Astrophile Advertisement Information
IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE ASTROPHILE, the official journal of the Space Unit
Reach nearly 500 members WORLDWIDE, specializing in space stamps, covers, publications, and memorabilia.
OFFICIAL AD DEADLINES (2 month lead times) for all submissions (issue dates in parenthesis):
Jan 1 (Mar - Apr), Mar 1 (May - Jun), May 1 (July - Aug), Jul 1 (Sep - Oct), Sep 1 (Nov - Dec), Nov 1 (Jan - Feb).
Our full-color display ad rates are: Full page - $75; half page - $55; quarter page - $30. (There is a 5-line ad
available to Space Unit Members only – in good standing – at $15.) Contract rates for 6 issues are entitled to
a 10%
discount on the page rate for whatever size ad you choose. There is a setup charge of $25 if we layout your ad.
is no discount on the setup charge (or 5-line ad size). All rates are in US dollars. Payment accepted includes
personal check on US funds, VISA, MasterCard, or PayPal.
For detailed information on ad sizes, copy requirements, costs, payment, etc., click on the following link:
SU Advertising Copy.pdf - pdf document - 52K
For any questions, feel free to contact the Advertising Manager, Ron Allen, via Email at
Note: All costs are in US dollars.