  Houston                   SCCS PrtC    EV    2.00 
 317. 07/15/75 ASTP      launch   KSC                       NASA RSC  A  EV    8.00 
 318. MULTIPLE UTC ships KSC 10/22/80 UTC Liberty/KSC 1/21/81 UTC FreedomMB   15.00 
 319. LOT OF 20 STS 1             various   lau/land/track/etc   SVC     MB   10.00 
 320. LOT OF 17 STS 2             various   lau/land/track/etc   SVC     MB   10.00 
 321. 11/12/81  STS 2    tracking Waimea                         RSC     EV    3.00 
 322. LOT OF 19 STS 3             various   lau/land/track/etc   SVC     MB   10.00 
 323. LOT OF 17 STS 4             various   lau/land/track/etc   SVC     MB   10.00 
 324. LOT OF 17 STS 5             various   lau/land/track/etc   SVC     MB   10.00 
 325. 11/15/82  STS 5    tracking Bethpage                       Word    EV    3.00 
 326. LOT OF 24 STS 6             various   lau/land/track/etc   SVC     MB   10.00 
 327. LOT OF 23 STS 7             various   lau/land/track/etc   SVC     MB   10.00 
 328. 06/18/83  STS 7    launch   KSC                            Type    EV    3.00 
 329. MULTIPLE  STS 7    lau/land KSC/Edwards                    SVC     EV    9.00 
 330. LOT OF 21 STS 8             various   lau/land/track/etc   SVC     MB   10.00 
 331. LOT OF 22 STS 9             various   lau/land/track/etc   SVC+oth.MB   10.00 
 332. LOT OF 20 STS 41B           various   lau/land/track/etc   SVC     MB   10.00 
 333. LOT OF 25 STS 41C           various   lau/land/track/etc   SVC     MB   10.00 
 334. LOT OF 24 STS 41D           various   lau/land/track/etc   SVC     MB   10.00 
 335. 08/31/84  STS 41D  tracking Dongara                        RSC     EV    3.00 
 336. 10/09/84  STS      tracking Dongara                        RSC     EV    3.00 
 337. 11/09/84  STS 51A  tracking Dongara                        RSC     EV    3.00 
 338. LOT OF 17 STS 51A           various   lau/land/track/etc   SVC     MB   10.00 
 339. LOT OF 18 STS 51B           various   lau/land/track/etc   SVC     MB   10.00 
 340. LOT OF 19 STS 51G           various   lau/land/track/etc   SVC     MB   10.00 
 341. LOT OF 16 STS 51F           various   lau/land/track/etc   SVC     MB   10.00 
 342. LOT OF 19 STS 51I           various   lau/land/track/etc   SVC     MB   10.00 
 343. LOT OF 20 STS 51J           various   lau/land/track/etc   SVC     MB   10.00 
 344. 10/06/90  STS 41   tracking CC            USNS Vanguard    RSC     EV    5.00 
 345. 10/06/90  STS 41   tracking AFPS          Fylingdales      RSC     EV    3.00 
 346. 06/19/90  STS 38   rollout  KSC                            RSC     EV    3.00 
 347. 06/04/98  STS 91   docking  KSC                   miss emb PrtC    EV    4.00 
 348. 06/08/98  STS 91   undock   KSC                   miss emb PrtC    EV    4.00 
 349. MULTIPLE  STS 91 dock/undock KSC/KSC              miss emb PrtC    EV    8.00 
 350. 06/12/98  STS 91   landing  KSC                   miss emb PrtC    EV    4.00 
 351. 06/30/99  STS 96            Edwards               miss emb PrtC    EV    2.00 
UNMANNED       Many earlier KSC cancels - check carefully!!!                       
 352. LOT OF 33 Satellite tracking Greenbelt,Pasadena... IRAS,NOAA...SVC MB   12.00 
 353. LOT OF  8 SPAR              WSMR                           SVC     MB    5.00 
 354. LOT OF 29 Helios 1/2 Perihelion     CC,Pasadena            SVC     MB   15.00 
 355. 03/17/58 Vanguard           PC                      Sarzin PrtC    MB   50.00 
 356. 10/11/58 Pioneer 1          PC                             PrtC    MB   55.00 
 357. 12/18/58 Chatterbox         PC                             GCC     MB   45.00 
 358. 01/15/59 Bomarc             Eglin                          GCC     MB   25.00 
 359. 02/06/59 Titan              PC                             GCC     MB   25.00 
 360. 09/09/59 Atlas              VAFB                           Zaso    MB   20.00 
 361. 10/29/59 Space Balloon      WI                             GCC     MB   25.00 
 362. 04/01/60 Tiros 1            PC                             PrtC    MB   20.00 
 363. 10/11/60 Samos 1            VAFB                           GCC     MB   25.00 
 364. 11/03/60 Explorer 8         PC                             NC   A  EV   12.00 
 365. 11/03/60 Explorer 8         PAFB                           RSC     MB   15.00 
 366. 11/29/60 Atlas              PAFB                           RSC  A  EV   15.00 
 367. 12/22/60 Polaris            PAFB          toning           RSC     EV   15.00 
 368. 01/17/61 Bomarc             Eglin                          RSC  A  EV   12.00 
 369. 01/31/61 Samos 2            Lompoc                NASA emb RSC     MB   20.00 
 370. 01/31/61 Samos 2            Lompoc                         PrtC    MB   20.00 
 371. 03/02/61 Bomarc             Eglin                          RSC  A  EV   12.00 
 372. 04/21/61 Nike-Asp           WI                             RSC  A  EV   12.00 
 373. 05/31/61 Bomarc             Eglin                          RSC  A  EV   12.00 
 374. 06/08/61 Discoverer 24      VAFB                           RSC  A  MB   10.00 
 375. 07/21/61 Discoverer 27      VAFB                  NASA emb RSC     MB   20.00 
 376. 07/25/61 Bomarc             Eglin                          RSC     EV   12.00 
 377. 08/16/61 Explorer 12        PAFB                           SCC     EV   25.00 
 378. 01/15/62 Discoverer 37      VAFB                           RSC  A  EV   18.00 
 379. 07/10/62 Telstar            PC                             PrtC    EV   15.00 
 380. 12/14/62 Relay              CC                             PrtC A  EV   12.00 
 381. 02/14/63 Syncom             CC                      Gordon ca.     EV   12.00 
 382. 01/25/64 Echo 2             VAFB                Centennial PrtC A  EV   12.00 
 383. 09/24/64 Minuteman          PAFB                           RSC     EV    6.00 
 384. 10/04/64 IMP                PAFB                    Sarzin PrtC A  EV   12.00 
 385. 06/16/65 Unknown Rocket     Waimea                         NC      EV    6.00 
 386. 11/06/65 Geos               CC                  Centennial PrtC    EV   12.00 
 387. 01/28/66 Satellite          VAFB                           RSC  A  EV   12.00 
 388. 01/31/66 Polaris            PAFB                           RSC     EV    6.00 
 389. 02/10/66 Minuteman          PAFB                           RSC     EV    6.00 
 390. 04/08/66 Atlas-Centaur      PAFB                           RSC  A  EV    9.00 
 391. 06/07/66 OGO 3              CC                      Sarzin PrtC    EV    9.00 
 392. 06/16/66 Titan - 8 satelite KSC                            Word    EV   10.00 
 393. 08/10/66 Lunar Orbiter      KSC                            RSC     EV   15.00 
 394. 10/27/66 Comsat             CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   12.00 
 395. 12/06/66 Space Spider       KSC                            ca.     MB   15.00 
 396. 12/14/66 Biosat             CC                             RSC     EV   12.00 
 397. 12/21/66 Prime              VAFB                           PrtC    MB   30.00 
 398. 01/18/67 Communication Sat. KSC                            RSC     EV   12.00 
 399. 01/26/67 ESSA 4             VAFB                     Orbit PrtC    EV   12.00 
 400. 03/03/67 Athena             WSMR                           RSC     EV    6.00 
 401. 03/06/67 Pershing           WSMR                           RSC  A  EV    6.00 
 402. 03/08/67 OSO                KSC                            RSC     EV   12.00 
 403. 03/22/67 Intelsat           KSC                            RSC     EV   12.00 
 404. 04/05/67 ATS                KSC                            RSC  A  EV   12.00 
 405. 04/07/67 Athena             WSMR                           RSC     EV    6.00 
 406. 04/28/67 Vela               KSC                            RSC  LS EV   12.00 
 407. 07/01/67 Communication Sat. KSC                            RSC     EV   12.00 
 408. 07/14/67 Surveyor           KSC                            RSC     EV   15.00 
 409. 08/01/67 Lunar Orbiter 5    KSC                            Word    EV   15.00 
 410. 09/08/67 Surveyor 5         KSC                            RSC     EV   15.00 
 411. 09/27/67 Intelsat           KSC                            RSC     EV   12.00 
 412. 11/05/67 ATS 3              KSC                            RSC  LS EV   12.00 
 413. 11/07/67 Surveyor 6         KSC                            RSC  A  EV   15.00 
 414. 01/07/68 Surveyor 7         KSC                            RSC     EV   15.00 
 415. 03/04/68 OGO 5              KSC                            RSC     EV   12.00 
 416. 03/04/68 Polaris            CC                             RSC     EV    7.00 
 417. 08/16/68 Poseidon           KSC                            RSC     EV    9.00 
 418. 08/16/68 12 Satellites      VAFB                Centennial PrtC    EV   10.00 
 419. 11/08/68 Pioneer 9          KSC                            ca.     EV   12.00 
 420. 02/08/69 Tacsat             KSC                            RSC     EV   10.00 
 421. 05/23/69 Titan 3C           KSC                            RSC     EV    7.00 
 422. 08/09/69 OSO                KSC                            RSC     EV    8.00 
 423. 08/11/69 Polaris            CC                             RSC  A  EV    6.00 
 424. 08/12/69 ATS                KSC                            RSC     EV    8.00 
 425. 08/27/69 Pioneer 10         KSC                            ca.     EV   10.00 
 426. 11/21/69 Skynet             KSC                            RSC     EV    8.00 
 427. 11/21/69 Skynet             Houston                        GCC     EV    1.00 
 428. 11/26/69 Mace               Eglin                          RSC     EV    5.00 
 429. 12/05/69 Nike-Iroquois      Eglin                          RSC     EV    5.00 
 430. 12/11/69 Nike-Iroquois      Eglin                          RSC     EV    5.00 
 431. 01/14/69 Intelsat           KSC                            RSC     EV    8.00 
 432. 03/07/70 Solar Eclipse Shot WI                             RSC     EV    5.00 
 433. 03/20/70 NATO               KSC                            PrtC    EV    5.00 
 434. 04/22/70 Intelsat           KSC                            PrtC    EV    5.00 
 435. 11/30/70 OAO                KSC                  Artopages PrtC    EV    5.00 
 436. 01/25/71 Intersat           KSC                  Artopages PrtC    EV    5.00 
 437. 03/13/71 Explorer 43        CC                        Type/PrtC    EV    5.00 
 438. 03/31/71 ISIS               VAFB                Centennial PrtC    EV    6.00 
 439. 05/18/71 Minuteman          VAFB                           RSC     EV    4.00 
 440. 06/11/71 Minuteman          VAFB                           RSC     EV    4.00 
 441. 08/02/71 Aerobee            WSMR     Apollo 15             RSC  A  EV    4.00 
 442. 08/05/71 Bomarc             Eglin                          RSC  A  EV    4.00 
 443. 08/09/71 Aerobee            WSMR                           RSC     EV    4.00 
 444. 08/19/71 Bomarc             Eglin                          RSC     EV    4.00 
 445. 09/21/71 Bomarc             Eglin                          RSC     EV    4.00 
 446. 09/28/71 OSO                KSC                      Solar PrtC    EV    5.00 
 447. 10/29/71 Aerobee            WSMR                           RSC     EV    4.00 
 448. 11/02/71 Titan              KSC                            PrtC    EV    4.00 
 449. 12/06/71 Midas              KSC                            SVC     EV    5.00 
 450. 12/11/71 UK 4               VAFB                     Solar PrtC    EV    5.00 
 451. 12/19/71 Intelsat           KSC                      Solar PrtC    EV    5.00 
 452. 01/24/72 Intelsat           KSC                      Solar PrtC    EV    5.00 
 453. 02/09/72 Minuteman          VAFB                           RSC     EV    4.00 
 454. 03/01/72 Midas              KSC                            RSC     EV    5.00 
 455. 03/01/72 Midas              KSC                            SVC     EV    5.00 
 456. 06/13/72 Intelsat           KSC                            RSC     EV    6.00 
 457. 06/13/72 Intelsat           Titusville                     GCC     EV    4.00 
 458. 08/21/72 OAO                KSC                            RSC     EV    5.00 
 459. 09/01/72 Secret Satellite   VAFB                           RSC     EV    5.00 
 460. 10/10/72 Secret Satellite   VAFB                           RSC     EV    5.00 
 461. 10/11/72 Sandhauk-Tomahawk  Chatanika                      RSC     EV    4.00 
 462. 11/09/72 Canadian Telsat    KSC                            RSC     EV    6.00 
 463. 11/10/72 Anik 1             KSC                      Solar PrtC    EV    6.00 
 464. 11/16/72 Explorer 48        Kenya                          SVC     EV    8.00 
 465. 11/21/72 ESRO 4             VAFB                           GCC     EV    6.00 
 466. 01/22/73 Aerobee            WSMR     Skylab                RSC     EV    4.00 
 467. 04/20/73 Anik 2             KSC                            RSC  A  EV    6.00 
 468. 04/25/73 Hound Dog          WSMR                           RSC     EV    4.00 
 469. 04/23/73 Intelsat           PAFB                           GCC     EV    5.00 
 470. 09/19/73 Super-Arcas        WI                             RSC     EV    4.00 
 471. 10/10/73 Arcas              WI                             RSC  A  EV    4.00 
 472. 10/26/73 IMP                KSC                            RSC     EV    6.00 
 473. 12/06/73 Arcas              WI                             RSC  A  EV    4.00 
 474. 12/10/73 Rocket             WI       Skylab                RSC     EV    4.00 
 475. 12/19/73 Rocket             WI       Skylab                RSC     EV    4.00 
 476. 01/04/74 Rocket             WI       Kohoutek              RSC     EV    4.00 
 477. 01/07/74 Rocket             WI       Kohoutek              RSC     EV    4.00 
 478. 01/15/74 Rocket             WI       Kohoutek              RSC     EV    4.00 
 479. 02/11/74 Titan-Centaur      KSC      Proof                 RSC     EV    6.00 
 480. 02/11/74 Titan-Centaur      KSC      Proof      Centennial PrtC    EV    6.00 
 481. 04/13/74 Westar transmits   Vernon                         GCC     EV    4.00 
 482. 06/04/74 Hawkeye tracking   Greenbelt                      RSC     EV    2.50 
 483. 10/10/74 Westar 2           KSC                            RSC  A  EV    6.00 
 484. 11/21/74 Intelsat tracking  Andover                        RSC     EV    2.50 
 485. 05/08/75 Anik 3             KSC                 Centennial PrtC    EV    6.00 
 486. 05/20/75 Titan              KSC                            RSC     EV    4.00 
 487. 04/30/76 Proj Whitecloud    VAFB                           SVC     EV    6.00 
 488. 09/30/76 Stratcom Balloon   WSMR                           RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 489. 01/18/77 1st Trident        KSC                            RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 490. 03/11/86 Halley's encounter USUDA Japan                    SVC     EV    6.00 
 491. 04/09/86 Halley's encounter Parkes                         SVC     EV    6.00 
 492. 11/17/88 LOFT               CC       1st commercial at CC  Card    EV    7.00 
 493. 08/02/90 NAVSTAR            CC                             RSC     EV    5.00 
 494. 11/04/96 SAC/HETE           WI                             Type    EV    4.00 
 495. 08/22/97 Lewis              VAFB                           Type    EV    4.00 
 496. 01/09/98 Skynet             KSC                            Type    EV    4.00 
 497. 01/29/98 Secret Satellite   KSC                            Type    EV    4.00 
 498. 02/07/99 Stardust           KSC                            PrtC    MB    3.00 
 499. 06/10/99 Globalstar         KSC                            PrtC    MB    3.00 
 500. 06/24/99 FUSE               KSC                            PrtC    MB    3.00 
 501. 07/04/99 Black Brant        WI                             PrtC    MB    3.00 
 502. 07/05/99 Taurus-Orion       WI                             PrtC    MB    3.00 
 503. 07/10/99 Globalstar         KSC                            PrtC    MB    3.00 
 504. 07/14/99 Vandal             WI                             PrtC    MB    3.00 
 505. 07/15/99 Vandal             WI                             PrtC    MB    3.00 
 506. 07/17/99 Taurus-Orion       WI                             PrtC    MB    3.00 
 507. 08/05/99 Orion              WI                             PrtC    MB    3.00 
 508. 08/17/99 Globalstar         KSC                            PrtC    MB    3.00 
 509. 08/20/99 Minuteman #1       VAFB                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 510. 08/20/99 Minuteman #2       VAFB                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 511. 09/15/99 AIT                Kodiak AK                      PrtC    MB    3.00 
 512. 09/23/99 Echostar           KSC                            PrtC    MB    2.50 
 513. 09/24/99 Ikonos             VAFB                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 514. 10/02/99 Minuteman          VAFB                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 515. 10/07/99 NAVSTAR            KSC                            PrtC    MB    3.00 
 516. 11/13/99 Minuteman          VAFB                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 517. 11/22/99 UHF-F10 Navy       KSC                            PrtC    MB    3.00 
 518. 12/12/99 DMS                VAFB                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 519. 01/18/00 Minuteman          VAFB                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 520. 01/20/00 DSCS               KSC                            PrtC    MB    3.00 
 521. 01/26/00 Minotaur           VAFB                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
VOYAGER 1                                                                          
 522. 09/05/77 Launch             CC                             SVC     EV    6.00 
 523. 09/06/77 Launch             KSC                            SVC     EV    7.00 
 524. 09/05/77 Launch             Pasadena                       SVC     EV    6.00 
 525. 09/05/77 Launch tracking    Barstow                        SVC     EV    4.00 
 526. 09/05/77 Launch tracking    Tharwa                         SVC     EV    4.00 
 527. 12/10/77 Enters asteroids   Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 528. 12/13/77 Equidistant w/Voy 2Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 529. 08/03/78 Leaves asteroids   Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 530. 01/04/79 Begin Jupiter photoPasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 531. 02/18/79 Photos Callisto    Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 532. 02/18/79 Photos Callisto    Barstow                        SVC     EV    4.00 
 533. 02/25/79 Photos Ganymede    Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 534. 02/25/79 Photos Ganymede    Barstow                        SVC     EV    4.00 
 535. 03/01/79 Photos Europa      Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 536. 03/01/79 Photos Europa      Barstow                        SVC     EV    4.00 
 537. 03/01/79 Photos Europa      Canberra City                  SVC     EV    4.00 
 538. 03/01/79 Photos Europa      Madrid                         SVC     EV    4.00 
 539. 03/02/79 Photos Io          Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 540. 03/02/79 Photos Io          Barstow                        SVC     EV    4.00 
 541. 03/04/79 Photos Amalthea    Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 542. 03/04/79 Photos Amalthea    Barstow                        SVC     EV    4.00 
 543. 03/05/79 Closest Approach   Pasadena                       SVC     EV    5.00 
 544. 03/05/79 Closest Approach   Barstow                        SVC     EV    5.00 
 545. 03/05/79 Closest Approach   Canberra City                  SVC     EV    5.00 
 546. 03/05/79 Closest Approach   Madrid                         SVC     EV    5.00 
 547. 03/06/79 Photos Callisto    Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 548. 03/07/79 Jupiter's Rings    Pasadena                       SVC     EV    5.00 
 549. 08/22/80 Begin Saturn photo Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 550. 10/11/80 Photos Titan       Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 551. 10/11/80 Photos Titan       Barstow                        SVC     EV    4.00 
 552. 11/06/80 Photos Iapetus     Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 553. 11/06/80 Photos Iapetus     Barstow                        SVC     EV    4.00 
 554. 11/08/80 Photos Rhea        Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 555. 11/09/80 Photos Dione       Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 556. 11/10/80 Photos Tethys      Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 557. 11/11/80 Closest Titan      Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 558. 11/11/80 Closest Titan      Barstow                        SVC     EV    4.00 
 559. 11/12/80 Closest Mimas      Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 560. 11/12/80 Closest Saturn     Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 561. 11/12/80 Closest Saturn     Barstow                        SVC     EV    4.00 
 562. 11/13/80 Closest Saturn     Canberra City                  SVC     EV    4.00 
 563. 11/13/80 Closest Saturn     Madrid                         SVC     EV    4.00 
VOYAGER 2                                                                          
 564. 08/20/77 Launch             CC                             SVC     EV    6.00 
 565. 08/22/77 Launch             KSC                            SVC     EV    7.00 
 566. 08/20/77 Launch             Pasadena                       SVC     EV    6.00 
 567. 08/20/77 Launch tracking    Barstow                        SVC     EV    4.00 
 568. 08/20/77 Launch tracking    Tharwa                         SVC     EV    4.00 
 569. 12/10/77 Enters asteroids   Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 570. 06/23/78 Mission saved      Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 571. 09/10/78 Leaves asteroids   Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 572. 04/24/79 Begin Jupiter photo Pasadena                      SVC     EV    4.00 
 573. 06/25/79 Photos Callisto    Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 574. 06/25/79 Photos Callisto    Barstow                        SVC     EV    4.00 
 575. 06/30/79 Photos Ganymede    Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 576. 06/30/79 Photos Ganymede    Barstow                        SVC     EV    4.00 
 577. 07/03/79 Photos Europa      Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 578. 07/03/79 Photos Europa      Barstow                        SVC     EV    4.00 
 579. 07/07/79 Photos Io          Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 580. 07/07/79 Photos Io          Barstow                        SVC     EV    4.00 
 581. 07/08/79 Photos Callisto    Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 582. 07/09/79 Photos Europa      Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 583. 07/09/79 Closest Approach   Pasadena                       SVC     EV    5.00 
 584. 07/09/79 Closest Approach   Barstow                        SVC     EV    5.00 
 585. 07/09/79 Closest Approach   Madrid                         SVC     EV    5.00 
 586. 06/05/81 Begin Saturn photo Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 587. 07/23/81 Photos Titan photo Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 588. 08/22/81 Closest Iapetus    Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 589. 08/24/81 Closest Hyperion   Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 590. 08/25/81 Closest Titan      Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 591. 08/25/81 Closest Titan      Barstow                        SVC     EV    4.00 
 592. 08/25/81 Closest Titan      Canberra                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 593. 08/25/81 Closest Saturn     Pasadena                       SVC     EV    5.00 
 594. 08/25/81 Closest Saturn     Barstow                        SVC     EV    5.00 
 595. 08/26/81 Closest Saturn     Canberra                       SVC     EV    5.00 
 596. 08/26/81 Closest Saturn     Madrid                         SVC     EV    5.00 
 597. 09/04/81 Photos Phoebe      Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 598. 09/28/81 Encounter ends     Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 599. 11/04/85 Uranus encounter   Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 600. 12/31/85 1st new moon       Barstow                        SVC     EV    4.00 
 601. 01/24/86 Closest Approach   Pasadena                       SVC     EV    5.00 
 602. 01/24/86 Closest Approach   Barstow                        SVC     EV    5.00 
 603. 01/24/86 Closest Approach   Canberra                       SVC     EV    5.00 
 604. 01/24/86 Closest Approach   Madrid                         SVC     EV    5.00 
 605. 01/24/86 Closest Approach   Parkes                         SVC     EV    5.00 
 606. 01/24/86 Closest Approach   USUDA Japan                    SVC     EV    5.00 
 607. MULTIPLE Launch/Closest Uranus  Pasadena/Pasadena          SVC     EV   10.00 
 608. MULTIPLE Launch/Closest Uranus  KSC/Pasadena               SVC     EV   10.00 
 609. MULTIPLE Closest Saturn/Uranus  Pasadena/Pasadena          SVC     EV   10.00 
 610. MULTIPLE Closest Jupiter/Uranus Pasadena/Pasadena          SVC     EV   10.00 
 611. MULTIPLE Closest Saturn/V2 pictorial cancel Pas/Fullerton  SVC     EV   10.00 
 612. MULTIPLE Saturn completed/Uranus/pictorial  Pas/Pas/S.D.   SVC     EV   10.00 
 613. 01/25/83 Launch             VAFB                           SVC     EV    4.00 
 614. 01/25/83 Launch             Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 615. 01/26/83 Launch tracking    Oxford                         SVC     EV    4.00 
 616. 05/11/83 IRAS closest Earth Pasadena                       SVC     EV    3.00 
 617. 05/11/83 IRAS closest Earth Barstow                        SVC     EV    3.00 
 618. 05/11/83 IRAS closest Earth Cambridge                      SVC     EV    3.00 
 619. 05/11/83 IRAS closest Earth Ft Davis                       SVC     EV    3.00 
 620. 05/11/83 IRAS closest Earth Green Bank                     SVC     EV    3.00 
 621. 05/11/83 IRAS closest Earth Arecibo                        SVC     EV    3.00 
 622. 05/11/83 IRAS closest Earth Oxford                         SVC     EV    3.00 
 623. 12/22/82 Geomagnetic trail  Greenbelt                      SVC     EV    3.00 
 624. 02/08/83 Orbit correction   Greenbelt                      SVC     EV    3.00 
 625. 03/01/83 Orbit correction   Greenbelt                      SVC     EV    3.00 
 626. 03/30/83 Lunar Swingby      Greenbelt                      SVC     EV    3.00 
 627. 04/24/83 Lunar Swingby      Greenbelt                      SVC     EV    3.00 
 628. 09/27/83 Lunar Swingby      Greenbelt                      SVC     EV    3.00 
 629. 10/21/83 Lunar Swingby      Greenbelt                      SVC     EV    3.00 
 630. 12/22/83 Lunar Swingby      Fairbanks                      SVC     EV    3.00 
 631. 12/22/83 Lunar Swingby      Greenbelt                      SVC     EV    3.00 
 632. 12/22/83 Lunar Swingby      Canberra                       SVC     EV    3.00 
 633. 09/06/85 Giotto Assist      Madrid                         SVC     EV    3.00 
 634. 09/08/85 Final Correction   Greenbelt                      SVC     EV    3.00 
 635. 09/11/85 Comet Encounter    Greenbelt                      SVC     EV    3.00 
 636. 09/11/85 Comet Encounter    Barstow                        SVC     EV    3.00 
 637. 09/11/85 Comet Encounter    Madrid                         SVC     EV    3.00 
 638. 09/11/85 Comet Encounter    Arecibo                        SVC     EV    3.00 
 639. 09/11/85 Comet Encounter    Canberra                       SVC     EV    3.00 
 640. 09/11/85 Comet Encounter    USUDA Japan                    SVC     EV    3.00 
 641. MULTIPLE Launch/Flyby       CC/Greenbelt                   SVC     EV    8.00 
 642. MULTIPLE Launch/Flyby       KSC/Greenbelt                  SVC     EV    8.00 
 643. 03/25/86 Halley's encounter Pasadena                       SVC     EV    4.00 
 644. 03/25/86 Halley's encounter Greenbelt                      SVC     EV    4.00 
 645. 03/25/86 Halley's encounter Barstow                        SVC     EV    4.00 
 646. 03/25/86 Halley's encounter Madrid                         SVC     EV    4.00 
 647. 03/25/86 Halley's encounter Canberra                       SVC     EV    4.00 
TEST FLIGHTS - EDWARDS, ETC.                                                        
 648. STOCKBOOK 37 covers,2 patch various    mostly ALT          ca.     EV   30.00 
 649. SET OF 5 ALT free flights   Edwards                        SVC     MB   10.00 
 650. LOT OF 3 C-5                Edwards    arrival + 2 flts    RSC     MB    1.00 
 651. 05/12/67 XB-70              Edwards                        RSC     EV    5.00 
 652. LOT OF 3 F-8 Digital FBW    Edwards    9/73                RSC     MB    1.00 
 653. LOT OF 2 F-111              Edwards    1-2/74              RSC     MB    1.00 
 654. 12/20/72 M2-F2              Edwards                        SVC     EV    7.00 
 655. LOT OF 4 X-24B              Edwards    10/73,2/74,10/74    RSC     MB    1.00 
 656. 01/14/75 X-24B              Edwards                        RSC     EV    5.00 
 657. 04/30/99 X-34 rollout       Edwards                        PrtC    MB    3.00 
 658. 06/29/99 X-34 1st captive   Edwards                        PrtC    MB    3.00 
 659. 03/04/99 X-38 drop test     Edwards                        PrtC    MB    3.00 
ROCKET MAIL                                                                        
 660. 06/08/59 Missile Mail       Mayport                        PrtC    MB    7.00 
 661. 07/08/59 Missile Mail       Mayport                        PrtC    MB    1.00 
 662.          U.S. EZ 7C1                                               MB   25.00 
 663.          U.S. EZ 8C1                                               MB   20.00 
 664.          Holland EZ 3C1                 with photos                MB   60.00 
 665.          Rocket mail stamps             EZ 55A1                    MB    3.00 
 666.          Rocket mail stamps             EZ 55A2b                   MB   10.00 
 667.          Rocket mail stamps             EZ 5A1a  blk 4 auto Zucker MB   20.00 
 668. 08/06/62 Vostok 2 - Titov   Moscow                         PrtC    EV    5.00 
 669. 08/06/62 Vostok 2 - Titov   Moscow                   Titov PostC   EV    5.00 
 670. 03/16/71?Lunokhod 1 FDC     Moscow                         PrtC    EV    5.00 
 671. 09/27/73 Soyuz 17 launch    Moscow                         SVC     EV    7.00 
 672. MULTIPLE Mars 6/Viking 2    Moscow/Pasadena                SVC     EV    9.00 
 673. 03/12/74 Mars 6 lands       Moscow                         SVC     EV    5.00 
 674. 07/15/75 Soyuz 19 launch    Baikonour                      SVC     EV   10.00 
 675. 12/08/75 Venus 10 FDC       Moscow                         SVC     EV    6.00 
 676. 12/15/84 Vega 1             Baikonour                      SVC     EV   12.00 
 677. 12/15/84 Vega 1             Barstow meter                  SVC     EV    5.00 
 678. 12/15/84 Vega 1             Barstow                        SVC     EV    5.00 
 679. 12/15/84 Vega 1             Madrid                         SVC     EV    5.00 
 680. 12/21/84 Vega 2             Baikonour                      SVC     EV   12.00 
 681. 12/21/84 Vega 2             Barstow meter                  SVC     EV    5.00 
 682. 12/21/84 Vega 2             Barstow                        SVC     EV    5.00 
 683. 12/21/84 Vega 2             Madrid                         SVC     EV    5.00 
 684. 12/21/84 Vega 2             Canberra                       SVC     EV    5.00 
 685. 03/06/86 Vega 1 flyby       Pasadena                       SVC     EV    5.00 
 686. 03/06/86 Vega 1 flyby       Barstow                        SVC     EV    5.00 
 687. 03/06/86 Vega 1 flyby       Madrid                         SVC     EV    5.00 
 688. 03/06/86 Vega 1 flyby       Canberra                       SVC     EV    5.00 
 689. 03/09/86 Vega 1 flyby       Pasadena                       SVC     EV    5.00 
 690. 03/09/86 Vega 1 flyby       Barstow                        SVC     EV    5.00 
 691. 03/08/86 Vega 1 flyby       Madrid                         SVC     EV    5.00 
 692. 03/10/86 Vega 1 flyby       Canberra                       SVC     EV    5.00 
 693. LOT OF 6 Vega 1 & 2 events  Canberra,Madrid,Barstow        SVC     EV   30.00 
 694. LOT OF 4 Cosmos 782/Vega 1 & 2  Moscow/Barstow             SVC     EV   33.00 
PICTORIAL CANCELS/SLOGAN CANCELS/SPACE CACHETS                                      
 695. 02/14/73 Apollo             Washington                     GCC     EV    5.00 
 696. 02/14/73 Apollo             Washington           different GCC     EV    5.00 
 697. 01/19/74 Kohoutek           Scottsdale                     PrtC A  EV    5.00 
 698. 03/17/74 Skylab             Detroit                        NC      EV    4.00 
 699. 04/04/75 Shuttle            Downey meter (.00)             NC      EV    4.00 
 700. 05/30/76 Science Expo       KSC (small HC)                 PrtC    EV    5.00 
 701. 09/18/76 Shuttle            Houston                        NC   A  EV    4.00 
 702. 05/07/77 MI Space Center    Jackson                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 703. 03/31/78 Shuttle            New York              Colorano Silk    EV    4.00 
 704. 10/06/79 Space HOF          Alamagordo                     NC      EV    4.00 
 705. 04/12/80 Saturn             San Diego                      NC   A  EV    4.00 
 706. 10/10/81 Verne              Canton                         NC   A  EV    5.00 
 707. 10/16/81 Shuttle            Hempstead                      sticker EV    4.00 
 708. 03/12/82 Viking             Denver                         NC      EV    4.00 
 709. 03/18/82 Shuttle            New York                       NC      EV    4.00 
 710. 07/25/82 Shuttle            Houston                        NC      EV    4.00 
 711. 07/26/82 Shuttle            Downey                         NC      EV    4.00 
 712. 08/30/83 Shuttle            Downey                         NC      EV    4.00 
 713. 05/18/85 Halley's Comet     Anaheim                        SVC     EV    5.00 
 714. 11/02/85 Halley's Comet     Gaithersburg                   SVC     EV    5.00 
 715. 11/22/85 Halley's Comet     El Segundo                     SVC     EV    5.00 
 716. 11/30/85 Halley's Comet     Burbank                        SVC     EV    5.00 
 717. 01/31/86 Halley's Comet     Long Beach                     SVC     EV    5.00 
 718. 02/22/86 Halley's Comet     Park Forest                    SVC     EV    5.00 
 719. 02/23/86 Halley's Comet     Birmingham                     SVC     EV    5.00 
 720. 02/28/86 Halley's Comet     Phoenix                        SVC     EV    5.00 
 721. 03/09/86 Halley's Comet     Corvallis                      SVC     EV    5.00 
 722. 03/11/86 Halley's Comet     Pittsburgh                     SVC     EV    5.00 
 723. 03/13/86 Halley's Comet     Pittsburgh                     SVC     EV    5.00 
 724. 04/13/86 Halley's Comet     Wichita                        SVC     EV    5.00 
 725. 05/04/86 Halley's Comet     Bangor                         PrtC    EV    5.00 
 726. 04/03/93 Mars Observer      Park Forest   overcancel       NC      EV    2.00 
 727. 03/20/94 Apollo 11          Dearborn Heights               NC      EV    6.00 
 728. 04/01/95 Apollo 13          Park Forest             postc  NC      EV    4.00 
 729. 04/13/96 STS 1              Elmhurst                       NC      EV    4.00 
 730. 05/03/96 Earth              Lake Placid                    NC      EV    4.00 
 731. 07/07/96 STS 78             Robbins                        NC      EV    4.00 
 732. 03/03/97 Astronaut          Titusville                     PrtC    EV    5.00 
 733. 04/22/97 Earth Day          Mesa                           NC      EV    3.00 
 734. 04/26/97 Earth Day          Binghampton                    NC      EV    3.00 
 735. 05/16/97 STS 84             KSC                            PrtC    EV    5.00 
 736. 10/08/97 Telescope          Fort Davis                     NC      EV    4.00 
 737. 01/31/98 Explorer 1         CC                             PrtC    EV    4.00 
 738. 03/07/98 War of the Worlds  Rochester                      PrtC    EV    4.00 
 739. 03/28/98 Deep Space 1       Park Forest                    PrtC    EV    4.00 
 740. 04/22/98 Earth Day          Wendell                        PrtC    EV    4.00 
 741. 04/23/98 Earth              Heber Springs                  PrtC    EV    4.00 
 742. 04/10/99 Apollo 11          Wilmington                     PrtC    EV    6.00 
 743. 04/30/99 Earth              Richmond                       PrtC    EV    4.00 
 744. 05/01/99 Goddard SFC anniv  Greenbelt                      PrtC    EV    4.00 
 745. 05/07/99 Rocket             Lanham-Seabrook                PrtC    EV    4.00 
 746. 05/22/99 Sun                Cicero                         PrtC    EV    3.00 
 747. 06/11/99 Sun/Moon           Madison                        PrtC    EV    3.00 
 748. 06/11/99 Sun/Moon           Nixa                           PrtC    EV    3.00 
 749. 06/12/99 Sun/Moon           Millersville                   PrtC    EV    3.00 
 750. 06/12/99 Sun                Baltimore                      PrtC    EV    3.00 
 751. 06/12/99 Apollo 11          Huntsville                     PrtC    EV    6.00 
 752. 07/01/99 Craters of the Moon Arco                          PrtC    EV    5.00 
 753. 07/20/99 Apollo 11          Cleveland                      PrtC    EV    6.00 
 754. 07/20/99 Apollo 11          Apollo                         PrtC    EV    6.00 
 755. 07/20/99 Apollo 11          Houston                        PrtC    EV    6.00 
 756. 07/20/99 Apollo 11          Wapakoneta                     PrtC    EV    6.00 
 757. 07/24/99 Moon               Wilmot                         PrtC    EV    6.00 
 758. LOT OF 9 Space cancels      Foreign locations        many  PrtC    MB    5.00 
FIRST DAY COVERS                                                                   
 759. 05/05/69 Apollo 8           Houston           Local + SCCS PrtC    EV    8.00 
 760. 08/02/71 Space Achievements Huntsville                     SCC     EV    6.00 
 761. 08/02/71 Space Achievements CC unofficial        Art Craft PrtC    EV    6.00 
 762. 05/20/77 Lindbergh          Roosevelt Fld                  PrtC    EV    5.00 
 763. 09/23/78 Wright Brothers    Dayton           pair          PrtC    EV    5.00 
 764. 05/21/81 Space Achievements KSC              block of 8    SVC     EV    7.00 
 765. 07/20/89 Apollo 11          Washington                USPS PrtC    MB    2.50 
 766. MULTIPLE Mariner 10         Sat Beach encounter 1975/FDI 1991 RSC  EV   10.00 
 767. MULTIPLE Viking/Viking      FDI 1978/FDI 1991         SCCS PrtC    EV   10.00 
 768. MULTIPLE Pioneer/Pioneer    FDI 1975/FDI 1991         SCCS PrtC    EV   10.00 
 769. MULTIPLE Copernicus/Pluto   FDI 1973/FDI 1991              PrtC    EV   10.00 
 770. 11/29/85 Halley's Comet     Chile                          SVC     EV    6.00 
 771. LOT OF 20 Foriegn FDC's     various includes Bhutan 3-D,etc.       EV   90.00 
AUTOGRAPHS   INS = inscribed                                                        
      3 x 5 card                                                         MB    6.00 
 772. Cooper       773. Conrad         774. Duke                                    
      Space Covers                                                       MB    5.00 
 775. Burbank      776. Camarda        777. Carey           778. Forrester          
 779. Guidoni      780. Herrington     781. Higginbotham    782. Hobaugh            
 783. M. Kelly     784. S. Kelly       785. Lockhart        786. Magnus             
 787. Massimono    788. McCool         789. Morgan          790. Morin              
 791. Pettit       792. Phillips                            793. Stefanyshyn-Piper  
 794. Polansky     795. P. Richards    796. Schlegel        797. Sellers            
 798. Thiele       799. Tryggvason     800. Walhiem         801. Whitson            
 802. Wilson                                                                        
 803. Michel       804. Graveline      805. Prinz           806. Payton             
 807. DeLucas      808. Harbaugh INS   809. Gaffney                                 
 810. Eisele                                                             MB   25.00 
 811. 02/09/71 Apollo 14 recv CC      Shepard,Mitchell INS Orbit PrtC    MB   25.00 
 812. ??/??/?? Apollo 14 trk  Germany Shepard                    RSC  A  MB   20.00 
 813. 08/07/71 Apollo 15 recv Kawishi.Irwin                      NC   A  MB   15.00 
 814. 11/10/8? Birth Date     St Fran.Evans                      ca.     MB   10.00 
 815. 11/16/73 Skylab  4 lau  KSC     crew signed           NASA RSC  A  MB   15.00 
 816. 11/16/73 Skylab  4 lau  KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   15.00 
 817. 11/16/73 Skylab  4 lau  CC      crew signed                PrtC    MB   15.00 
 818. 11/16/73 Skylab  4 lau  KSC     Gibson                NASA RSC  A  EV   15.00 
 819. 07/15/75 ASTP      FDC  KSC     Slayton                    PrtC A  MB   15.00 
 820. 07/15/75 ASTP      lau  KSC     Slayton               NASA RSC  A  MB   15.00 
 821. 07/15/75 ASTP      FDC  Moscow  Evans (back up crew)       NC   OS MB   15.00 
 822. 04/12/81 STS 1          KSC     Slayton                    RSC  A  MB   12.00 
 823. 11/12/81 STS 2          KSC     crew signed       miss emb PrtC    EV   25.00 
 824. 03/30/82 STS 3          WSMR    crew signed                sticker EV   30.00 
 825. 11/11/82 STS 5          KSC     crew signed                PrtC A  MB   35.00 
 826. 11/11/82 STS 5          CC      crew signed                PrtC A  MB   30.00 
 827. 04/04/83 STS 6          CC      crew signed                PrtC    MB   35.00 
 828. 08/30/83 STS 8          KSC     crew signed                RSC  A  MB   50.00 
 829. 02/03/84 STS 41B        CC      crew signed                PrtC A  MB   75.00 
 830. 08/30/84 STS 41D        CC      Hawley                     PrtC A  EV   15.00 
 831. 09/05/84 STS 41D        Edwards Hartsfield                 PrtC A  EV   15.00 
 832. 09/05/84 STS 41D        Edwards Hawley                     PrtC A  EV   15.00 
 833. 08/30/84 STS 41D        Greenb. Mullane                    PrtC    EV   15.00 
 834. 10/05/84 STS 41G        CC      Garneau, Scully-Power      PrtC    EV   30.00 
 835. 11/16/84 STS 51A        CC      crew signed                PrtC    MB   45.00 
 836. 11/08/96 STS 51A anniv  CC      crew signed                PrtC    MB   30.00 
 837. 01/24/85 STS 51C        Greenb. Booen                      PrtC    EV   10.00 
 838. 01/24/85 STS 51C        Greenb. Odle                       PrtC    EV   10.00 
 839. 04/12/85 STS 51D        KSC     crew signed (Garn,Walker AUTOP) PrtMB   15.00 
 840. 04/12/85 STS 51D        CC      crew signed except Hoffman PrtC    MB   40.00 
 841. 04/19/85 STS 51D        KSC     Seddon            miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
 842. 04/19/85 STS 51D        CC      crew signed                PrtC    MB   50.00 
 843. 04/19/85 STS 51D        CC      crew signed (Walker AUTOP) PrtC    MB   20.00 
 844. 04/29/86 STS 51B anniv  CC      crew signed exc. van den Berg PrtC EV   50.00 
 845. 07/29/85 STS 51F        Greenb. Bartoe,England             PrtC    EV   25.00 
 846. 08/06/85 STS 51F        Edwards Bartoe,Acton               PrtC    EV   25.00 
 847. 07/29/86 STS 51F anniv  CC      crew signed                PrtC    EV   85.00 
 848. 10/03/85 STS 51J        CC      crew signed                PrtC    MB   35.00 
 849. 10/30/85 STS 61A        CC      crew signed                PrtC    MB   40.00 
 850. 10/30/85 STS 61A        Greenb. crew signed                PrtC    MB   35.00 
 851. 10/30/86 STS 61A anniv  CC      crew signed                PrtC    MB   30.00 
 852. 11/26/85 STS 61B        Greenb. crew signed ex. Cleave,Shaw INS PrtEV   50.00 
 853. 12/03/85 STS 61B        Edwards crew signed ex. Walker      INS PrtEV   50.00 
 854. 11/26/96 STS 61B anniv  CC      crew signed ex. Neri,Walker INS PrtEV   50.00 
 855. 09/29/88 STS 26         KSC     crew signed                PrtC    MB   20.00 
 856. 09/29/88 STS 26 +51L an.KSC/KSC crew signed                NC      MB   15.00 
 857. 09/29/88 STS 26         KSC     crew signed   STS miss emb ca.     MB   20.00 
 858. 09/29/88 STS 26 +FDI    KSC/Washcrew signed                NC      MB   15.00 
 859. MULTIPLE STS 26 lau/lan KSC/Edw crew signed            STS RSC     MB   30.00 
 860. 10/03/88 STS 26         Greenb. crew signed                RSC     MB   20.00 
 861. MULTIPLE STS 27 lau/lan KSC/Edw crew signed                RSC     MB   40.00 
 862. 12/02/88 STS 27         KSC     crew signed ex. Sheperd    PrtC    MB   15.00 
 863. 12/06/88 STS 27         Greenb. crew signed ex. Sheperd    RSC     MB   15.00 
 864. 03/13/89 STS 29         Greenb. Coats                      PrtC    EV   15.00 
 865. 03/13/89 STS 29         Sat Bea Culbertson (CAPCOM)        RSC     EV   12.00 
 866. 08/08/89 STS 28         KSC     crew signed  INS           RSC     MB   25.00 
 867. MULTIPLE STS 28 lau/lan KSC/Edw Adamson                    PrtC    EV   15.00 
 868. MULTIPLE STS 28 lau/lan KSC/Edw Leestma                    PrtC    EV   15.00 
 869. 10/18/89 STS 34         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   25.00 
 870. 10/18/89 STS 34         CC      crew signed       miss emb PrtC    MB   25.00 
 871. 10/23/89 STS 34         Edwards crew signed       miss emb PrtC    MB   25.00 
 872. 10/18/94 STS 34 anniv   CC      crew signed       miss emb PrtC    EV   40.00 
 873. 10/18/96 STS 34 anniv   CC      crew signed       miss emb PrtC    EV   40.00 
 874. 10/18/89 STS 34         KSC     crew signed ex. Baker  w/Edw cancelMB    5.00 
 875. 11/27/89 STS 33         Greenb. Thornton                   RSC     EV   15.00 
 876. 11/15/90 STS 38         CC      STS 33 crew ex. Story      PrtC    EV   20.00 
 877. 01/09/90 STS 32         KSC     crew signed          w/Edw cancel  MB   10.00 
 878. 01/09/90 STS 32         KSC     crew signed          w/FDI cancel  MB   10.00 
 879. 02/28/90 STS 36         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   25.00 
 880. 02/28/90 STS 36         KSC     crew signed                PrtC    MB   25.00 
 881. 03/04/90 STS 36         Greenb. crew signed                RSC     MB   20.00 
 882. 04/24/90 STS 31         KSC     crew signed                PrtC    MB   25.00 
 883. 04/24/90 STS 31         KSC     crew signed       miss emb PrtC    MB   25.00 
 884. 04/24/90 STS 31         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   25.00 
 885. 11/15/90 STS 38         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   25.00 
 886. 12/02/90 STS 35         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   35.00 
 887. 04/05/91 STS 37         KSC     crew signed                PrtC    MB   25.00 
 888. 04/05/91 STS 37         KSC     crew signed       miss emb PrtC    MB   25.00 
 889. 04/05/91 STS 37         KSC     Godwin  INS       miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
 890. 04/11/91 STS 37         Edwards crew signed       miss emb PrtC    MB   25.00 
 891. 04/28/91 STS 39         KSC     crew signed ex Harbaugh    RSC     EV   60.00 
 892. 06/05/96 STS 40 anniv   CC      crew signed                PrtC    EV   60.00 
 893. 08/02/91 STS 43         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   25.00 
 894. 01/22/92 STS 42         KSC     crew signed - Hilmers,Thagard  Prt MB   25.00 
                                                  + Carter                         
 895. 01/22/92 STS 42         KSC     crew signed ex Hilmers,Thagard Prt MB   25.00 
 896. 03/24/92 STS 45         KSC     crew signed  INS  miss emb PrtC    MB   25.00 
 897. 03/24/92 STS 45         KSC     Bolden            miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
 898. 03/24/93 STS 45 anniv   KSC     crew signed                PrtC    MB   20.00 
 899. 03/24/93 STS 45 anniv   KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   15.00 
 900. 04/26/93 STS 55         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   35.00 
 901. 06/21/93 STS 57         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   25.00 
 902. 10/18/93 STS 58         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   30.00 
 903. 02/03/94 STS 60         KSC     Bolden            miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
 904. 09/09/94 STS 64         KSC     crew signed  INS           RSC     MB   30.00 
 905. 09/30/94 STS 68         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   30.00 
 906. 11/03/94 STS 66         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   30.00 
 907. 02/03/95 STS 63         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   35.00 
 908. 02/03/95 STS 63         KSC     Voss  INS         miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
 909. 03/02/95 STS 67         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   35.00 
 910. 03/02/95 STS 67         KSC     crew signed                PrtC    MB   35.00 
 911. 03/18/95 STS 67         Edwards crew signed                RSC     MB   35.00 
 912. 03/18/95 STS 67         Edwards crew signed                PrtC    MB   35.00 
 913. 03/02/95 STS 67         KSC     Gregory + reports to NASA cancel   EV   20.00 
 914. 07/13/95 STS 70         KSC     Kregel                     RSC     EV   21.00 
 915. 09/07/95 STS 69         KSC     Newman  INS       miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
 916. 09/07/95 STS 69         KSC     crew signed ex Walker  INS PrtC    MB   15.00 
 917. 10/20/95 STS 73         KSC     Rominger                   RSC     EV   15.00 
 918. 10/20/95 STS 73         KSC     Leslie            miss emb PrtC    EV   20.00 
 919. 10/20/95 STS 73         KSC     Sacco             miss emb PrtC    EV   20.00 
 920. 11/12/95 STS 74         KSC     crew signed (Cameron AUTOP)PrtC    MB   10.00 
 921. 06/20/96 STS 78         KSC     Helms  INS        miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
 922. 04/04/97 STS 83         KSC     Voss   INS        miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
 923. 04/04/97 STS 83         KSC     Linteris          miss emb PrtC    EV   20.00 
 924. 05/15/97 STS 84         KSC     crew signed ex Kondakova,Foale INS MB   15.00 
 925. 05/15/97 STS 84         KSC     Clervoy  INS      miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
 926. 05/27/99 STS 96         KSC     Payette                    RSC     EV   15.00 
 927. 05/27/99 STS 96         KSC     Bondar                     ca.     EV   10.00 
 928. 07/23/99 STS 93         KSC     Collins   + STS 63 cancel  RSC     EV   20.00 
 929. 07/23/99 STS 93         KSC     Collins   + STS 63 cancel  RSC     MB   10.00 
                                      + reports to NASA cancel                      
 930. 07/23/99 STS 93         KSC     Tognini                    RSC     EV   15.00 
 931. 01/28/96 STS 51L anniv  KSC     Sudarmono                  PrtC    EV   10.00 
 932. 03/14/66 Einstein FDC   Princeton  Worden   slit open      PrtC    EV   12.00 
 933. 09/21/78 Soyuz 31       Berlin  Jahn                       PrtC    EV   18.00 
 934. 02/25/80 Minuteman      VAFB    Tamayo                     RSC  A  EV   10.00 
 935. 09/xx/62 Vostok FDC     Hungary Nikolayev                  PrtC    EV   15.00 
 936. 08/20/62 Vostok FDC     Romania Nikolayev   small tear     PrtC    MB    5.00 
 937. 02/20/62 Mercury FDC    CC      Nikolayev                  ca.     EV   15.00 
 938.   NONE   label                  Hermaszewski                       EV   10.00 
      Space Covers                                                       MB    7.00
 939. Alexandrov   940. Atkov          941. Berezovoy       942. Demin              
 943. Filipchenko  944. Glazko         945. Gubarev         946. Haignere           
 947. Hermaszwski  948. Ivanov         949. Kizim           950. Kovalenko          
 951. Lebedev      952. Lothaller      953. Lyakhov         954. Makarov            
 955. Polyakov     956. Sarafonov      957. Savinykh        958. Serebrov           
 959. Shonin       960. Solovyov       961. Strekalov       962. Volk               
 963. Volkov       964. Volynov                                                     
 965. Kizim        966. Prunariu       967. Vasyutin        968. A Volkov           
 969. Afanasayev   970. Kolodin        971. Tolboyev        972. V Titov            
      Space Covers                                                       MB   15.00
 973. Viehbock     974. Flade          975. Haignere                                
      TEST PILOTS                                                                   
               COVERS/POSTCARDS                                          MB    5.00 
 976. Ascani  -  X-1 pilot selection     977. J. Armstrong  X-24B Mgr               
 978. Atwell         979. S. Boyd        980. Buchanan       981. Enevoldson        
 982. Fulton         983. Gentry         984. Hoag           985. Mallick           
 986. Manke          987. McMurtry       988. Peterson       989. Powell            
 990. R. Smith       991. Sorlie         992. Uhalt          993. A. White          
 994. Young                                                                         
               COVERS/POSTCARDS                                          MB    6.00 
 995. Cardenas       996. Champine       997. J. Cotton      998. Crossfield        
 999. Dana          1000. Everest       1001. Goodlin       1002. H. Gordon         
1003. Griffith      1004. Hanes         1005. Knight        1006. Lundquist         
1007. R. White      1008. Yeager  INS                                               
1009. 05/06/75 X-24B          Edwards Finley                     RSC     EV   20.00 
1010.   NONE                          Jacquelyn Parker       STS RSC     EV   15.00 
1011. 11/20/78 D-558-2        Edwards Crossfield,Knight          MOF#68  EV   27.00 
1012. 02/20/62 Proj Merc FDC  CC      Carl                       NC      EV   21.00 
1013. 05/14/74 Skylab FDC     Houston Finley                     PrtC    EV   15.00 
1014. Kittenger               Signed letter                              MB    5.00 
1015. Willam Douglas          Signed cover                               MB    5.00 
1016. Arthur C Clarke         Handwritten note                           MB    5.00 
1017. STS 46 except Malerba               MB  20.00       1018. STS 48   MB   25.00 
1019. STS 49     MB  40.00 1020. STS 55   MB  40.00       1021. STS 60   MB   60.00 
1022. STS 64     MB  35.00 1023. STS 66   MB  35.00       1024. STS 68   MB   35.00 
1025. STS 73     MB  50.00                                                          
1026. STS 51 INS MB  40.00                                                          
1027. Apollo 7 crew           8 x 10 (Man on Moon card)                  MB  100.00 
1028. Brand,Stafford          ASTP crew photo                            MB   20.00 
1029. Adamson                 Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1030. A Allen                 Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1031. Anderson                Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1032. Apt                     Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1033. Ashby                   Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1034. E. Baker                Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1035. M. Baker                Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1036. Bagian                  Group                                      MB    5.00 
1037. Barry                   Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1038. Bartoe                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1039. Blaha                   Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1040. Bloomfield              Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1041. Bluford                 Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1042. Bobko                   Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1043. Bolden                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1044. Borman                  Individual civies      Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1045. Brady                   Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1046. Brady                   Group                  Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1047. Brand                   Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1048. Brand                   STS on pad                                 MB    5.00 
1049. Bridges                 Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1050. M Brown                 Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1051. Brummer                 Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1052. Buchli                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1053. Bull                    Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1054. Butterworth             Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1055. Cabana                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1056. Cabana                  Crew                   Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1057. Cameron                 Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1058. Carey                   Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1059. Casper                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1060. Cenker                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1061. Chang                   STS flight deck                            MB    5.00 
1062. Chappell                Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1063. Chiao                   Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1064. Chiao                   STS photo              Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1065. Clifford                Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1066. Coats                   Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1067. Cockrell                Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1068. E Collins               Individual             Inscribed           MB   10.00 
1069. Covey                   Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1070. Conrad                  Moon Shot Comic Type Book                  MB    5.00 
1071. Creighton               Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1072. Crombie                 Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1073. Crombie                 STS launch             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1074. Crouch                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1075. S Cunningham            STS                                        MB    5.00 
1076. Currie                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1077. Duffy                   Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1078. Dunbar                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1079. England                 Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1080. Engle                   Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1081. Evans                   Individual             Inscribed           MB   20.00 
1082. Evans                   Flyer for his video    Inscribed           MB   20.00 
1083. Fabian                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1084. Fabian                  Crew                                       MB    5.00 
1085. Farrimond               Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1086. Fettman                 Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1087. A Fisher                Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1088. Forrester               Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1089. Frimout                 Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1090. Fullerton               Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1091. Garn                    Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1092. Gemar                   Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1093. Gemar                   STS launch             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1094. E Gibson                Crew                   Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1095. R Gibson                Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1096. Godwin                  Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1097. Grabe                   Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1098. F Gregory               Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1099. W Gregory               Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1100. Griggs                  Individual                                 MB   20.00 
1101. Grunsfeld               Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1102. Hadfield                Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1103. Haise                   Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1104. Hammond                 Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1105. Harris                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1106. Hartsfield              Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1107. Hauk                    Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1108. Hawley                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1109. Helms                   Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1110. Henricks                Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1111. Herrington              Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1112. Hieb                    Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1113. Hilmers                 Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1114. Hilmers                 ALT                    Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1115. Hobaugh                 Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1116. Ivins                   Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1117. Jernigan                Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1118. Jones                   Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1119. Lampton                 Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1120. Lee                     Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1121. Leestma                 Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1122. Lenoir                  Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1123. Lichtenberg             Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1124. Lichtenberg             Training                                   MB    5.00 
1125. Lounge                  Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1126. Llewellyn               Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1127. Low                     Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1128. Lu                      Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1129. Lucid                   Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1130. Magnus                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1131. McCool                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1132. McCulley                Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1133. McDivitt                Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1134. McDivitt                Apollo 9 crew photo                        MB    5.00 
1135. McNair                  Individual             Inscribed           MB   85.00 
1136. Meade                   Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1137. Merbold                 Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1138. Morgan                  Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1139. Morin                   Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1140. Mullane                 Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1141. Musgrave                Individual             Inscribed           MB   15.00 
1142. Nagel                   Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1143. Newman                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1144. Nordsiek                Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1145. Noriega                 Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1146. O'Connor                Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1147. Ochoa                   Group                  Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1148. Oswald                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1149. Overmyer                Individual             Inscribed           MB   15.00 
1150. Pailes                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1151. Pailes                  "High Flight"                              MB    5.00 
1152. Parazynski              Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1153. Pettit                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1154. Phillips                Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1155. Precourt                Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1156. Puz                     STS landing                                MB    5.00 
1157. Reilly                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1158. Resnik                  Individual             Inscribed           MB   85.00 
1159. Rominger                Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1160. Ross                    Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1161. Sacco                   Individual             Inscribed           MB    7.00 
1162. Schlegal                Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1163. Schirra                 Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1164. Schirra                 Flyer for his book                         MB    5.00 
1165. Schmitt                 Apollo 17 crew photo   Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1166. Schweickart             Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1167. Schweickart             Signed note                                MB   15.00 
1168. Schweickart             Man on the Moon card                       MB   10.00 
1169. Schweickart             Space Station Hologram envelope            MB    5.00 
1170. W Scott                 Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1171. Seddon                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1172. Sherlock                Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1173. Shriver                 Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1174. Slayton                 Individual             Inscribed           MB   20.00 
1175. Slayton                 American Space Pioneer ASTP Patch          MB   40.00 
1176. S Smith                 Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1177. Spring                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1178. Stefanyshyn-Piper       Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1179. Stewart                 Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1180. Sturckow                Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1181. Tanner                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1182. Thiele                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1183. Thirsk                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1184. A Thomas                Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1185. Thout                   Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1186. Truly                   Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1187. Janice Voss             Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1188. Walheim                 Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1189. Walpot                  Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1190. Walter                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1191. Weitz                   Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1192. Weitz                   Skylab                 Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1193. Wilcutt                 Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1194. Don Williams            Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1195. Wolf                    Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1196. Worden                  Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1197. Worden                  Space Shot Card                            MB   10.00 
               TEST PILOTS     in-flight,X-1 stamp photo,with plane,etc. MB    8.00
                               different photos if listed more than once
1198. Crossfield    1199. Crossfield    1200. Dana                                  
1201. Ascani        1202. Atwell        1203. Cardenas      1204. Champine          
1205. Dana          1206. Enevoldson    1207. Griffith      1208. Holtener          
1209. Hoover        1210. Kittinger     1211. Lawyer        1212. Luck              
1213. Lundquist     1214. Peterson      1215. Sorlie        1216. R White           
1217. R White                                                                       
1218. Kraft    NASA dir       Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1219. Takei    Star Trek      Individual                                 MB    5.00 
1220. Baudry                  Individual             Inscribed           MB    5.00 
1221. Haignere                                                           MB    5.00 
1222. Tognini                 with Jet                                   MB    5.00 
1223. Tognini                 with Chretien                              MB    5.00 
              Photocards                                                 MB    7.00
1224. Gorbatko  1225. Popov   1226. Romanenko   1227. Sarafanov   1228. Sevestyanov 
1229. Strekalov                                                                     
1230. Nikolayev 1231. Titov   1232. Popovich    1233. Bykovsky    1234. Kubasov INS 
1235. Berezovoi 1236. Sharma                                                        
1237. Komarov   MB  90.00     1238. Hermazewski     MB   25.00                      
1239. Gurragcha MB  15.00     1240. Tomayo-Mendez   MB   15.00                      
MILESTONES OF FLIGHT                                                                
1241. SET OF 100 MOF covers in a slipcase                                MB  125.00 
1242. #5  EV   7.00  1243. #6   EV  7.00  1244. #7   EV  7.00 1245. #8   EV    7.00 
1246. #10 EV   7.00  1247. #11  EV  6.00  1248. #12  EV  6.00 1249. #14  EV    6.00 
1250. #15 EV  12.00  1251. #16  EV  6.00  1252. #17  EV 15.00 1253. #18  EV    7.00 
1254. #19 EV   6.00  1255. #20  EV  6.00  1256. #21  EV  6.00 1257. #22  EV    8.00 
1258. #24 EV   7.00  1259. #25  EV  6.00  1260. #26  EV  7.00 1261. #27  EV    7.00 
1262. #28 EV   8.00  1263. #29  EV  8.00  1264. #30  EV  8.00 1265. #31  EV    6.00 
1266. #32 EV   6.00  1267. #33  EV  6.00  1268. #34  EV  8.00 1269. #35  EV    6.00 
1270. #37 EV   8.00  1271. #38  EV  6.00  1272. #39  EV  8.00 1273. #40  EV    8.00 
1274. #41 EV   5.00  1275. #43  EV  5.00  1276. #45  EV  8.00 1277. #46  EV    5.00 
1278. #49 EV   5.00  1279. #50  EV  5.00  1280. #51  EV  5.00 1281. #53  EV    5.00 
1282. #54 EV   5.00  1283. #55  EV  5.00  1284. #57  EV  5.00 1285. #59  EV    7.00 
1286. #61 EV   5.00  1287. #64  EV  8.00  1288. #70  EV 10.00 1289. #75  EV    8.00 
1290. #80 EV   5.00  1291. #88  EV  5.00  1292. #89  EV  7.00 1293. #90  EV    6.00 
1294. #91 EV   8.00  1295. #92  EV  6.00  1296. #95  EV  8.00 1297. #98  EV    8.00 
1298. #99 EV   5.00                                                                 
TAKE A LOOK - WHO KNOWS WHAT YOU MAY FIND HERE                                      
1299.  STAMPS  Mint sheet file - 11 Project Mercury, 14 Apollo 8 face$64 MB   57.00 
1300. 03/20/65 Keel Laid SSB(N)   Groton                         GCC     EV    2.50 
1301. 09/25/69 Northwest Passage  Barrow    SS Manhattan         RSC     EV    2.50 
1302. 03/26/76 Dyrden center named Edwards                       SVC     EV    2.00 
1303. 06/16/77 von Braun dies     WSMR                           SVC     EV    3.50 
1304. 06/16/77 von Braun dies     CC                             SVC     EV    3.50 
1305. 10/01/78 Carter visit       CC                             SVC     EV    2.00 
1306. LOT OF 5 Anniversary covers various  Expl 1,Skylab,NASA    SVC     MB    2.50 
1307. POSTCARD Apollo 14 crew                                    mint    EV    2.00 
1308. POSTCARD COMSAT tracking sites -- CA and HI    2 cards     mint    EV    2.00 
1309. POSTCARD Space related                         7 cards             EV    7.00 
1310. STICKERS STS-96 (x2)                              mission emblem   EV    2.00 
1311. PHOTO    All Mercury Astonauts except Grissom - early photo        EV    2.00