Mini- Auction #57 - Auction closes May 31, 2000

MERCURY - GEMINI - APOLLO - SKYLAB - ASTP - STS                                     
   1. 05/28/59 Able-Bakerlaunch   PC                             GCC     MB  700.00 
   2. 09/09/59 Big Joe   launch   PC                             PostC   MB  250.00 
   3. 01/31/61 Ham       launch   PC                             Type A  EV  125.00 
   4. 01/31/61 Ham       launch   PC                      Sarzin PrtC    EV  125.00 
   5. 01/31/61 Ham       launch   PC            different Sarzin PrtC    EV  125.00 
   6. 01/31/61 Ham       launch   PAFB                           RSC     EV  125.00 
   7. 05/05/61 Shepard   launch   PC                             stick A MB   45.00 
   8. 05/05/61 Shepard   launch   PAFB                           sticker MB   45.00 
   9. 05/05/61 Shepard   launch   PAFB                  NASA emb RSC  A  MB   45.00 
  10. 05/05/61 Shepard   launch   PAFB                    rocket RSC  A  MB   45.00 
  11. 05/05/61 Shepard   launch   PAFB                   Swanson RSC  A  MB   45.00 
  12. 05/05/61 Shepard   support? USCGC Eastwind                 RSC  A  EV   20.00 
  13. 05/05/71 Shepard   anniv    KSC                            RSC     EV    5.00 
  14. 05/05/71 Shepard   anniv    KSC                            PrtC    EV    5.00 
  15. 05/05/71 Shepard   anniv    CC                  Centennial PrtC    EV    5.00 
  16. 05/05/71 Shepard   anniv    CC                             PrtC    EV    5.00 
  17. 05/05/71 Shepard   anniv    Derry NH     Kenmore Stamp Co. PrtC    EV    6.00 
  18. 05/05/86 Shepard   anniv    KSC                            sticker EV    5.00 
  19. 07/21/61 Grissom   launch   PAFB                           SCC     EV   60.00 
  20. 09/13/61 Robot     launch   PC                      Sarzin PrtC    MB   30.00 
  21. 11/29/61 Enos      launch   PC                      Gordon ca.     MB   30.00 
  22. 11/29/61 Enos      launch   PC                             PrtC    MB   30.00 
  23. 11/29/61 Enos      launch   PC                             stick A MB   30.00 
  24. 11/29/61 Enos      launch   PC                      Sarzin PrtC    MB   30.00 
  25. 02/20/62 Glenn     launch   PC                      Sarzin PrtC    EV   15.00 
  26. 02/20/62 Glenn     launch   PAFB                           SCC     EV   10.00 
  27. 02/20/62 Glenn     launch   China                          PrtC    EV   12.00 
  28. 03/01/62 Glenn     visit    New York                       Word    EV    6.00 
  29. 03/03/62 Glenn     visit    New Concord          Fleetwood PrtC    EV    6.00 
  30. 05/24/62 Carpenter launch   PC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   12.00 
  31. 05/24/62 Carpenter launch   Saigon                         PrtC    EV   12.00 
               plus      India Apollo 11 FDC 11/19/69 PrtC + mint stamp            
  32. 05/24/62 Carpenter recovery USS Intrepid              Ship PrtC LS MB   20.00 
  33. 05/24/62 Carpenter recovery USS Alstede               Ship PrtC A  EV   15.00 
  34. 05/24/62 Carpenter recovery USS Dewey                      RSC     EV   15.00 
  35. 05/24/62 Carpenter recovery USS Wren                Gordon ca.     EV   15.00 
  36. 05/31/62 Carpenter visit    Boulder      Hometown          Word A  EV    5.00 
  37. 06/05/62 Carpenter visit    New York                       PrtC A  EV    5.00 
  38. 07/04/62 Astronauts visit   Houston                        PrtC    EV    6.00 
  39. 10/03/62 Schirra   launch   CC                      Sarzin PrtC    EV   12.00 
  40. 10/03/62 Schirra   launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   12.00 
  41. 10/03/62 Schirra   launch   Houston                    HPS PrtC    EV   10.00 
  42. 10/03/62 Schirra   recovery USS Henley                     RSC     EV   15.00 
  43. 10/03/62 Schirra   recovery USS Sperry                     RSC  A  EV   15.00 
  44. 10/03/62 Schirra   recovery USS Warrington          Gordon ca.     EV   15.00 
  45. 05/15/63 Cooper    launch   China                          PrtC    EV   18.00 
               plus      Paraguay Cooper FDC 08/22/63 NC                           
  46. 05/15/63 Cooper    recovery USS Fletcher              Ship RSC     EV   15.00 
  47. 05/15/63 Cooper    tracking Honolulu     USNS Longview     RSC  A  EV   15.00 
  48. LOT OF 10 Gemini 3 thru 12  CC    "Plugged 9"        Orbit PrtC    MB   30.00 
  49. LOT OF 3 Gemini 1,2,11      CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   30.00 
  50. 01/19/65 Gemini  2 launch   CC                             SCC     EV   30.00 
  51. 01/19/65 Gemini  2 recovery USS Lake Champlain        Navy RSC  A  EV   40.00 
  52. 03/23/65 Gemini  3 launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   12.00 
  53. 03/23/65 Gemini  3 recovery USS Intrepid       PrtC + Navy RSC  A  EV   18.00 
  54. 03/23/65 Gemini  3 recovery USS Intrepid              Navy RSC  A  EV   18.00 
  55. 03/23/65 Gemini  3 recovery USS Intrepid             Orbit PrtC    EV   25.00 
  56. 06/03/65 Gemini  4 launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   12.00 
  57. 08/21/65 Gemini  5 launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   12.00 
  58. 08/29/65 Gemini  5 recovery USS Lake Champlain        Navy RSC     EV   18.00 
  59. 08/29/65 Gemini  5 recovery USS Lake Champlain  Navy+Orbit PrtC    EV   25.00 
  60. 08/29/65 Gemini  5 recovery USS Mason          Navy RSC on back A  EV    8.00 
  61. 12/16/65 Gemini  6 recovery USS Wasp                  Navy RSC     EV   15.00 
  62. 12/04/65 Gemini  7 launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   12.00 
  63. 12/18/65 Gemini  7 recovery CC           RARE        Orbit PrtC    EV   15.00 
  64. 03/16/66 Gemini  8 launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   12.00 
  65. 03/17/66 Gemini  8 recovery USS Mason   toned  Navy RSC on back A  EV   15.00 
  66. 06/03/66 Gemini  9 tracking Fairbanks    auto              RSC  A  EV    9.00 
  67. 07/21/66 Gemini 10 launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   12.00 
  68. 09/12/66 Gemini 11 launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   12.00 
  69. 11/03/66 MOL       launch   PAFB                           SCC     EV   28.00 
  70. 11/11/66 Gemini 12 launch   CC                        NASA RSC OSA EV   20.00 
  71. 11/11/66 Gemini 12 launch   CC                 GT-12 Orbit PrtC    EV   12.00 
  72. 11/11/66 Gemini 12 launch   CC            All Gemini Orbit PrtC    EV   12.00 
  73. MULTIPLE Saturn 5/6 launch  CC 1/29/64/SB 5/28/64          Word    EV   10.00 
  74. 05/13/64 Little Joe launch  WSMR                           PrtC A  EV   25.00 
  75. 02/26/66 Apollo  1 launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   21.00 
  76. 02/26/66 Apollo  1 recovery USS Boxer                 Navy RSC     EV   20.00 
  77. 08/25/66 Apollo  3 launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   21.00 
  78. 08/25/66 Apollo  3 recovery USS Hornet                Navy RSC     EV   15.00 
  79. 01/27/67 Apollo  1 fire     Houston                   SCCS PrtC    EV  100.00 
  80. 01/27/68 Apollo  1 anniv    Houston           Local + SCCS PrtC    EV    9.00 
  81. 01/27/77 Apollo  1 anniv    KSC                  NASA-like RSC     EV    3.00 
  82. 11/09/67 Apollo  4 launch   KSC                       NASA RSC     EV   30.00 
  83. 11/09/67 Apollo  4 launch   CC                             SCC     EV   20.00 
  84. 11/09/67 Apollo  4 launch   KSC                   Red Navy RSC  A  EV   15.00 
  85. 11/09/67 Apollo  4 launch   KSC                   Red Navy RSC  A  EV   15.00 
  86. 11/09/67 Apollo  4 recovery USS Bennington            Navy RSC  A  EV   18.00 
  87. 11/09/67 Apollo  4 recovery USS Sabine                Navy RSC     EV    7.00 
  88. LOT OF 2 Apollo 4/5 launch  CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   20.00 
  89. 11/09/67 Apollo  4 tracking Carnarvon                      stick A EV    9.00 
  90. 01/22/68 Apollo  5 launch   KSC                       NASA RSC     EV   15.00 
  91. 04/04/68 Apollo  6 recovery USS Okinawa               Navy RSC     EV   15.00 
  92. 04/04/68 Apollo  6 tracking Barstow                        RSC  A  EV    6.00 
  93. 10/11/68 Apollo  7 launch   KSC                       NASA RSC  A  EV   15.00 
  94. 10/12/68 Apollo  7 tracking Agana                          RSC  A  EV    6.00 
  95. LOT OF 3 Apollo  8 thru 10  CC    "Plugged 9"        Orbit PrtC    MB    6.00 
  96. 12/24/68 Apollo  8 in orbit Port Washington         Sarzin PrtC    EV    3.00 
  97. 12/27/68 Apollo  8 recovery CC                             SVC     EV    9.00 
  98. 12/27/68 Apollo  8 recovery CC HC                          SVC     EV    9.00 
  99. 12/27/68 Apollo  8 recovery USS Yorktown              Navy RSC     EV   15.00 
 100. 03/04/68 Apollo  9 tracking Agana                          RSC  A  EV    6.00 
 101. 05/26/69 Apollo 10 recovery USS Princeton             Navy RSC  A  EV   15.00 
 102. 05/18/69 Apollo 10 tracking St Johns, Antigua              RSC     EV    6.00 
 103. 05/18/69 Apollo 10 tracking Las Palmas, Grand Canary       RSC  A  EV    6.00 
 104. 07/16/69 Apollo 11 launch   CC                Dow-Unicover PrtC    EV   12.00 
 105. 07/16/69 Apollo 11 launch   CC                       Folio PrtC    EV    9.00 
 106. 07/16/69 Apollo 11 launch   Washington            miss emb PrtC    EV    5.00 
 107. 07/20/69 Apollo 11 landing  CC                Dow-Unicover PrtC    EV   12.00 
 108. 07/20/69 Apollo 11 landing  CC                       Folio PrtC    EV    9.00 
 109. 07/20/69 Apollo 11 landing  Houston                  MSCSC PrtC    EV    6.00 
 110. 07/24/69 Apollo 11 recovery CC                Dow-Unicover PrtC    EV   12.00 
 111. 07/24/69 Apollo 11 recovery USS Hornet                Navy RSC  A  EV   15.00 
 112. 07/24/69 Apollo 11 recovery USS Hornet                     PrtC A  EV   21.00 
 113. 07/24/69 Apollo 11 recovery USS Arlington             Navy RSC  A  EV   24.00 
 114. 09/09/69 Apollo 11 Congress Washington              Sarzin PrtC    EV    5.00 
 115. 11/14/69 Apollo 12 launch   KSC                       NASA RSC  A  EV   18.00 
 116. 11/14/69 Apollo 12 launch   CC                             RSC  A  EV    6.00 
 117. 11/14/69 Apollo 12 launch   CC                       Folio PrtC    EV    6.00 
 118. LOT OF 2 Apollo 12 lau/land CC  11/14;11/19          Orbit PrtC    EV   10.00 
 119. 11/14/69 Apollo 12 launch   Houston               tracking env     EV    6.00 
 120. 11/19/69 Apollo 12 landing  CC                      Sarzin metal   EV    5.00 
 121. 11/19/69 Apollo 12 landing  Houston               tracking env     EV    6.00 
 122. 11/21/69 Apollo 12 return   Houston                   MSCS PrtC    EV    5.00 
 123. 11/24/69 Apollo 12 recovery CC                      Sarzin metal   EV    5.00 
 124. 11/24/69 Apollo 12 recovery PAFB                           SCC     EV    5.00 
 125. 11/24/69 Apollo 12 recovery Houston               tracking env     EV    6.00 
 126. 11/24/69 Apollo 12 recovery Houston                   MSCS PrtC    EV    5.00 
 127. LOT OF 2 Apollo 12 events   Houston 12/10 & 12/14     MSCS PrtC    EV    6.00 
 128. LOT OF 8 Apollo 13 launch   various tracking,cancels,etc.  ca./NC  EV   13.00 
 129. 04/14/70 Apollo 13 impact   KSC        env damage          PrtC    EV    2.00 
 130. 04/17/70 Apollo 13 recovery USS Iwo Jima              Navy RSC  A  EV   12.00 
 131. 04/17/70 Apollo 13 recovery USS New                   Navy RSC  A  EV    6.00 
 132. 04/20/70 Apollo 13 tracking CC         USNS Vanguard       RSC  A  EV    8.00 
 133. 04/13/70 Apollo 13 tracking KSC        Weather group       RSC     EV    3.00 
 134. LOT OF 6 Apollo 14 launch   various tracking,FDC,events    PrtC    EV   40.00 
 135. 01/31/71 Apollo 14 launch   KSC                   miss emb PrtC A  EV    6.00 
 136. 01/31/71 Apollo 14 launch   CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV    6.00 
 137. 01/31/71 Apollo 14 launch   CC                  Centennial PrtC    EV    6.00 
 138. 02/03/71 Apollo 14 into LEM CC                      Sarzin PrtC    EV    7.00 
 139. 02/05/71 Apollo 14 landing  CC                             PrtC A  EV    6.00 
 140. 02/05/71 Apollo 14 landing  Houston                        PrtC    EV    4.00 
 141. 02/05/71 Apollo 14 landing  Houston                   MSCS PrtC    EV    4.00 
 142. 02/06/71 Apollo 14 EVA      Houston                   MSCS PrtC    EV    4.00 
 143. 02/06/71 Apollo 14 liftoff  CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   12.00 
 144. MULTIPLE Apollo 14 land/off CC/CC                          SVC     EV   18.00 
 145. 02/09/71 Apollo 14 recovery KSC                      Solar PrtC    EV    4.00 
 146. 02/09/71 Apollo 14 recovery CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   12.00 
 147. 02/09/71 Apollo 14 recovery CC                             PrtC    EV    4.00 
 148. 02/09/71 Apollo 14 recovery USS New Orleans           Navy RSC     EV   12.00 
 149. 02/26/71 Apollo 14 out quar Houston                        RSC     EV    5.00 
 150. 01/31/71 Apollo 14 tracking Eglin                          RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 151. LOT OF 11 Apollo 15 events  KSC,Houston                MSC PrtC    MB   25.00 
 152. 07/26/71 Apollo 15 launch   KSC                   miss emb sticker EV    6.00 
 153. 07/26/71 Apollo 15 launch   KSC                       TMSC PrtC    EV    6.00 
 154. 07/26/71 Apollo 15 launch   KSC                   miss emb PrtC A  EV    6.00 
 155. 07/26/71 Apollo 15 launch   KSC                        MSC PrtC    EV    5.00 
 156. 07/26/71 Apollo 15 launch   KSC                      Solar PrtC    EV    5.00 
 157. 07/26/71 Apollo 15 launch   Titusville                 MSC PrtC    EV    5.00 
 158. 07/26/71 Apollo 15 launch   Houston                  MSCSC PrtC    EV    4.00 
 159. 07/26/71 Apollo 15 recovery Kunia                      I&O PrtC A  EV    5.00 
 160. 08/07/71 Apollo 15 recovery KSC                      Solar PrtC    EV    5.00 
 161. 08/07/71 Apollo 15 recovery Waterbury CT   timestamp       PrtC A  EV    2.00 
 162. 08/07/71 Apollo 15 recovery USS Okinawa               Navy RSC  A  EV   15.00 
 163. 08/07/71 Apollo 15 recovery USS Okinawa    thin       Navy RSC     EV    8.00 
 164. 08/07/71 Apollo 15 recovery USS Austin                Navy RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 165. LOT OF 7 Apollo 15 tracking Eglin,COMSAT HI,NASCOM HI,Kourou,      MB    5.00 
                                  Orroral Valley,Buckland Park,Carnarvon           
 166. LOT OF 10 Apollo 16 events  KSC,Norfolk                    RSC/PrtCMB   25.00 
 167. LOT OF 16 Apollo 16 events  KSC,Houston,....           MSC PrtC    MB   40.00 
                plus Romainia cover with Apollo 16 stamps                          
 168. 04/16/72 Apollo 16 launch   KSC                       NASA RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 169. 04/20/72 Apollo 16 landing  Houston           Local + SCCS PrtC    EV    8.00 
 170. 04/23/72 Apollo 16 liftoff  Houston           Local + SCCS PrtC    EV    8.00 
 171. 04/27/72 Apollo 16 recovery Houston           Local + SCCS PrtC    EV    8.00 
 172. 04/27/72 Apollo 16 recovery USS Ticonderoga           Navy RSC     EV   10.00 
 173. 04/27/72 Apollo 16 recovery USS Ticonderoga           Navy RSC  LS EV    8.00 
 174. LOT OF 15 Apollo 17 events  CC,Houston   2 CC ca. + 13 MSC PrtC    MB   35.00 
 175. 12/07/72 Apollo 17 launch   KSC                       NASA RSC  A  EV    7.00 
 176. 12/07/72 Apollo 17 launch   KSC                            PrtC    EV    5.00 
 177. 12/19/72 Apollo 17 recovery USS Ticonderoga           Navy RSC  A  EV   10.00 
 178. LOT OF 5 Apollo 17 tracking Waimea,Guam,GSFC,Grand Canary,Germany  MB    4.00 
 179. 12/07/72 Apollo 17 tracking AFPS       Ramstein recovery   RSC  A  EV    4.00 
 180. LOT OF 4 Skylab    related  CC SL-2 undock,2 unmanned,FDC  RSC/PrtCEV   30.00 
 181. LOT OF 4 Skylab    related  KSC SL-3 lau (thin),unmanned,  RSC/PrtCEV   10.00 
                         Poland tracking (early cancel),Westar B tracking          
 182. LOT OF 2 Skylab    related  Ft Worth SL-3 SCC, PARFOREX '73PrtC    EV    6.00 
 183. LOT OF 2 Skylab    related  Norfolk  SL-2/3 recovery  Navy RSC  A  EV   21.00 
 184. 01/22/73 Skylab    test     WSMR       Aerobee launch      RSC     EV    5.00 
 185. LOT OF 5 Skylab 1+2 events  CC                    Colorano Silk    MB   11.00 
 186. LOT OF 2 Skylab 2+3 recov   USS Tic.,USS N.O.         Navy RSC  A  EV   30.00 
 187. 05/14/73 Skylab  1 launch   KSC                       NASA RSC  A  EV    6.00 
 188. 05/14/73 Skylab  1 launch   KSC                       NASA Exch    EV    5.00 
 189. 05/14/73 Skylab  1 launch   KSC                            PrtC    EV    5.00 
 190. 05/14/73 Skylab  1 launch   CC             Skylab miss emb PrtC    EV    4.00 
 191. LOT OF 7 Skylab  1 launch   Houston                        NC      MB    2.00 
 192. 05/14/73 Skylab  1 tracking Edwards                        RSC     EV    3.00 
 193. 05/14/73 Skylab  1 tracking Greenbelt                      RSC     EV    3.00 
 194. 05/14/73 Skylab  1 tracking Madrid                         PrtC    EV   11.00 
 195. 05/25/73 Skylab  2 launch   KSC                       NASA RSC  A  EV    6.00 
 196. 05/25/73 Skylab  2 launch   KSC                            RSC     EV    5.00 
 197. 05/25/73 Skylab  2 launch   KSC                            PrtC A  EV    5.00 
 198. 05/25/73 Skylab  2 launch   KSC                      LBJSC PrtC    EV    4.00 
 199. 05/25/73 Skylab  2 launch   CC                    miss emb PrtC    EV    5.00 
 200. 05/25/73 Skylab  2 launch   CC                             RSC  A  EV    2.00 
 201. LOT OF 9 Skylab  2 launch   Houston                        NC      MB    2.00 
 202. 05/25/73 Skylab  2 docking  CC                             RSC  A  EV    4.00 
 203. 06/04/73 Skylab    test     WSMR  overcancel  Black Brant  RSC  A  EV    4.00 
 204. 06/22/73 Skylab  2 recovery CC                    miss emb PrtC    EV    4.00 
 205. 06/22/73 Skylab  2 recovery CC                    Philgraf PrtC    EV    4.00 
 206. 06/22/73 Skylab  2 recovery USS Ticonderoga           Navy RSC  A  EV    9.00 
 207. 06/22/73 Skylab  2 recovery Norfolk                   Navy RSC  A  EV    3.00 
 208. 05/25/73 Skylab  2 tracking Edwards                        RSC  A  EV    3.00 
 209. 06/22/73 Skylab  2 tracking Edwards                        RSC  A  EV    3.00 
 210. 05/25/73 Skylab  2 tracking VAFB                           RSC  A  EV    3.00 
 211. SET OF 4 Skylab  2 tracking Berlin    W-F-S lau-recv       RSC  A  MB    2.00 
 212. 05/25/73 Skylab  2 tracking Madrid    STDN                 PrtC    EV    3.00 
 213. 05/25/73 Skylab  2 tracking Madrid    NASCOM               RSC     EV   12.00 
 214. 07/28/73 Skylab  3 launch   CC                    miss emb PrtC    EV    4.00 
 215. 07/28/73 Skylab  3 launch   CC                             RSC  A  EV    3.00 
 216. 08/06/73 Skylab  3 EVA      KSC                            SVC     EV    3.00 
 217. 08/06/73 Skylab  3 EVA      CC                      Sarzin metalic EV    4.00 
 218. 08/24/73 Skylab  3 EVA      KSC                   miss emb PrtC    EV    4.00 
 219. 08/24/73 Skylab  3 EVA      Houston                        SVC     EV    4.00 
 220. 09/25/73 Skylab  3 recovery KSC                   miss emb PrtC    EV    4.00 
 221. 09/25/73 Skylab  3 recovery USS New Orleans           Navy RSC  A  EV    9.00 
 222. 09/25/73 Skylab  3 recovery Norfolk                   Navy RSC  A  EV    3.00 
 223. 09/25/73 Skylab  3 recovery Norfolk    slit open      Navy RSC  A  EV    1.00 
 224. 09/25/73 Skylab  3 tracking Edwards                        RSC     EV    3.00 
 225. 07/28/73 Skylab  3 tracking Greenbelt                      RSC  A  EV    3.00 
 226. 07/28/73 Skylab  3 tracking Canberra City                  RSC  A  EV    3.00 
 227. 07/30/73 Skylab  3 tracking Freeport   Bahamas             RSC     EV    3.00 
 228. 07/28/73 Skylab  3 tracking Madrid                         RSC     EV    3.00 
 229. 07/28/73 Skylab  3 tracking Las Palmas Grand Canary        RSC     EV    3.00 
 230. 11/16/73 Skylab  4 launch   KSC                       NASA RSC  A  EV    6.00 
 231. 11/16/73 Skylab  4 launch   KSC                   miss emb PrtC    EV    4.00 
 232. LOT OF 9 Skylab  4 launch   Houston                        NC      MB    2.00 
 233. 11/16/73 Skylab  4 launch   CC                    miss emb PrtC    EV    4.00 
 234. 12/10/73 Skylab    test     WSMR       launch for ATM      RSC     EV    4.00 
 235. 12/19/73 Skylab    test     WSMR       launch for ATM      RSC     EV    4.00 
 236. LOT OF 4 Skylab  4 recovery KSC                            NC      MB    2.00 
 237. 02/08/73 Skylab  4 recovery KSC                   miss emb PrtC    EV    4.00 
 238. 02/08/73 Skylab  4 recovery CC                    miss emb PrtC    EV    4.00 
 239. 02/08/74 Skylab  4 recovery USS New Orleans           Navy RSC  A  EV    9.00 
 240. 02/08/74 Skylab  4 recovery Norfolk                   Navy RSC  A  EV    3.00 
 241. 02/08/74 Skylab  4 recovery Norfolk              B898 Beck PrtC    EV    5.00 
 242. 02/08/74 Skylab  4 recovery Norfolk              B899 Beck PrtC    EV    5.00 
 243. LOT OF 2 Skylab  4 recovery USS N.O./Norfolk          Navy RSC  A  EV   25.00 
 244. 02/08/74 Skylab  4 recovery Honolulu    USS Tawakoni       PrtC A  EV    4.00 
 245. 12/26/73 Skylab  4 tracking VAFB                           RSC     EV    3.00 
 246. 02/04/74 Skylab  4 tracking VAFB                           RSC     EV    3.00 
 247. 02/08/74 Skylab  4 tracking VAFB                           RSC     EV    3.00 
 248. 11/16/73 Skylab  4 tracking Greenbelt                      RSC     EV    3.00 
 249. LOT OF 5 Skylab  4 tracking Denmark,France (2 diff),Germany,Greece MB    3.00 
 250. LOT OF 5 Skylab  4 tracking Iceland(2 diff),Madagas,G Canary,Spain MB    3.00 
 251. 06/04/74 Skylab    trophy   Washington     Collier         PrtC    EV    4.00 
 252. 08/01/74 Shepard   retires  Houston                   SCCS PrtC    EV    5.00 
 253. 07/15/75 ASTP      launch   KSC                       NASA RSC  A  EV    6.00 
 254. 07/15/75 ASTP      launch   KSC                            NC      EV    1.00 
 255. LOT OF 2 ASTP      events   CC       7/16;7/18             RSC     EV   19.00 
 256. LOT OF 2 ASTP      recovery CC/CC    7/15;7/24  Courageous PrtC    EV   25.00 
                                  CC/PAFB  7/15;7/24  Preserver  PrtC              
 257. LOT OF 2 ASTP      recovery Kunia    7/15;7/24             RSC     EV   20.00 
 258. 07/24/75 ASTP      recovery San Francisco        B998 Beck PrtC    EV    5.00 
 259. 07/16/75 ASTP      tracking Moree, Aust   auto             PrtC    EV    9.00 
 260. 07/15/75 ASTP      tracking Carnarvon     OTC                      EV    9.00 
 261. LOT OF 2 ASTP      tracking Ft Churchill & Alert Canada    ca.     EV   15.00 
 262. 07/18/75 ASTP      tracking Darlington, UK                 ca.     EV   12.00 
 263. LOT OF 2 ASTP      commem.  Jerusalem   7/15;7/19          PrtC    EV   25.00 
 264. 07/18/75 ASTP      tracking Niho, Japan                    RSC     EV   11.00 
 265. 07/16/75 ASTP      tracking Kuantan, Malaysia  auto  thin  RSC  LS EV   10.00 
 266. LOT OF 3 STS wind tunnel    Moffett Field   2-3/76         RSC     EV   12.00 
 267. 08/12/77 STS 1st Free Flt   Edwards                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 268. LOT OF 4 STS 1st Free Flt   Palmdale,Seattle,Huntsville,KSC SVC    MB   16.00 
 269. LOT OF 2 STS 3rd Free Flt   Edwards,Houston   9/77         SVC     EV   30.00 
 270. LOT OF 2 STS 4th Free Flt   Edwards,Houston  10/77         SVC     EV   30.00 
 271. LOT OF 2 STS 5th Free Flt   Edwards,Houston  10/77         SVC     EV   30.00 
 272. 04/12/81 STS 1     launch   KSC     51 covers     miss emb PrtC    EV  150.00 
 273. 04/12/81 STS 1     launch   KSC                            SVC     EV    8.00 
 274. 04/12/81 STS 1     tracking MSFC                           RSC  A  EV    7.00 
 275. MULTIPLE STS 5     launch   KSC/CC                         RSC     EV   12.00 
 276. LOT OF 2 STS 5     events   KSC/Hou/EAFB  lau/in flt/land  Card    EV   35.00 
                                  KSC/EAFB      lau/land     trk env               
 277. 11/28/83 STS 9     launch   Titusville ATS                 PrtC    EV    7.00 
 278. 11/28/83 STS 9     tracking Wessling                       RSC  A  EV   12.00 
 279. 09/29/88 STS 26    tracking Woomera                        RSC  A  EV    3.00 
 280. 12/02/88 STS 27    launch   KSC      STS stamps   miss emb RSC     EV    4.00 
 281. 12/02/88 STS 27    launch   CC       STS stamps   miss emb RSC     EV    4.00 
 282. 12/06/88 STS 27    landing  Edwards  STS stamps   miss emb RSC     EV    4.00 
 283. 05/04/89 STS 30    launch   KSC      STS stamps   miss emb RSC     EV    4.00 
 284. 05/04/89 STS 30    launch   CC       STS stamps   miss emb RSC     EV    4.00 
 285. 05/08/89 STS 30    landing  Edwards  STS stamps            RSC     EV    4.00 
 286. 08/08/89 STS 28    launch   KSC      STS stamps   miss emb RSC     EV    4.00 
 287. 08/13/89 STS 28    landing  Edwards  STS stamps            RSC     EV    4.00 
 288. 10/18/89 STS 34    launch   KSC      STS stamps   miss emb RSC     EV    4.00 
 289. 10/18/89 STS 34    launch   CC       STS stamps   miss emb RSC     EV    4.00 
 290. 10/23/89 STS 34    landing  Edwards  STS stamps   miss emb RSC     EV    4.00 
 291. 11/22/89 STS 33    launch   KSC      STS stamps   miss emb RSC     EV    4.00 
 292. 11/22/89 STS 33    launch   CC       STS stamps   miss emb RSC     EV    4.00 
 293. MULTIPLE STS 33 lau/landing CC/Edwards            miss emb RSC     EV    8.00 
 294. MULTIPLE STS 32 lau/landing KSC/Edwards    1/90   miss emb RSC     EV    8.00 
 295. MULTIPLE STS 37 lau/landing KSC/Edwards  3-4/90   miss emb RSC     EV    8.00 
 296. MULTIPLE STS 37 lau/landing CC/Edwards   3-4/90   miss emb RSC     EV    8.00 
 297. MULTIPLE STS 31 lau/landing KSC/Edwards    4/90   miss emb RSC     EV    8.00 
 298. MULTIPLE STS 41 lau/landing KSC/Edwards   10/90   miss emb RSC     EV    8.00 
 299. MULTIPLE STS 42 lau/landing KSC/Edwards   11/90   miss emb RSC     EV    8.00 
 300. MULTIPLE STS 35 lau/landing KSC/Edwards   12/90   miss emb RSC     EV    8.00 
 301. MULTIPLE STS 35 lau/landing CC/Edwards    12/90   miss emb RSC     EV    8.00 
 302. 06/07/99 STS 93    rollout  KSC                            PrtC    EV    5.00 
 303. 10/29/98 STS 95    launch   KSC pictorial    Art Craft PM  FDC     EV    8.00 
 304. 10/29/98 STS 95    launch   KSC pictorial large AND small  PM FDC  EV   12.00 
 305. 10/29/98 STS 95    launch   KSC                            PrtC    EV    8.00 
 306. 10/29/98 STS 95    launch   KSC                   miss emb PrtC    EV    8.00 
 307. 11/07/98 STS 95    landing  KSC                   miss emb PrtC    EV    8.00 
 308. 12/04/98 STS 88    launch   KSC                            PrtC    EV    6.00 
 309. 12/04/98 STS 88    launch   KSC               ISS miss emb PrtC    EV    6.00 
 310. MULTIPLE STS 88  lau/land   KSC/KSC               miss emb PrtC    EV    8.00 
 311. MULTIPLE STS 88  lau/land   KSC/KSC                        PrtC    EV    8.00 
 312. 12/04/98 STS 88    launch   Downey pictorial      miss emb PrtC    EV    5.00 
 313. 12/13/98 STS 88    in-flt   KSC                            PrtC    EV    5.00 
 314. 12/15/98 STS 88    landing  KSC                            PrtC    EV    5.00 
 315. 07/27/99 STS 93    landing  KSC                    STS emb PrtC    EV    5.00 
 316. 07/27/99 STS 93    landing  KSC                            PrtC    EV    5.00 
 317. 07/27/99 STS 93    landing  KSC                  different PrtC    EV    5.00 
 318. 07/27/99 STS 93    landing  KSC                       crew PrtC    EV    5.00 
SHUTTLE TESTS AND PRECURSORS                                                       
      F-8 FLY-BY-WIRE             Edwards                        SVC     EV    6.00 
 319. 08/27/76  320. 09/17/76  321. 01/28/77  322. 02/16/77  323. 02/25/77          
 324. 03/02/77  325. 03/14/77  326. 03/18/77  327. 03/21/77  328. 03/22/77          
 329. 04/14/77  330. 04/15/77  331. 06/29/77  332. 07/15/77  333. 07/20/77          
 334. 09/08/77  335. 09/14/77  336. 09/15/77  337. 11/21/77  338. 11/23/77          
 339. 11/30/77  340. 12/02/77  341. 01/18/78  342. 02/14/78  343. 02/17/78          
 344. 03/06/78  345. 03/07/78  346. 09/20/78  347. 10/03/78  348. 11/21/78          
 249. 09/26/79  350. 10/31/79  351. 11/21/79  352. 11/27/79  353. 11/29/79          
 354. 11/30/77  355. 12/02/77  356. 01/18/78  357. 02/14/78  358. 02/17/78          
      F-8 PIO FLIGHTS             Edwards                        SVC     EV    6.00 
 359. 06/09/80  360. 06/11/80  361. 06/17/80  362. 06/19/80  363. 06/23/80          
 364. 07/03/80  365. 07/17/80  366. 08/21/80  367. 09/04/80  368. 09/05/80          
 369. 09/11/80  370. 09/24/80  371. 10/02/80  372. 10/15/80  373. 10/29/80          
      F-15 TILE TESTS             Edwards                        SVC     EV    6.00 
 374. 08/23/79  375. 08/27/79  376. 08/28/79  377. 12/20/79  378. 01/23/80          
 379. 01/24/80  380. 02/20/80  381. 02/21/80  382. 02/22/80  383. 06/03/80          
 384. 06/06/80  385. 07/11/80  386. 07/16/80  387. 07/18/80  388. 08/22/80          
 389. 08/27/80  390. 08/28/80  391. 09/16/80  392. 09/25/80  393. 09/29/80          
 394. 11/12/80  395. 11/13/80  396. 11/18/80  397. 12/22/80  398. 01/06/81          
      F-104 TILE TESTS            Edwards                        SVC     EV    6.00 
 399. 11/15/79  400. 11/30/79  401. 02/06/80  402. 02/21/80  403. 02/25/80          
 404. 06/25/80  405. 07/01/80  406. 07/25/80  407. 07/30/80  408. 08/06/80          
 409. 08/08/80  410. 08/15/80  411. 08/28/80  412. 09/02/80  413. 09/03/80          
 414. 09/08/80  415. 09/09/80  416. 09/24/80  417. 09/30/80  418. 10/27/80          
      T-38 FLIGHTS                WSMR                           SVC     EV    6.00 
 419. 11/17/76  420. 11/18/76  421. 02/02/77  422. 02/16/77  423. 02/23/77          
 424. 02/24/77  425. 02/25/77  426. 03/09/77  427. 03/16/77  428. 04/12/77          
      T-38 FLIGHTS                Edwards                        SVC     EV    6.00 
 429. 08/20/79  430. 11/01/79  431. 11/02/79  432. 12/07/79  433. 01/24/80          
 434. 01/25/80  435. 03/13/80  436. 03/14/80  437. 05/13/80  438. 05/14/80          
 439. 07/24/80  440. 07/25/80  441. 12/05/80  442. 01/15/81  443. 01/28/81          
      JET STAR FLIGHTS            Edwards                        SVC     EV    6.00 
 444. 08/13/76  445. 08/16/76  446. 08/17/76  447. 08/18/76  448. 08/19/76          
 449. 08/20/76  450. 09/03/76  451. 09/08/76  452. 09/23/76  453. 10/01/76          
 454. 10/05/76  455. 10/06/76  456. 10/07/76  457. 10/13/76  458. 10/14/76          
 459. 10/19/76  460. 11/03/76  461. 11/04/76  462. 11/08/76  463. 11/10/76          
 464. 11/22/76  465. 12/02/76  466. 12/03/76  467. 12/07/76  468. 12/16/76          
 469. 03/28/77  470. 03/29/77  471. 04/04/77  472. 04/05/77  473. 04/06/77          
 474. 04/20/77  475. 04/29/77  476. 05/02/77  477. 05/03/77  478. 05/11/77          
 479. 05/16/77  480. 06/27/77  481. 06/30/77  482. 07/01/77  483. 07/13/77          
 484. 07/25/77  485. 08/02/77  486. 08/03/77  487. 09/18/77  488. 09/28/77          
      GULFSTREAM                  Houston                        SVC     EV    5.00 
 489. 06/08/76  490. 06/21/76  491. 06/22/76  492. 06/23/76  493. 07/07/76          
 494. 07/12/76  495. 07/15/76  496. 07/16/76  497. 07/19/76  498. 07/20/76          
 499. 07/23/76  500. 08/11/76  501. 08/12/76  502. 08/13/76  503. 08/16/76          
 504. 08/17/76  505. 08/18/76  506. 08/19/76  507. 08/20/76  508. 09/03/76          
 509. 09/07/76  510. 09/13/76  511. 09/15/76  512. 09/18/76  513. 09/21/76          
      GULFSTREAM                  WSMR                           SVC     EV    5.00 
 514. 09/28/76  515. 09/30/76  516. 10/01/76  517. 10/13/76  518. 10/14/76          
 519. 10/20/76  520. 10/21/76  521. 10/27/76  522. 10/29/76  523. 11/04/76          
 524. 11/05/76  525. 11/09/76  526. 11/10/76  527. 11/22/76  528. 11/23/76          
 529. 12/07/76  530. 12/08/76  531. 12/09/76  532. 12/10/76  533. 01/06/77          
 534. 01/11/77  535. 01/12/77  536. 01/13/77  537. 01/20/77  538. 01/26/77          
 539. 01/27/77  540. 02/01/77  541. 02/09/77  542. 02/15/77  543. 02/17/77          
 544. 03/10/77  545. 03/15/77  546. 03/30/77  547. 03/31/77  548. 04/07/77          
      GULFSTREAM                  Edwards                        SVC     EV    5.00 
 549. 03/22/77  550. 03/23/77  551. 04/14/77  552. 04/15/77  553. 04/21/77          
 554. 04/22/77  555. 06/03/77  556. 06/04/77  557. 06/09/77  558. 06/10/77          
 559. 06/11/77  560. 06/12/77  561. 06/14/77  562. 06/29/77  563. 07/07/77          
 564. 07/08/77  565. 07/13/77  566. 07/14/77  567. 07/22/77  568. 07/27/77          
 569. 07/28/77  570. 07/29/77  571. 08/02/77  572. 08/06/77  573. 08/10/77          
 574. 08/11/77  575. 08/19/77  576. 08/22/77  577. 08/23/77  578. 08/31/77          
 579. 09/01/77  580. 09/02/77  581. 09/06/77  582. 09/07/77  583. 09/08/77          
 584. 09/12/77  585. 09/13/77  586. 09/14/77  587. 09/16/77  588. 09/17/77          
 589. 09/19/77  590. 09/20/77  591. 09/21/77  592. 09/22/77  593. 09/26/77          
 594. 10/03/77  595. 10/11/77  596. 10/17/77  597. 10/25/77  598. 09/23/78          
      ACOUSTIC TEST               MSFC                           SVC     EV    6.00 
 599. 10/29/74  600. 11/18/74  601. 01/07/75  602. 01/09/75  603. 01/11/75          
 604. 03/17/75  605. 05/07/75  606. 03/08/79  607. 03/28/79  608. 04/17/79          
      ENGINE TESTS                Pearlington                    SVC     EV    5.00 
 609. 11/04/79  610. 12/17/79  611. 02/01/80  612. 02/28/80  613. 03/01/80          
 614. 03/05/80  615. 03/13/80  616. 03/15/80  617. 03/20/80  618. 03/22/80          
 619. 03/28/80  620. 03/31/80  621. 04/08/80  622. 04/12/80  623. 04/14/80          
 624. 04/16/80  625. 04/18/80  626. 04/19/80  627. 04/21/80  628. 04/25/80          
 629. 04/28/80  630. 05/06/80  631. 05/08/80  632. 05/09/80  633. 05/30/80          
 634. 06/02/80  635. 06/05/80  636. 06/16/80  637. 06/23/80  638. 07/12/80          
 639. 08/29/80  640. 09/02/80  641. 09/18/80  642. 10/07/80  643. 10/10/80          
 644. 10/15/80  645. 10/23/80  646. 10/24/80  647. 11/03/80  648. 11/06/80          
 649. 11/11/80  650. 11/13/80  651. 11/19/80  652. 11/24/80  653. 12/02/80          
 654. 12/04/80  655. 01/17/81  656. 01/31/81  657. 02/03/81  658. 02/09/81          
 659. 07/24/70 Bumper 8  anniv    CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV    6.00 
 660. 03/26/58 Explorer 3         PAFB                           GCC     EV   50.00 
 661. 07/26/58 Explorer 4         PAFB                           GCC     EV   40.00 
 662. 10/01/58 Pioneer 1          PC                             GCC     MB  100.00 
 663. 11/08/58 Pioneer 2          PC                             GCC     MB   80.00 
 664. 12/06/58 Pioneer 3          PC                             GCC     MB   70.00 
 665. 02/17/59 Vanguard 2         PC                             GCC     EV   50.00 
 666. 03/03/59 Pioneer 4          PC                             GCC     MB   60.00 
 667. 06/03/59 Discoverer 3       VAFB                     Flick PrtC    EV   90.00 
 668. 06/25/59 Discoverer 4       Lompoc                         GCC     EV   75.00 
 669. 10/13/59 Explorer 7         PC                             PostC   EV   20.00 
 670. 03/11/60 Pioneer 5          PC                      Sarzin PrtC    MB   40.00 
 671. 04/15/60 Discoverer 11      VAFB                           GCC     EV   50.00 
 672. 08/10/60 Discoverer 13      VAFB                           GCC     EV   40.00 
 673. 12/22/60 Polaris            PAFB                           NC      MB    3.00 
 674. 01/17/61 Bomarc             Eglin                          RSC  A  MB    3.00 
 675. 03/15/61 Polaris            PAFB                           RSC  A  MB    3.00 
 676. 04/27/61 Explorer 11        PAFB                           SCC     EV   35.00 
 677. 01/26/62 Ranger 3           PAFB                           SCC     EV   30.00 
 678. 04/23/62 Ranger 4           PAFB                           SCC     EV   25.00 
 679. 07/10/62 Telstar            PC                      Sarzin PrtC    EV   12.00 
 680. 07/10/62 Telstar            PAFB                           SCC     MB   10.00 
 681. 10/03/62 Explorer 14        CC                             SCC     EV   15.00 
 682. 10/18/62 Ranger 5           CC                             SCC     EV   15.00 
 683. 07/26/63 Syncom 2           CC                             SCC     EV   12.00 
 684. 10/17/63 Vela Hotel         CC                             SCC     EV   12.00 
 685. 01/30/64 Ranger 6           CC                             SCC     EV   25.00 
 686. 05/25/64 Polaris            CC                      Sarzin PrtC    EV    9.00 
 687. MULTIPLE Syncom 3   Sat Beach 8/19/64  Tokyo 6/23 Olympics Word    EV   12.00 
 688. 11/05/64 Mariner 3          CC                             SCC     EV   40.00 
 689. 11/28/64 Mariner 4          CC                             SCC     EV   28.00 
 690. 12/10/64 Titan A3 Satellite CC                   Solkolsky PrtC    EV   12.00 
 691. 12/11/64 Atlas-Centaur      CC                      Sarzin PrtC    EV   15.00 
 692. 02/20/65 Ranger 8           Haifa, Israel                  PrtC    EV   10.00 
 693. 05/25/65 Pegasus 2          CC                   Celestial PrtC    EV   15.00 
 694. 07/30/65 Pegasus 3          CC                   Celestial PrtC    EV   15.00 
 695. 10/05/65 OV1-2              VAFB                    Velvet PrtC    EV    9.00 
 696. 12/14/66 Biosat             CC                             RSC     EV   18.00 
 697. 07/14/67 Surveyor 4         CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   15.00 
 698. 11/07/67 Surveyor 6         CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   15.00 
 699. 11/09/67 Surveyor 6 landing CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   15.00 
 700. 01/07/68 Surveyor 7         CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   15.00 
 701. 01/09/68 Surveyor 7 landing CC                       Orbit PrtC    EV   15.00 
 702. 06/21/69 Explorer 41        VAFB                           SCC     EV    7.00 
 703. 12/11/70 ITOS A             VAFB                     Solar PrtC    EV    5.00 
 704. 01/25/71 Intelsat 4         KSC                     Hughes PrtC    EV    5.00 
 705. 01/26/71 Intelsat 4         CC                       Solar PrtC    EV    4.00 
 706. 05/10/71 Mariner 8          KSC                            Type    EV    8.00 
 707. 03/03/72 Pioneer 10         Haifa, Isreal  imperf label    PrtC    EV   16.00 
 708. 04/20/73 Anik 2             KSC                            RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 709. LOT OF 2 Mariner 10 lau/fly CC 11/3/73  Pasadena 3/29/74   RSC/PrtCEV    9.00 
 710. LOT OF 3 Pioneer 10/11      CC 12/73;12/74 fly-bys         RSC/PrtCEV   13.00 
                                  CC  7/72 enter asteroids       SVC               
 711. LOT OF 2 Mariner 10 fly-by  CC/Pasadena                    SVC     EV   28.00 
 712. 08/30/74 US/Netherlands sat VAFB                Centennial PrtC    EV    5.00 
 713. LOT OF 2 Mariner 10 fly-bys CC  9/74; 3/75                 RSC     EV   15.00 
 714. 12/10/74 Helios             KSC                       NASA RSC     EV   15.00 
 715. LOT OF 2 Mariner 10 Buckl. Park 3/75 fly-by;Austria cancel RSC/PrtCEV   12.00 
 716. LOT OF 12Viking precursors  CC/KSC    1/75 - 8/75          RSC     EV   45.00 
 717. LOT OF 2 Viking 1           KSC NASA ca. 8/20/75;Aust trk  RSC     EV   17.00 
 718. LOT OF 2 Viking 2           KSC NASA ca. 9/09/75;Aust trk  RSC     EV   17.00 
 719. 09/09/75 Viking             KSC                   miss emb PrtC A  EV    6.00 
 720. 03/14/76 Solrad             CC                         NRL RSC  A  EV    3.00 
 721. 08/07/76 Viking orbit       Greenbelt  w/ Viking pict. can 9/11/76 EV    6.00 
 722. 09/03/76 Viking landing     Greenbelt  w/ Viking pict. can 9/11/76 EV    6.00 
 723. 06/09/84 Intelsat           CC                             RSC     EV    3.00 
 724. 09/21/84 Galaxy             CC                             RSC     EV    3.00 
 725. 06/29/85 Intelsat           CC                             RSC     EV    3.00 
 726. 09/26/85 Intelsat           CC                             RSC     EV    3.00 
 727. 02/10/98 Minuteman          VAFB                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 728. 02/23/98 Argos              VAFB                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 729. 08/14/98 Black Brant        WSMR                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 730. 09/18/98 Black Brant        WSMR                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 731. 10/22/98 DCS-2              KSC                            PrtC    MB    3.00 
 732. 10/24/98 DS 1               KSC                            PrtC    EV    5.00 
 733. 02/26/99 Black Brant        WSMR                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 734. 03/04/99 WIRE               VAFB                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 735. 03/10/99 Peacekeeper        VAFB                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 736. 03/17/99 Nike Black Brant   WSMR                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 737. 03/27/99 Zenit Sea Launch   Long Beach (homeport) 1st lau  PrtC    MB    3.00 
 738. 03/27/99 Zenit Sea Launch   Long Beach           different PrtC    MB    3.00 
 739. 03/27/99 Zenit Sea Launch   Long Beach   another different PrtC    MB    3.00 
 740. 03/29/99 Black Brant        WSMR                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 741. 03/31/99 Black Brant        WSMR                           PrtC    MB    3.00 
 742. 04/09/99 DSP                KSC                            PrtC    MB    3.00 
 743. 04/12/99 Eutelsat           KSC                            PrtC    MB    3.00 
 744. 05/04/99 Orion 3            KSC                            PrtC    MB    3.00 
 745. 10/22/92 Ausroc             Woomera, Australia             PrtC    EV    5.00 
 746. 06/24/93 Galaxy             Kourou                 Lollini PrtC    MB    2.50 
 747. 07/22/93 Hispasat           Kourou                 Lollini PrtC    MB    2.50 
 748. 10/22/93 Intelsat           Kourou                 Lollini PrtC    MB    2.50 
 749. 11/19/93 Solidaridad        Kourou                 Lollini PrtC    MB    2.50 
 750. 01/24/94 Eutelsat           Kourou                 Lollini PrtC    MB    2.50 
 751. 06/17/94 Intelsat           Kourou                 Lollini PrtC    MB    2.50 
 752. 05/17/94 Intelsat           Kourou                 Lollini PrtC    MB    2.50 
 753. 07/07/95 Helios             Kourou                 Lollini PrtC    MB    2.50 
 754. 09/15/95 Ariane 5           Paris                  Lollini PrtC    MB    2.00 
 755. 10/18/95 Astra              Kourou                 Lollini PrtC    MB    2.50 
 756. 11/16/95 ISO                Kourou                 Lollini PrtC    MB    2.50 
 757. 02/05/96 N-Star             Kourou                 Lollini PrtC    MB    2.50 
 758. 06/04/96 4 satellites       Kourou                 Lollini PrtC    MB    2.50 
 759. 06/15/96 Intelsat           Kourou                 Lollini PrtC    MB    2.50 
 760. 12/10/99 Satellite          Kourou                         NC      EV    4.00 
 761. 08/18/62 Rocket             Andenes, Norway         Sarzin PrtC    EV    6.00 
TEST FLIGHTS - EDWARDS, ETC.                                                        
 762. 08/17/72 F-8 DFBW           Edwards                        RSC     EV    3.00 
 763. LOT OF 2 F-111              Edwards    4-5/73              RSC     EV    5.00 
 764. 07/23/71 M-2                Edwards                fold    RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 765. 09/24/71 M-2                Edwards                        RSC     EV    5.00 
 766. 12/02/71 M-2                Edwards                        RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 767. 09/12/72 M-2                Edwards                        RSC  A  EV    5.00 
 768. 08/29/62 X-15               Edwards                Postc   RSC  A  MB    2.00 
 769. 04/11/63 X-15               Edwards                Postc   RSC  A  MB    2.00 
 770. LOT OF 9 X-24B              Edwards  STS PostC + 8 covers  RSC     EV   36.00 
 771. LOT OF 2 X-24B              Edwards  Manke flts  8/73      SVC     EV   25.00 
 772. LOT OF 2 X-24B              Edwards  Love  flts 10/73-2/74 SVC     EV   30.00 
 773. LOT OF 2 X-24B              Edwards  Love  flts  4/74      SVC     EV   30.00 
 774. LOT OF 4 X-24B              Edwards  Manke flts  5/74-8/75 SVC/RSC EV   30.00 
 775. LOT OF 4 X-24B              Edwards  Love  flts  6/74-8/75 SVC/RSC EV   30.00 
 776. 02/15/74 X-24B              Edwards                        RSC     EV    6.00 
 777. 10/25/74 X-24B              Edwards                        SVC     EV    6.00 
 778. 12/17/74 X-24B              Edwards                        RSC     EV    5.00 
 779. 12/17/74 X-24B              Edwards                        SVC     EV    6.00 
 780. 12/17/74 X-24B              Edwards                   NASA Exch A  EV    7.00 
 781. 01/31/75 X-24B  Abort       Edwards                        RSC     EV    9.00 
 782. 03/20/75 X-24B              Edwards                        SVC     EV    6.00 
 783. 05/06/75 X-24B              Edwards                        SVC     EV    6.00 
 784. 07/15/75 X-24B              Edwards                        SVC     EV    6.00 
 785. 08/20/75 X-24B              Edwards                        SVC     EV    6.00 
 786. 08/20/75 X-24B              Edwards                        RSC     EV    5.00 
 787. 11/19/75 X-24B              Edwards                        SVC     EV    6.00 
 788. 11/19/75 X-24B              Edwards                        RSC     EV    5.00 
 789. 02/05/99 X-38 drop test     Edwards                        PrtC    MB    3.00 
 790. 02/26/99 X-38 drop test     Edwards                        PrtC    MB    3.00 
 791. LOT OF 5 YF-12              Edwards   12/72-9/73           RSC     MB    2.50 
FIRST DAY COVERS   Also see Russian                                                 
 792. 02/20/62 Project Mercury    CC   "Where's the Monkey?"     SCC     EV   15.00 
 793. 09/29/67 Gemini             KSC  w/Ajman EVA stamp  fold   folder  EV    7.00 
 794. 09/29/67 Gemini             KSC         1331 single        NC   A  EV    2.00 
 795. 09/29/67 Gemini             KSC         blk of 4           NC   A  EV    3.00 
 796. 05/05/69 Apollo 8           Houston           Local + SCCS PrtC    EV    8.00 
 797. 09/09/69 Apollo 11          Washington HC        moon rise PostC   EV    5.00 
 798. 09/09/69 Apollo 11          Washington HC       Aldrin/LEM PostC   EV    5.00 
 799. 09/09/69 Apollo 11          Washington        B'nai B'rith PrtC    EV    6.00 
 800. 09/09/69 Apollo 11          Washington               MSCSC PrtC    EV    6.00 
 801. 09/09/69 Apollo 11          Washington  HC  planting flag  PrtC    EV    6.00 
 802. 09/09/69 Apollo 11          CC           unofficial        PrtC A  EV    6.00 
 803. 09/09/69 Apollo 11          CC           unofficial  MSCSC PrtC A  EV    6.00 
 804. 09/09/69 Apollo 11          KSC          unofficial  MSCSC PrtC A  EV    6.00 
 805. 08/02/71 Space Achievements KSC  5 stamp combo   Artmaster PrtC    EV   25.00 
 806. LOT OF 3 Space Achievements KSC                      Lowry PrtC    EV   15.00 
                     KSC Sarzin metalic  Huntsville  USS Okinawa recv PostC        
 807. LOT OF 8 Space Achievements 4 KSC/4 Houston  all different PrtC    EV   40.00 
                                  including Sarzin metalic                         
 808. 05/14/74 Skylab             Houston              Art Craft PrtC A  EV    4.00 
 809. 05/14/74 Skylab             Houston   w/Russian stamp      PrtC    EV   12.00 
 810. 05/14/74 Skylab             Houston               Colorano Silk    EV    5.00 
 811. SET OF 4 Skylab             Houston               Colorano Silk    EV   30.00 
 812. 05/14/74 Skylab             VAFB         unofficial        SVC     EV    4.00 
 813. 02/28/75 Pioneer            Mtn View             Art Craft PrtC A  EV    4.00 
 814. MULTIPLE Mariner            Pasadena                       Sticker EV   12.00 
                                  Austria 1/78 NASA anniv cancel 747/STS            
 815. LOT OF 2 Mariner            Pasadena MC & HC  blk of 4     NC   A  EV   15.00 
 816. 07/04/75 Liberty Bell       Washington   Apollo 11 cachet  SVC     EV    4.00 
 817. 05/20/77 Lindbergh          Roosevelt Fld                  PrtC    EV    5.00 
 818. 09/23/78 Wright Brothers    Dayton       both stamps       PrtC    EV    5.00 
 819. 05/21/81 Skylab             KSC                   Colorano PrtC    EV    3.00 
 820. 12/04/85 Halley's Comet     Hannibal      aerogram         PrtC    EV    6.00 
 821. 07/20/94 Apollo 11          KSC pictorial unofficial       PrtC    EV    5.00 
               Covers have Apollo 11 FDI in combo with noted A-11 cancel           
 822. 07/20/94 Apollo 11          Washington    A-11 New York   11/10/79 EV    8.00 
 823. 07/20/94 Apollo 11          Washington    A-11 Albuqueque 07/16/84 EV    8.00 
 824. 07/20/94 Apollo 11          Washington    A-11 Park Forest03/18/89 EV    8.00 
 825. 07/20/94 Apollo 11          Washington    A-11 Canton     03/18/89 EV    8.00 
 826. 07/20/94 Apollo 11          Washington    A-11 Titusville 07/20/89 EV    8.00 
 827. 07/20/94 Apollo 11          Washington    A-11 Meriden    10/08/89 EV    8.00 
 828. 07/20/94 Apollo 11          Washington    A-11 New London 10/15/89 EV    8.00 
 829. 07/20/94 Apollo 11          Washington    A-11 La Grange  11/25/89 EV    8.00 
 830. 09/29/62 Telstar            Andorre     SC#154             PrtC    EV   15.00 
 831. 04/27/81 Tracking station   Ascension                      PrtC    EV   20.00 
 832. 03/15/63 Space Exposition   Brasil      SC#953             PrtC    EV    9.00 
 833. 04/17/72 Apollo             Cook Island SC#39-46   fold    PrtC    EV   25.00 
 834. 04/12/66 5 yrs Man in Space Cuba        rare!      regist. PrtC A  MB    6.00 
 835. 06/30/83 Skylab             Cyprus (Kibris)                PrtC    EV   18.00 
 836. 12/20/57 Sputnik 2          Czechoslovakia SC#836-8        PrtC    EV   12.00 
 837. 03/06/61 Satellites         Czechoslovakia SC#1031-6       PrtC    EV   12.00 
 838. 04/12/61 Gagarin            Czechoslovakia SC#1042-3       PrtC    EV    8.00 
 839. 04/25/63 Satellites 3 cvrs  Czechoslovakia SC#1169-75 reg. PrtC A  EV   30.00 
 840. 06/19/63 Vostok 5 & 6       Czechoslovakia SC#C57-8   reg. PrtC A  EV    9.00 
 841. 04/27/64 Glenn/Schirra      Czechoslovakia SC#1234,1238    PrtC    EV    5.00 
 842. 08/09/82 Intersputnik       Czechoslovakia            reg. PrtC A  EV   18.00 
 843. 05/01/84 Intersputnik       Czechoslovakia            reg. PrtC    EV   20.00 
 844. 09/29/62 Telstar            France         SC#1048         PrtC    EV   10.00 
 845. 01/02/63 Telstar            France         SC#1047-8       PrtC    EV   18.00 
 846. 02/01/80 Satellites         France Antartic                PrtC    EV   15.00 
 847. 12/05/62 Telstar            France Polynesia               PrtC    EV   20.00 
 848. 05/09/70 Apollo 13          Fujeira       Official    reg. NC   A  EV   10.00 
 849. 08/16/67 EVA/orbiter/Luna   Ghana          SC#35-7 fold    PrtC    EV   12.00 
 850. 02/03/78 Shuttle   s/s      Grenada       plus mint s/s    NC      EV   17.00 
 851. 02/03/78 Shuttle 6 stamps   Grenada       plus mint stamps NC      EV   17.00 
 852. 02/03/78 Shuttle 4 stamps   Grenada                        PrtC    EV   10.00 
 853. 02/28/78 Shuttle   s/s      Grenada       plus mint s/s    NC      EV   17.00 
 854. 02/28/78 Shuttle 6 stamps   Grenada       plus mint stamps NC      EV   17.00 
 855. 05/21/83 Shuttle   s/s      Guine                          PrtC    EV   15.00 
 856. 05/25/83 Shuttle s/s+stamps Guine                          PrtC    EV   25.00 
 857. 03/17/69 Apollo 8           Guinee        SC#C113-5,529-30 NC      EV   18.00 
 858. 01/02/84 Apollo/JFK         Guinee                         PrtC    EV   17.00 
 859. 10/27/62 Astro/Cosmonauts   Hungary                fold    PrtC    EV   12.00 
 860. 05/09/63 6 Space Stamps     Hungary        perf       reg. PrtC A  EV   12.00 
 861. 05/09/63 6 Space Stamps     Hungary        perf  fold reg. PrtC A  EV   16.00 
 862. 05/09/63 12 Space Stamps    Hungary      imperf  fold reg. PrtC A  EV   45.00 
 863. 01/08/64 Satellites         Hungary        perf  fold reg. PrtC A  EV   30.00 
 864. 01/08/64 Satellites         Hungary      imperf  fold reg. PrtC A  MB   10.00 
 865. 12/29/66 Manned missions    Hungary              fold reg. PrtC A  EV   28.00 
 866. 01/30/69 Apollo 8 s/s 2 cvrsHungary   perf/imperf  fold    PrtC    MB   20.00 
 867. 03/20/70 Apollo 12          Hungary              fold reg. PrtC A  EV   12.00 
 868. 06/10/70 Apollo 13          Hungary                fold    PrtC    EV   18.00 
 869. 10/16/73 Skylab s/s         Hungary       SC#C346  fold    PrtC    EV   12.00 
 870. 03/10/78 Space Stamps       Hungary              fold reg. PrtC A  EV   26.00 
 871. 08/02/78 Verne  s/s         Hungary       SC#C408  fold    PrtC A  EV   20.00 
 872. 01/27/67 Satellite          Japan         SC#904           PrtC    EV    9.00 
 873.   MINT   STS launch cards   Japan                          PrtC    EV   11.00 
 874. 11/15/65 Gemini Astronauts  Jordan                         PrtC    EV   11.00 
 875. 07/11/83 200 yrs of flight  Lesotho  stamps s/s  2 covers  PrtC    EV   30.00 
 876. 03/23/64 Satellite/WMO      Malagasy      SC#78            PrtC    EV   10.00 
 877. 11/01/66 Gemini 6/7 s/s     Maldive Islands      fold      PrtC    EV   11.00 
 878. 07/01/74 Skylab             Mali          SC#C220-1        PrtC    EV   18.00 
 879. 07/29/83 Shuttle            Mali                           PrtC    EV   15.00 
 880. 12/??/69 Apollo 12  s/s     Mongolia                       PrtC    EV   12.00 
 881. ??/??/?? Apollo 13          Mongolia               fold    PrtC    EV   15.00 
 882. 07/14/71 Earth Station      New Zealand                    PrtC    EV    5.00 
 883. 06/09/82 Mount Golfiere     Nicaragua     s/s              PrtC    EV   15.00 
 884. 10/14/66 Gemini             Niger                          PrtC    EV   11.00 
 885. 02/19/66 Gemini             Paraguay                       PrtC    EV   11.00 
 886. 11/07/59 Sputnik, Luna      Poland        imperf           PrtC    EV    5.00 
 887. 11/07/59 Sputnik, Luna      Poland        perf             PrtC    EV    5.00 
 888. 08/24/61 Titov              Poland                         PrtC    EV    5.00 
 889. 10/06/62 Vostok             Poland                         PrtC    EV    5.00 
 890. 10/06/62 Vostok   s/s       Poland                         PrtC    EV    5.00 
 891. 10/06/62 Bykovski/TereshkovaPoland                         PrtC    EV    5.00 
 892. 11/25/63 Manned/unmanned    Poland  Shepard,Gagarin,Mars...PrtC    EV    6.00 
 893. 11/07/64 Space Congress     Poland                         PrtC    EV    5.00 
 894. 11/20/64 Voshkod  s/s       Poland        SC#1278          PrtC    EV    6.00 
 895. 12/20/66 Manned/unmanned    Poland  Vostok,Gemini,Luna.....PrtC    EV    6.00 
 896. 12/20/66 Manned/unmanned    Poland  Vostok,Luna 9     reg. PrtC A  EV   12.00 
 897. 08/21/69 Apollo 11          Poland                         PrtC    EV    6.00 
 898. 11/20/70 Luna 16            Poland                         PrtC    EV    5.00 
 899. 01/15/64 Astronauts/Cosmon. Romania       SC#C151-60       PrtC    EV   15.00 
 900. 06/15/69 Apollo 9/10        Romania       SC#C173-4        PrtC    EV   10.00 
 901. 04/07/62 Glenn              Togo                           PrtC    EV    4.00 
 902. 10/04/77 Shuttle s/s        Togo                           PrtC    EV   17.00 
 903. 10/04/77 Shuttle 6 stamps   Togo                           PrtC    EV   18.00 
 904. 05/05/81 Space anniversariesTogo                   fold    PrtC    EV   18.00 
 905. 06/22/83 Satellites         Tonga                  fold    PrtC    EV   28.00 
 906. 08/09/85?Shuttle            Uruguay                        PrtC    EV   15.00 
 907. LOT OF 9 Mint postal stationary - all space related  1980's        MB    4.00 
 908. LOT OF 3 Space stamped cvrs various                        NC   A  EV   12.00 
 909. ??/??/?? Space Dogs         Moscow        postally used    NC   A  EV   12.00 
 910. 11/19/57 Space stamps       Moscow   reg  postally used    NC   A  MB   12.00 
 911. LOT OF 3 Sputnik 1-3 stamps Moscow        postally used NC/PrtC A  MB   13.00 
 912. LOT OF 5 Space/reseach ca.  various       postally used    PrtC    EV   19.00 
 913. 07/16/58 Sputnik FDC        Moscow                         PrtC A  MB   14.00 
 914. 01/23/59 Sputnik 1-3        Moscow                         NC      EV   18.00 
 915. 01/27/59 Sputnik 1-3        Moscow                         PrtC    EV   18.00 
 916. 04/04/60 Sputnik 3          Moscow                         NC      EV   17.00 
 917. 04/07/61 Space FDC          Moscow                         PrtC    EV   10.00 
 918. 04/12/61 Gagarin            Moscow                         PrtC    EV   21.00 
 919. LOT OF 2 Gagarin anniv      Omsk/Perm   4/12/62            PrtC    EV   30.00 
 920. 04/12/62 Gagarin anniv      Kaliningrad                    PrtC    MB    6.00 
 921. 08/06/62 Titov              Moscow                         PostC   EV   15.00 
 922. 08/06/62 Titov              Moscow                         PrtC A  EV   15.00 
 923. 08/06/62 Titov              Kiev                           PrtC    EV   15.00 
 924. 08/06/62 Titov              ????                           NC      EV    4.00 
 925. 10/04/62 Sputnik            Moscow                         PrtC    EV   17.00 
 926. 10/04/62 Sputnik            2 cancels                      PrtC    EV   17.00 
 927. 11/03/62 Sputnik 2          Araganda                       NC      EV    6.00 
 928. 05/15/63 Sputnik 3          Minsk                          PrtC    EV   18.00 
 929. 04/12/64 Cosmonauts Day     Riga                      reg. PrtC    EV   18.00 
 930. 06/15/65 Space FDC          Moscow                         PrtC    EV   16.00 
 931. 11/07/67 Sputnik FDC        Moscow                         PrtC    EV   18.00 
 932. 04/12/69 Vostok FDC         Moscow                         PrtC    EV    4.00 
 933. 10/22/69 Soyuz 6-7-8        Moscow                         PrtC    EV    6.00 
 934. 10/22/69 Soyuz 6-8          Moscow    2 covers             PrtC    EV   15.00 
 935. 07/07/70 Soyuz 9 FDC        Moscow                         PrtC    EV    5.00 
 936. 04/05/72 Salyut FDC         Moscow                         PrtC    EV   15.00 
 937. 04/12/72 Cosmonaut Day      Kiev?                          PrtC    EV    4.00 
 938. 04/12/74 Cosmonaut Day      Moscow                         PrtC    EV    4.00 
 939. 10/28/74 Soyuz 14/15 FDC    Moscow  2 covers/4 mint stamps PrtC    EV    9.00 
 940. 10/28/74 Mars               Moscow  plus pair mint stamps  PrtC    EV   15.00 
 941. 03/28/75 Gagarin FDC        Moscow                         PrtC    EV    4.00 
 942. 07/15/75 ASTP singles FDC   Moscow  2 covers     Fleetwood PrtC    EV    4.00 
 943. 07/15/75 ASTP singles FDC   Moscow  3 covers     Fleetwood PrtC    EV   40.00 
 944. 04/12/76 Cosmonaut Day FDC  Moscow                         PrtC    EV    4.00 
 945. 04/12/77 Cosmonaut Day      Kiev?                          PrtC    EV    4.00 
 946. 10/04/77 Sputnik            Moscow/Kaluga   2 covers       PrtC    EV   30.00 
 947. 03/10/78 Intercosmos        Intercosmos                    PrtC A  EV    6.00 
 948. 03/10/78 Intercosmos        Intercosmos   with mint stamp  PrtC    EV   10.00 
 949. 03/24/78 Soyuz 28 FDC       Moscow                         PrtC    EV    4.00 
 950. 04/12/78 Cosmonaut Day FDC  Moscow FDC                     PrtC    EV    4.00 
 951. 04/12/78 Cosmonaut Day FDC  Moscow                         PrtC    EV    4.00 
 952. 04/12/78 Cosmonaut Day      Kaluga                         PrtC A  EV   10.00 
 953. 06/28/78 Intercosmos FDC    Moscow                         PrtC    EV    4.00 
 954. 07/05/78 Intercosmos FDC    Intercosmos   with mint stamps PrtC    EV   25.00 
 955. 08/27/78 Soyuz 30 FDC       Moscow        with mint stamp  PrtC    EV   18.00 
 956. 08/31/78 Intercosmos FDC    Moscow                         PrtC    EV    4.00 
 957. 08/31/78 Intercosmos FDC    Moscow    plus mint stamp      PrtC    EV   12.00 
 958. 09/03/78 Intercosmos FDC    Moscow    plus mint stamp      PrtC    EV   12.00 
 959. 04/05/79 Cosmos             Moscow                         PrtC    EV    4.00 
 960. 03/18/80 EVA                Star City                      PrtC    EV    7.00 
 961. ??/??/80 Leonov s/s FDC     Moscow                         PrtC    EV   13.00 
 962. 04/05/81 Cosmos             ????                           PrtC    EV    4.00 
 963. 04/12/81 Cosmonaut Day      Baikonur                       PrtC A  EV    4.00 
 964. 01/12/82 Korolov            Kiev?                          PrtC A  EV    4.00 
 965. 03/10/82 Venus 13/14 FDC    Moscow                         PrtC    EV    9.00 
 966. 05/25/82 Cosmos FDC         Moscow                         PrtC    EV    4.00 
 967. 06/24/82 Intercosmos s/s FD Moscow              fold  reg. PrtC A  EV   18.00 
 968. 07/01/82 Cosmos             Moscow                         PrtC    EV    4.00 
 969. 08/30/82 Space Stationary FDMoscow                         PrtC    EV    4.00 
 970. 09/17/82 Space cancel       Kaluga                         PrtC    EV    6.00 
 971. 10/04/82 Sputnik/Laika      Kaluga     2 covers            PrtC A  EV   15.00 
 972. 06/16/83 Tereshkova FDC     Moscow                         PrtC    EV    4.00 
 973. 04/03/84 Intercosmos FDC    Moscow                         PrtC    EV    4.00 
 974. 04/05/84 Intercosmos FDC    Moscow                         PrtC A  EV   15.00 
 975. 06/27/84 Soyuz T-9 FDC      Moscow  registered/postal used PrtC A  EV    5.00 
 976. 10/07/84 25 yrs             Baikonur                       PrtC    EV    4.00 
 977. 03/18/85 Space EVA FDC      Moscow                         PrtC    EV    4.00 
 978. 06/08/85 Soyuz T-13 docking Baikonur                       PrtC    EV    5.00 
 979. 06/11/85 Intercosmos FDC    Moscow                         PrtC    EV    4.00 
 980. 06/19/85 Soyuz 9 FDC        Moscow                         PrtC    EV    4.00 
 981. 06/26/85 Cosmonaut FDC      Moscow                         PrtC    EV    4.00 
 982. 05/23/86 Soyuz TM docking   Baikonur                       PrtC    EV    5.00 
 983. 06/30/86 20 yrs Intercosmos Moscow  FDC                    PrtC    EV    4.00 
 984. 06/30/86 20 yrs Intercosmos Star City?                     PrtC    EV    4.00 
 985. 01/12/87 Korolev            Moscow                         PrtC    EV    4.00 
 986. 03/03/87 Progress 28        Baikonur                       PrtC    EV    5.00 
 987. 03/05/87 Progress 28 docks  Baikonur                       PrtC    EV    5.00 
 988. 03/28/87 Progress 28 return Baikonur                       PrtC    EV    5.00 
 989. 04/12/87 Cosmonaut Day      Kiev?        thin              PrtC    EV    2.00 
 990. 04/13/87 Intercosmos FDC    Moscow                         PrtC    EV    4.00 
 991. 04/13/87 Intercosmos        Star City?                     PrtC    EV    4.00 
 992. 08/23/87 Rocket FDC         Moscow                         PrtC    EV    4.00 
 993. 08/23/87 Rocket             Riga                           PrtC    EV    4.00 
PICTORIAL CANCELS/SLOGAN CANCELS/SPACE CACHETS                                      
 994. 10/??/67 Grissom cachet     Mitchell                       PrtC    EV    5.00 
 995. 03/02/68 Shepard cachet     Manchester                     PrtC LS EV    5.00 
 996. 10/25/71 Worden slogan      Jackson                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
 997. 12/06/72 Cernan slogan      Bellwood                       PrtC    EV    5.00 
 998. 07/25/75 ASTP               Houston                        NC   A  EV    4.00 
 999. 10/17/75 Pioneer, etc.      Chicago                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
1000. 09/19/76 Viking slogan      Hampton      postally used     NC   A  EV    4.00 
1001. 05/07/77 Sp Ctr Dedication  Jackson               card     PrtC OS EV    5.00 
1002. LOT OF 7 STS slogan cancels Hunstsville,KSC,Houston....    SVC     MB   30.00 
1003. 04/02/78 Shuttle            New York                  IASP Card    EV    5.00 
1004. 07/20/82 Shuttle            Downey                         NC      EV    5.00 
1005. 04/01/85 Weather Satellites Washington                     NC      EV    5.00 
1006. 12/04/86 Shuttle            Auburn                         NC   A  EV    5.00 
1007. 02/17/91 STS 51L            Dearborn Hts                   PrtC    EV    8.00 
1008. 11/19/91 Shuttle/Henricks   Woodville                      NC      EV    5.00 
1009. 09/24/94 Shuttle            Pasco                          NC      EV    5.00 
1010. 07/17/95 ASTP               Houston 77058                  NC      EV    5.00 
1011. 09/08/95 Earth              Santa Ana                      NC      EV    4.00 
1012. 07/26/96 Apollo 15          Titusville                     PrtC    EV    5.00 
1013. 06/10/97 Sputnik            Monroeville                    NC      EV    5.00 
1014. 06/15/97 Apollo             Huntsville                     NC      EV    5.00 
1015. 06/21/97 Sun/Moon           Roanoke                        NC      EV    4.00 
1016. 06/23/97 Sun                Almont                         NC      EV    4.00 
1017. 06/28/97 USAF Anniv         Joplin                         NC      EV    4.00 
1018. 07/05/97 UFO Encounter      Roswell                        NC      EV    5.00 
1019. 09/18/97 Satellite          San Pedro                      NC      EV    5.00 
1020. 09/18/97 USAF Anniv         Langley AFB                    NC      EV    4.00 
1021. 10/18/97 Apple to the Stars Lincroft                       NC      EV    5.00 
1022. 10/12/98 ITU Globe/SatelliteMinneapolis                    NC      EV    4.00 
1023. 10/29/98 STS 95 Glenn       KSC large   Prj Merc Art Craft FDC     EV   10.00 
1024. 10/29/98 STS 95 Glenn       KSC large AND small   Prj Merc FDC     EV   15.00 
1025. 10/29/98 STS 95 Glenn       Houston                        NC      EV    6.00 
1026. 12/05/98 Rocket             Burlington                     NC      EV    4.00 
1027. 02/14/99 Lunar New Year     Baltimore                      PrtC    EV    3.00 
1028. 02/16/99 Lunar New Year     Saint Louis                    PrtC    EV    3.00 
1029. 02/21/99 Project Mercury    Clinton                        PrtC    EV    4.00 
1030. 02/26/99 Intl Space Station Natick                         PrtC    EV    5.00 
1031. 02/28/99 Shuttle            Lincoln                        PrtC    EV    4.00 
1032. 03/06/99 Apollo 11          Redding                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
1033. 03/13/99 Space Exploration  Fresno                         PrtC    EV    4.00 
1034. 03/19/99 Apollo 8           Rochester                      PrtC    EV    4.00 
1035. 03/20/99 Apollo 11          Rochester                      PrtC    EV    5.00 
1036. 03/21/99 Apollo 17          Rochester                      PrtC    EV    4.00 
1037. 03/21/99 Apollo 11          Ventura                        PrtC    EV    5.00 
1038. 04/15/99 Sun                Golden                         PrtC    EV    3.00 
1039. 04/18/99 Earth Day - Earth  Batsto                         PrtC    EV    3.00 
1040. 04/22/99 Earth Day - Sun    Wichita Falls                  PrtC    EV    3.00 
1041. 04/24/99 Shuttle            Roanoke                        PrtC    EV    4.00 
1042. 04/25/99 Earth Day - Earth  Reno                           PrtC    EV    3.00 
1043. 05/03/62 Glenn Capsule Exh. Buenos Aires, Argentina        PrtC    EV    4.00 
1044. 02/05/71 Apollo 14          Wien, Austria                  NC   A  EV    3.00 
1045. 10/13/79 Voshkod 1 anniv    Traisen, Austria               PrtC A  EV    6.00 
1046. 08/09/82 Unispace           Wien, Austria   cover/postc    PrtC A  EV   18.00 
1047. 03/10/73 Cosmos             Edegem, Belgium                PrtC    EV    8.00 
1048. 03/02/79 Soyuz 28           Prague, Czechoslovakia         PostC   EV   12.00 
1049. 10/01/63?Belayev/Leonov     Berlin, East Germany           PrtC    EV    6.50 
1050. 07/18/63 Vostok 5 & 6       Berlin, East Germany           PrtC    EV    6.00 
1051. 04/12/71 10 years in space  MLeipzig, East Germany         NC   A  EV    9.00 
1052. LOT OF 4 Apollo 11,Skylab...West Germany                   NC   A  EV   12.00 
1053. 04/12/70 Gagarin            Lublin    2 covers             NC   A  EV   15.00 
1054. 10/04/77 Sputnik anniv      Chorzow obs cancel, 1 mint     PrtC    EV   10.00 
1055. 06/28/78 Cosmos 3           Sieradz, Poland  2 covers      NC   A  EV   18.00 
1056. 09/02/78 Polish cosmonaut   Warsaw, Poland   + postc       PrtC    EV   20.00 
1057. 12/28/79 Space Exploration  Warsaw, Poland                 NC      EV   12.00 
1058. 03/22/81 20 yrs of space    Luzern, Switzerland            PrtC    EV    5.00 
AUTOGRAPHS   INS = inscribed                                                        
1059. MAGAZINE Life Magazine 5/19/61  Shepard       Shepard flt coverage EV   50.00 
1060. 05/05/61 Shepard        PAFB    Shepard                    SCC  A  MB   30.00 
1061. 05/05/61 Shepard        PAFB+VA Shepard slogan   Shepard   RSC  A  MB   30.00 
1062. 05/05/71 Shepard anniv  KSC     Shepard               NASA RSC     MB   30.00 
1063. 05/05/71 Shepard anniv  CC      Shepard             Sarzin PrtC    MB   30.00 
1064. 11/18/79 Shepard        E Derry Shepard     Pioneer of Flt PrtC OS MB   30.00 
1065. 05/05/76 Shepard anniv  KSC     Shepard                    MOF#39  MB   30.00 
1066. 10/11/68 Apollo 7       PAFB    Grissom AUTOP              NC   A  EV   15.00 
1067. 02/20/80 Glenn anniv    CC      Glenn   INS      Fleetwood PrtC OS EV   30.00 
1068. 07/18/80 Glenn          Cambrid.Glenn       Pioneer of Flt PrtC OS EV   30.00 
1069. 02/20/82 Glenn anniv    CC      Glenn                      PrtC    EV   30.00 
1070. 02/20/89 Glenn anniv    CC      Glenn   INS            NYT PrtC OS EV   30.00 
1071. 10/03/62 Schirra        PAFB    Schirra                    SCC  A  EV   25.00 
1072. 11/17/62 Astronauts     NY      Cooper                     PrtC    EV   20.00 
1073. 05/15/63 Cooper     USS Hyman   Cooper                     RSC  LS EV   25.00 
1074. 11/17/62 Astronauts     NY      Slayton                    PrtC    EV   35.00 
1075. 03/02/62 Glenn at UN    UN      Slayton               Zaso PrtC    EV   35.00 
1076. POSTCARD Gemini  4 launch    2x McDivitt (front; back minor smear) EV   30.00 
1077. 11/19/69 Apollo 12      PAFB    Gemini 4 crew              NC   A  EV  150.00 
               plus McDivitt signed note                                           
1078. 06/03/75 Gemini 4 anniv KSC     McDivitt                   MOF#28  EV   25.00 
1079. 10/11/68 Apollo 7       CC      crew signed + Eisele AUTOP PrtC    EV  125.00 
1080. 09/09/69 Apollo 11 DC   Washing.Apollo 7 crew signed       PrtC A  EV  125.00 
1081. 07/24/69 Apollo 11 recv CC      crew signed         pasted photo   MB  500.00 
1082. 11/19/69 Apollo 12 land Houston Gordon        Local + SCCS PrtC    EV   15.00 
1083. 04/11/70 Apollo 13      KSC     Haise             miss emb PrtC A  EV   15.00 
1084. 04/17/70 Apollo 13 recv USS I.J.Haise                 Navy RSC  A  EV   15.00 
1085. 01/31/71 Apollo 14      KSC     Shepard                    RSC     MB   25.00 
1086. 01/31/71 Apollo 14      CC      Shepard                    PrtC A  MB   25.00 
1087. MULTIPLE Apollo 14 lau/land KSC/Houston    Shepard    SCCS PrtC    MB   25.00 
1088. 01/31/71 Apollo 14      Houston Shepard INS           SCCS PrtC    MB   25.00 
1089. 01/31/71 Apollo 14      KSC     Shepard,Mitchell           PrtC    EV   40.00 
1090. 02/05/71 Apollo 14 land CC      Shepard,Mitchell           PrtC    MB   30.00 
1091. 02/09/71 Apollo 14 recv CC      Shepard,Mitchell INS Orbit PrtC    MB   30.00 
1092. 02/09/71 Apollo 14 recv CC      Mitchell                   PrtC    EV   15.00 
1093. 02/09/71 Apollo 14 recv Hawkins crew signed           Navy RSC  A  MB   75.00 
1094. 02/09/71 Apollo 14 recv Ponchat.Evans (Back up crew)  Navy RSC  A  EV   30.00 
1095. ??/??/?? Apollo 14 trk  Germany Shepard                    RSC  A  MB   30.00 
1096. 02/26/71 Apollo 14 quar.Houston Shepard               SCCS PrtC    MB   30.00 
1097. 09/05/71 Apollo 15 visitJackson Worden                     PrtC A  EV   25.00 
1098. 07/20/69 Apollo 11 land CC      Irwin                      embos A MB   15.00 
1099. 07/26/71 Apollo 15 lau  KSC     Irwin,Worden           VIP Card A  MB   25.00 
1100. 08/07/71 Apollo 15 recv Kawishi.Irwin,Worden          Navy RSC     MB   25.00 
1101. 08/07/71 Apollo 15 recv Kawishi.Irwin                      NC   A  MB   20.00 
1102.   POSTC  Space Mural            Irwin (on back)            PostC   MB   20.00 
1103. 04/27/72 Apollo 16 recv USS Tic.Mattingly,Duke(AUTOP) Navy RSC     EV   20.00 
1104. 12/11/72 Apollo 17 test WSMR    Schmitt                    PrtC    EV   20.00 
1105. 12/19/72 Apollo 17 recv USS Tic.Schmitt               Navy RSC     EV   25.00 
1106.   NONE   Apollo 17 video ad ANS Ron (Evans)       fold     ad      EV   15.00 
1107. 11/10/8? Birth Date     St Fran.Evans                      ca.     MB   15.00 
1108. 05/25/73 Skylab  2 lau  KSC     Conrad,(Weitz&Kerwin AUTOP)PrtC    EV   30.00 
1109. 05/25/73 Skylab  2 dock CC      crew signed                PrtC    MB   20.00 
1110. 09/25/73 Skylab  3 recv CC      Lousma                     PrtC    EV   15.00 
1111. 09/25/73 Skylab  3 recv USS N.O.Lousma                Navy RSC  LS EV   15.00 
1112.   CARD   Skylab  4 mission card crew signed                Card    MB   20.00 
1113. 11/16/73 Skylab  4 lau  KSC     crew signed           NASA RSC  A  MB   20.00 
1114. 11/16/73 Skylab  4 lau  KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   20.00 
1115. 11/16/73 Skylab  4 lau  CC      crew signed                PrtC    MB   20.00 
1116. 11/16/73 Skylab  4 lau  KSC     Gibson                NASA RSC  A  EV   20.00 
1117. 11/16/73 Skylab  4 lau  CC      Gibson                     RSC  A  EV   20.00 
1118. 02/08/74 Skylab  4 recv USS N.O.Pogue,Carr            Beck PrtC    EV   25.00 
1119. 07/15/75 ASTP      FDC  KSC     Slayton                    PrtC A  MB   15.00 
1120. 07/15/75 ASTP      lau  KSC     Slayton               NASA RSC  A  MB   15.00 
1121. 07/15/75 ASTP      FDC  Moscow  Evans (back up crew)       NC   OS MB   15.00 
1122. 07/17/75 ASTP      dock Houston Slayton,Brand,Stafford(AUTOP) PrtC EV   50.00 
1123. 08/07/80 STS train flt  WSMR    Griggs+2 crew members      PrtC A  EV   20.00 
1124. 08/13/80 STS water surv CC      Chang,Ockels,Dunbar,Ross   SVC     EV   35.00 
1125. 08/17/87 Report to NASA Houston Davis                      RSC     EV   20.00 
1126. MULTIPLE Report/STS 84  Hou/KSC 12 astronauts   7/16/90    NC      EV   75.00 
1127. 07/16/90 Report to NASA Houston Collins,Helms,Ochoa,Voss,Sherlock  MB   25.00 
               all of the group 13 female astronauts                               
1128. 07/16/90 Report to NASA Houston 23 astronauts              NC      MB  100.00 
1129. 01/28/96 STS 51L   annivKSC     4 UK astronauts            PrtC    EV   20.00 
1130. 04/12/81 STS 1          KSC     Slayton                    RSC  A  MB   15.00 
1131. 11/12/81 STS 2          KSC     crew signed       miss emb PrtC    EV   25.00 
1132. 11/12/81 STS 2          KSC     crew signed       Rockwell PrtC    EV   25.00 
1133. 11/14/81 STS 2          Edwards crew signed       Rockwell PrtC    EV   25.00 
1134. 03/22/82 STS 3          KSC     crew signed                PrtC    EV   30.00 
1135. 03/30/82 STS 3          WSMR    crew signed                sticker EV   30.00 
1136. 03/30/82 STS 3          WSMR    Fullerton         Rockwell PrtC    EV   15.00 
1137. 06/27/82 STS 4          KSC     Hartsfield        Rockwell PrtC    EV   15.00 
1138. 11/11/82 STS 5          CC      crew signed                PrtC A  MB   40.00 
1139. 04/04/83 STS 6          CC      crew signed                PrtC    MB   50.00 
1140. 08/30/83 STS 8          KSC     crew signed                PrtC A  MB   50.00 
1141. 08/30/83 STS 8          KSC     crew signed                RSC  A  MB   50.00 
1142. 11/28/83 STS 9          KSC     Shaw,Garriott,Parker,Merbold PrtC  EV   50.00 
1143. 11/28/83 STS 9          Greenb. crew signed except Young   PrtC    EV   60.00 
1144. 02/03/84 STS 41B        CC      crew signed                PrtC A  MB  100.00 
1145. 04/06/84 STS 41C        KSC     Hart              miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
1146. 04/13/84 STS 41C        Edwards Scobee                     PrtC A  MB   35.00 
1147. MULTIPLE STS 41D lau/lanKSC/Edw Walker            miss emb PrtC    EV   20.00 
1148. 08/30/84 STS 41D        CC      Resnik                     PrtC A  MB   35.00 
1149. 08/30/84 STS 41D        CC      Hawley                     PrtC A  EV   15.00 
1150. 09/05/84 STS 41D        Edwards Hawley                     PrtC A  EV   15.00 
1151. 08/30/84 STS 41D        Greenb. Mullane                    PrtC    EV   15.00 
1152. 10/05/84 STS 41G        KSC     Garneau, Thirsk (bkup)     PrtC    EV   25.00 
1153. 10/05/84 STS 41G        CC      Garneau, Scully-Power      PrtC    EV   30.00 
1154. 10/13/84 STS 41G        CC      crew signed                PrtC    MB   65.00 
1155. 11/16/84 STS 51A        CC      crew signed                PrtC    MB   50.00 
1156. 11/08/96 STS 51A anniv  CC      crew signed                PrtC    MB   35.00 
1157. 01/24/85 STS 51C        KSC     Shriver,Onizuka   miss emb PrtC    MB   50.00 
1158. 01/24/85 STS 51C        KSC     Shriver           miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
1159. MULTIPLE STS 51C lau/lanKSC/KSC Payton            miss emb PrtC    EV   20.00 
1160. 01/24/85 STS 51C        Greenb. Booen                      PrtC    EV   10.00 
1161. 01/24/85 STS 51C        Greenb. Odle                       PrtC    EV   10.00 
1162. 01/24/85 STS 51C        KSC     Roberts           miss emb PrtC    EV   10.00 
1163. 04/12/85 STS 51D        KSC     crew signed (Garn,Walker AUTOP) PrtEV   65.00 
1164. 04/12/85 STS 51D        CC      crew signed except Hoffman PrtC    MB   50.00 
1165. 04/19/85 STS 51D        KSC     Seddon            miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
1166. 04/19/85 STS 51D        CC      crew signed                PrtC    MB   60.00 
1167. 04/19/85 STS 51D        CC      crew signed (Walker AUTOP) PrtC    EV   70.00 
1168. 04/29/86 STS 51B anniv  CC      crew signed exc. van den Berg PrtC EV   50.00 
1169. 07/29/85 STS 51F        KSC     Bartoe,England             RSC  A  EV   25.00 
1170. 07/29/85 STS 51F        Greenb. Bartoe,England             PrtC    EV   25.00 
1171. 08/06/85 STS 51F        Edwards Bartoe,Acton               PrtC    EV   25.00 
1172. 07/29/86 STS 51F anniv  CC      crew signed                PrtC    EV   85.00 
1173. 08/27/86 STS 51I anniv  CC      crew signed                PrtC    EV   70.00 
1174. 10/03/85 STS 51J        KSC     crew signed       miss emb PrtC    EV   50.00 
1175. 10/03/85 STS 51J        CC      crew signed                PrtC    MB   40.00 
1176. 10/30/85 STS 61A        CC      crew signed                PrtC    MB   50.00 
1177. 10/30/85 STS 61A        Greenb. crew signed                PrtC    MB   40.00 
1178. 10/30/86 STS 61A anniv  CC      crew signed                PrtC    MB   40.00 
1179. 11/26/85 STS 61B        KSC     crew signed       miss emb PrtC    EV   65.00 
1180. 11/26/85 STS 61B        Greenb. crew signed ex. Cleave,Shaw INS PrtEV   50.00 
1181. 12/03/85 STS 61B        Edwards crew signed ex. Spring,Walk.INS PrtEV   50.00 
1182. 11/26/96 STS 61B anniv  CC      crew signed ex. Neri,Walker INS PrtEV   50.00 
1183. 09/29/88 STS 26         KSC     crew signed       miss emb PrtC    MB   25.00 
1184. 09/29/88 STS 26         KSC     crew signed                PrtC    MB   25.00 
1185. 09/29/88 STS 26 +51L an.KSC/KSC crew signed                NC      MB   20.00 
1186. 09/29/88 STS 26         KSC     crew signed   STS miss emb ca.     MB   25.00 
1187. 09/29/88 STS 26 +FDI    KSC/Washcrew signed                NC      EV   60.00 
1188. MULTIPLE STS 26 lau/lan KSC/Edw crew signed            STS RSC     MB   30.00 
1189. 10/03/88 STS 26         Greenb. crew signed                RSC     MB   20.00 
1190. MULTIPLE STS 27 lau/lan KSC/Edw crew signed                RSC     MB   40.00 
1191. 12/02/88 STS 27         KSC     crew signed ex. Sheperd    PrtC    EV   40.00 
1192. 12/06/88 STS 27         Greenb. crew signed ex. Sheperd    RSC     EV   35.00 
1193. 03/13/89 STS 29         Greenb. Coats                      PrtC    EV   15.00 
1194. 03/13/89 STS 29         Greenb. 6 CAPCOMs                  RSC     EV   30.00 
1195. 03/13/89 STS 29         Sat Bea Culbertson (CAPCOM)        RSC     EV   12.00 
1196. MULTIPLE STS 30 lau/lan KSC/Edw crew signed  INS           RSC     MB   40.00 
1197. 05/04/89 STS 30         KSC     crew signed           Merc FDC     MB   15.00 
1198. 05/04/89 STS 30         KSC     crew signed  INS  miss emb PrtC    MB   40.00 
1199. 05/04/89 STS 30         KSC     8 CAPCOMs         miss emb PrtC    EV   40.00 
1200. 08/08/89 STS 28         KSC     crew signed  INS           RSC     MB   30.00 
1201. MULTIPLE STS 28 lau/lan KSC/Edw Adamson                    PrtC    EV   15.00 
1202. MULTIPLE STS 28 lau/lan KSC/Edw Leestma                    PrtC    EV   15.00 
1203. 10/18/89 STS 34         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   30.00 
1204. 10/18/89 STS 34         CC      crew signed       miss emb PrtC    MB   30.00 
1205. 10/18/89 STS 34         KSC     crew signed ex Baker w/Edw cancel  EV   20.00 
1206. 10/23/89 STS 34         Edwards crew signed       miss emb PrtC    MB   30.00 
1207. 10/18/94 STS 34 anniv   CC      crew signed       miss emb PrtC    EV   40.00 
1208. 10/18/96 STS 34 anniv   CC      crew signed       miss emb PrtC    EV   40.00 
1209. 10/18/89 STS 34         KSC     7 CAPCOMs         miss emb PrtC    EV   40.00 
1210. 11/27/89 STS 33         Greenb. Thornton                   RSC     EV   15.00 
1211. 11/22/89 STS 33         Sat Bea 7 CAPCOMs         miss emb PrtC    EV   40.00 
1212. 11/22/94 STS 33         CC      crew signed                PrtC    EV   60.00 
1213. 11/15/90 STS 38         CC      STS 33 crew ex. Story      PrtC    EV   20.00 
1214. 01/09/90 STS 32         KSC     crew signed          w/Edw cancel  EV   40.00 
1215. 01/09/90 STS 32         KSC     crew signed          w/FDI cancel  EV   40.00 
1216. 02/28/90 STS 36         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   30.00 
1217. 02/28/90 STS 36         KSC     crew signed                PrtC    MB   30.00 
1218. 03/04/90 STS 36         Greenb. crew signed                RSC     MB   25.00 
1219. 02/28/90 STS 36         KSC     5 CAPCOMs         miss emb PrtC    EV   30.00 
1220. 04/24/90 STS 31         KSC     crew signed                PrtC    MB   30.00 
1221. 04/24/90 STS 31         KSC     crew signed       miss emb PrtC    MB   30.00 
1222. 04/24/90 STS 31         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   30.00 
1223. 10/06/90 STS 41         KSC     Melnick      FLOWN cover 7/19/87   EV   20.00 
1224. 11/15/90 STS 38         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   30.00 
1225. 12/02/90 STS 35         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   40.00 
1226. 12/02/90 STS 35         KSC     crew signed ex Parker      RSC     EV   50.00 
1227. 04/05/91 STS 37         KSC     crew signed                PrtC    MB   30.00 
1228. 04/05/91 STS 37         KSC     crew signed       miss emb PrtC    MB   30.00 
1229. 04/05/91 STS 37         KSC     Godwin  INS       miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
1230. 04/11/91 STS 37         Edwards crew signed       miss emb PrtC    MB   30.00 
1231. 04/28/91 STS 39         KSC     crew signed ex Harbaugh    RSC     EV   60.00 
1232. 06/05/96 STS 40 anniv   CC      crew signed                PrtC    EV   60.00 
1233. 08/02/91 STS 43         KSC     crew signed                PrtC    MB   30.00 
1234. 08/02/91 STS 43         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   30.00 
1235. 08/11/91 STS 43         KSC     crew signed                PrtC    MB   30.00 
1236. 11/24/91 STS 44         KSC     Voss  + reports to NASA cancel RSC EV   20.00 
1237. 01/22/92 STS 42         KSC     crew signed - Hilmers,Thagard  Prt MB   30.00 
                                                  + Carter                         
1238. 01/22/92 STS 42         KSC     crew signed ex Hilmers,Thagard Prt MB   30.00 
1239. 03/24/92 STS 45         KSC     crew signed  INS  miss emb PrtC    MB   30.00 
1240. 03/24/92 STS 45         KSC     Bolden            miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
1241. 03/24/93 STS 45 anniv   KSC     crew signed                PrtC    MB   30.00 
1242. 03/24/93 STS 45 anniv   KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   20.00 
1243. 09/12/92 STS 47         KSC     Jemison + reports to NASA cancel   EV   25.00 
1244. 04/26/93 STS 55         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   40.00 
1245. 06/21/93 STS 57         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   30.00 
1246. 10/18/93 STS 58         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   35.00 
1247. 02/03/94 STS 60         KSC     Bolden            miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
1248. 03/04/94 STS 62         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   30.00 
1249. 09/09/94 STS 64         KSC     crew signed  INS           RSC     MB   35.00 
1250. 09/30/94 STS 68         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   35.00 
1251. 11/03/94 STS 66         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   35.00 
1252. 02/03/95 STS 63         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   40.00 
1253. 02/03/95 STS 63         KSC     Voss  INS         miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
1254. 03/02/95 STS 67         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   50.00 
1255. 03/02/95 STS 67         KSC     crew signed                PrtC    MB   50.00 
1256. 03/18/95 STS 67         Edwards crew signed                RSC     MB   50.00 
1257. 03/18/95 STS 67         Edwards crew signed                PrtC    MB   50.00 
1258. 03/02/95 STS 67         KSC     Gregory + reports to NASA cancel   EV   20.00 
1259. 07/13/95 STS 70         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   40.00 
1260. 07/13/95 STS 70         KSC     Weber                      RSC     EV   21.00 
1261. 07/13/95 STS 70         KSC     Kregel                     RSC     EV   21.00 
1262. 09/07/95 STS 69         KSC     Newman  INS       miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
1263. 09/07/95 STS 69         KSC     crew signed ex Walker  INS PrtC    EV   35.00 
1264. 10/20/95 STS 73         KSC     Rominger                   RSC     EV   15.00 
1265. 10/20/95 STS 73         KSC     Leslie            miss emb PrtC    EV   20.00 
1266. 10/20/95 STS 73         KSC     Sacco             miss emb PrtC    EV   20.00 
1267. 11/12/95 STS 74         KSC     crew signed (Cameron AUTOP)PrtC    EV   50.00 
1268. 11/12/95 STS 74         KSC     crew signed INS            PrtC    MB   30.00 
1269. 01/11/96 STS 72         KSC     Barry  INS        miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
1270. 06/20/96 STS 78         KSC     Helms  INS        miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
1271. 09/26/96 STS 79         KSC     crew signed                RSC     MB   30.00 
1272. 04/04/97 STS 83         KSC     Voss   INS        miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
1273. 04/04/97 STS 83         KSC     Linteris          miss emb PrtC    EV   20.00 
1274. 05/15/97 STS 84         KSC     crew signed ex Kondakova,Foale INS EV   45.00 
1275. 01/22/98 STS 89         KSC     Thomas    + STS 78 cancel  RSC     EV   15.00 
1276. 06/02/98 STS 91         KSC     Kavandi INS       miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
1277. 05/27/99 STS 96         KSC     Payette           miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
1278. 05/27/99 STS 96         KSC     Payette                    RSC     EV   15.00 
1279. 05/27/99 STS 96         KSC     Bondar                     ca.     EV   10.00 
1280. 05/27/99 STS 96         KSC     Husband                    RSC     EV   15.00 
1281. 05/27/99 STS 96         KSC     Ochoa             miss emb PrtC    EV   15.00 
1282. 05/27/99 STS 96         KSC     Jernigan          miss emb PrtC    EV   20.00 
1283. 07/23/99 STS 93         KSC     Collins   + STS 63 cancel  RSC     EV   25.00 
1284. 07/23/99 STS 93         KSC     Collins   + STS 63 cancel  RSC     EV   30.00 
                                      + reports to NASA cancel                      
1285. 07/23/99 STS 93         KSC     Tognini                    RSC     EV   15.00 
1286. 04/13/62 Shepard ca.    Buffalo Shepard                    PrtC    EV   40.00 
1287. 10/03/62 Schirra recov  USS L.C.Shepard     INS            NC   A  EV   40.00 
1288. 05/22/64 Boy Scout Camp Hershey Shepard                    PrtC    EV   40.00 
1289. 04/12/76 Gagarin FDC    Moscow  Shepard                    PrtC    EV   40.00 
1290.   CARD   w/ Shepard PostC       Shepard     INS            PostC   EV   30.00 
1291. 01/28/96 STS 51L anniv  KSC     Sudarmono                  PrtC    EV   10.00 
1292. 02/20/62 Proj Merc FDC  CC      Holmquest                  ca.     EV   15.00 
1293. 06/02/76 Surveyor anniv KSC     Evans                      MOF#40  EV   21.00 
1294. 03/14/66 Einstein FDC   Princeton  Worden   slit open      PrtC    EV   12.00 
1295. 04/12/61 Gagarin        Moscow  Gagarin                    PrtC    MB  150.00 
1296. 04/30/62 Titov at UN    UN      Titov                      sticker EV   30.00 
1297. 08/06/62 Titov          Moscow  Titov                      PrtC    EV   30.00 
1298.   POSTC  Gagarin/Titov          Titov                      PostC   EV   30.00 
1299. 01/10/64 Vostok 4 FDC   Moscow  Popovich                   PrtC    EV   25.00 
1300. 07/19/63 Vostok 5 & 6   Moscow  Tereshkova                 PrtC    EV   45.00 
1301. 07/18/65?Tereshkova     JaroslavTereshkova                 PrtC    EV   45.00 
1302.   NONE   Soyuz 9 stationary     crew signed                PrtC    MB   15.00 
1303. 09/21/78 Soyuz 31       Berlin  Jahn                       PrtC    EV   18.00 
1304. 08/26/83 Soyuz 31 5 yrs DDR     crew signed                PrtC    EV   35.00 
1305. 03/14/95 Soyuz TM-21    Baikonur prime + backup crews      PrtC    MB   35.00 
        SPACE COVERS                                             PrtC    MB    7.00 
1306. Alexandrov    1307. Atkov         1308. Bykovsky      1309. Feokistov         
1310. Gorbatko      1311. Nikolayev                                                 
1312. Tamayo-Mendez                                                                 
1313. Nikolayev - Hungary FDC                                                       
1314. Nikolayev - Romania cancel    minor tear in env                               
1315. Nikolayev - Proj Mercury FDC                                                  
1316. V. Titov  - 9/15/80 Space FDC Moscow                                          
1317. LABEL    Hermazpuski            Hermazpuski                        EV   25.00 
      TEST PILOTS                                                                   
               COVERS/POSTCARDS                                          MB    6.00 
1318. Ascani  -  X-1 pilot selection    1319. J. Armstrong  X-24B Mgr               
1320. Atwell        1321. S. Boyd       1322. Buchanan      1323. Enevoldson        
1324. Fulton        1325. Gentry        1326. Hoag          1327. Mallick           
1328. Manke         1329. McMurtry      1330. Peterson      1331. Powell            
1332. R. Smith      1333. Sorlie        1334. Uhalt         1335. A. White          
1336. Young                                                                         
               COVERS/POSTCARDS                                          MB    9.00 
1337. Cardenas      1338. Champine      1339. J. Cotton     1340. Crossfield        
1341. Dana          1342. Everest       1343. Goodlin       1344. H. Gordon         
1345. Griffith      1346. Hanes         1347. Knight        1348. Lundquist         
1349. R. White      1350. Yeager  INS                                               
1351. 05/24/74 X-24B          Edwards Manke,Love                 RSC     MB   25.00 
1352. 10/25/74 X-24B          Edwards Love                       RSC     MB   25.00 
1353. 01/31/75 X-24B          Edwards Love                       RSC     MB   25.00 
1354. 09/24/74 Blind Flight   Mineola Doolittle                  MOF#19  EV   21.00 
1355. 05/06/75 X-24B          Edwards Finley                     RSC     EV   20.00 
1356.   NONE                          Jacquelyn Parker       STS RSC     EV   15.00 
1357. 10/14/77 X-1 anniv      Edwards Yeager                     PrtC    EV   30.00 
1358.   NONE   X-15 pilots    Crossfiled,White,Knight,Thompson,          EV   65.00 
                              Rushworth,Dana, Peterson  + Dana note                
1359. 02/20/62 Proj Merc FDC  CC      Rushworth                  NC      EV   21.00 
1360. 02/20/62 Proj Merc FDC  CC      Knight                     NC      EV   15.00 
1361. 11/20/78 D-558-2        Edwards Crossfield                 MOF#68  EV   21.00 
1362. 11/20/78 D-558-2        Edwards Crossfield,Knight          MOF#68  EV   27.00 
1363. 04/18/78 X-21A          Hawthorne  Wells                   PrtC    EV   15.00 
1364. 07/17/89 B-2            Palmdale   Hinds                   PrtC    EV   15.00 
1365. 02/20/62 Proj Merc FDC  CC      Carl                       NC      EV   21.00 
1366. 05/14/74 Skylab FDC     Houston Finley                     PrtC    EV   15.00 
               PHOTOS - Inflight,X-1 stamp, etc.                         MB   10.00 
1367. Ascani        1368. Atwell        1369. Cardenas      1370. Champine          
1371. Cobb          1372. Crossfield    1373. Enevoldson    1374. Everest           
1375. Griffith      1376. Hanes         1377. Hoover        1378. Kittenger         
1379. Knight        1380. Lawyer        1381. Lumdquist     1382. Manke             
1383. Peterson      1384. Powell        1385. Sorlie        1386. A. White          
1387. R. White                                                                      
1388. Rushworth        MB  25.00        1389. Yeager                     MB   35.00 
1390. 02/26/66 Saturn         CC      Dannenberg (von Braun team)SCC     EV   28.00 
1391. COPY -- moon photo with 9 moonwalkers signatures -- COPY           EV   10.00 
MILESTONES OF FLIGHT                                                                
1392. #2  EV  40.00  1393. #3   EV 40.00  1394. #4   EV 20.00 1395. #6   EV    7.00 
1396. #13 EV   6.00  1397. #15  EV  6.00  1398. #17  EV 10.00                       
1399. #18 EV   5.00  1400. #91  EV  3.00                                            
TAKE A LOOK - WHO KNOWS WHAT YOU MAY FIND HERE                                      
1401. POSTCARD Apollo 1 crew                                             EV    6.00 
1402. POSTCARD 36 different Russian postcards - mint - non-space         MB    5.00 
1403. POSTCARD 27 different Russian postcards - mint/used - non-space    MB    5.00 
1404. POSTCARD B-52H and British Vulcan over EAFB                        EV    3.00 
1405. POSTCARD Apollo  9 LEM   - mint      Official NASA fees paid postc EV    6.00 
1406. POSTCARD Apollo 10 crew  - mint      Official NASA fees paid postc EV    6.00 
1407. POSTCARD Apollo 12 crew  - cancelled 11/19/69  Houston landing     EV    5.00 
1408. POSTCARD Apollo 12 crew  - cancelled  2/18/70? Houston visit       EV    1.00 
1409. POSTCARD Apollo 14 crew  - cancelled  1/31/71  KSC     launch      EV    5.00 
1410. POSTCARD Apollo 14 crew  - mint                                    EV    3.00 
1411. POSTCARD Mint IASP postc showing space shuttle                     EV    1.00 
1412. STAMPS   Telecommunications - stamps/cards - Laos,Congo,Comores    EV    5.00 
1413. CARDS    Space Shots Cards - packs that have been opened but       EV    4.00 
               contain complete complement of mint cards - Series 1                
1414. CARDS    Space Shots Cards - as above - Series 2                   EV    4.00 
1415. CARDS    Space Shots Cards - as above - Series 3                   EV    4.00 
1416. 12/18/67 Welcome to Norfolk  USNS Range Recoverer  USS Austin can. EV    3.00 
1417. 05/10/69 Cunningham in Australia  Glenelg                  PrtC A  EV    4.00 
1418. 12/09/73 Kohoutek cruise          New York   posted on QE2 PrtC    EV    5.00 
1419. 07/01/76 Air & Space Museum Opens Washington               PrtC    EV    4.00 
1420. 08/31/79 Germany/Phil Soc Anniv   Berlin  3 cards/1 cancel PrtC    EV    4.00 
1421. LOT OF 2 Items related to USAF 50th anniv   cover + PostC          EV    3.00 
1422. LOT OF 3 Unused envelopes for NOAA Space Philatelic Society        EV    1.00 
1423. SET OF 4 Cards advertising World Stamp Expo 2000 - space stamps    EV    5.00 
1424.   WINGS  Sterling Silver Astronaut Wings A.F. Pilot  early 1960s   EV  100.00 
1425.   WINGS  Sterling Silver Astronaut Wings Commander  L-22   1960s   EV  100.00 
1426.   WINGS  Gold? Astronaut Wings   Navy    type worn by Shepard      EV  100.00 
1427.  MEDALS  Outstanding Leadership       with ribbon     NASA medal   MB  100.00 
1428.  MEDALS  Distinguished Public Service with ribbon     NASA medal   MB  100.00 
1429.  MEDALS  Exceptional Achievement      with ribbon     NASA medal   MB  100.00 
1430.  MEDALS  Equal Employment Opportunity with ribbon     NASA medal   MB  100.00 
1431.  MEDALS  Exceptional Service          w/o  ribbon     NASA medal   EV   40.00 
1432.  MEDALS  Space Flight                 w/o  ribbon     NASA medal   EV   40.00 
1433.   PATCH  STS flight patch - Bluford,Veach,McMonagle,Coats......    EV   10.00 
1434.   TAPE   Tape recording NASA 1987 JSC by Veach - type ?????        EV   20.00 
1435.   BOOKS  Pocket Edit Books - 4 diff - space related - out of print EV    7.00 
1436. ASTROPH. Astrophiles - 1983 - 1999  complete?                      EV  100.00 
1437. 05/05/61 Shepard launch date      Addis Ababa FDC          Word A  EV    7.00 
1438. AEROGRAM Balloon aerogram   France                         Mint    EV    4.00 
1439. LOT OF 7 Various tracking covers and foriegn space cancels ca.  A  EV   25.00 
1440. LOT OF 6 Czechoslovakia postally used covers with space stamps  A  EV   12.00 
1441. LOT OF 2 Czechoslovakia postally used covers w/s.s. 1169-74;1105-10EV   12.00 
1442. 09/04/71 Czechoslovakia postally used cover  w/space stamps 1303-6 EV    3.00 
1443. 03/07/74 Czechoslovakia postally used cover  with space stamp   A  EV    5.00 
1444. ??/??/?? Czechoslovakia postally used cover  w/space stamps 1874-6 EV    6.00 
1445. LOT OF 3 Hungary        postally used covers w/space stamps C236-47EV   20.00 
1446. LOT OF 2 Russia         postally used cover  w/space stamps 2232-5 EV   12.00 
1447. LOT OF 10 Various       postally used covers w/space stamps        EV   35.00 
1448. 06/04/70 Fujeira FDC???    Apollo 13/14 stamps with JFK s/s  reg A EV    9.00 
1449. PHOTOS   STS ALT crews;artist drawings launch and landing          EV   18.00 
1450. PHOTO    Small photo of Mercury astronauts except Grissom          EV    5.00 
1451. COVERS   LOT OF 2 NR-1 covers - was used in 51-L recovery          EV    7.00