Astrophile Index of Articles from 1960 to 1996
compiled by Carmine Torrisi
converted to HTML by Dr Ross J Smith

The last compendium of articles and features that appeared in the Astrophile included those from 1978 to 1985. In this index I will incorporate the compendium done by Carole McCoy 1960-1977, and an update to 1996. We are entering our 40th Anniversary as a Unit and I felt this would be a great time to look back. To see all the fantastic articles freely sent in by members, some of which are no longer with us. This is a lasting treasure of knowledge that has been left to the Unit. This well of knowledge has grown from the 12 pages of Carole' list, to 24 pages of my first list, to 78 pages now.

Table of Contents
1.0 Auctions
2.0 Autographs
2.1 .Autograph Dealers
2.2 .Autopens
2.3 .Fakes & Frauds (includes covers and stamps)
3.0 Books & Book Reviews
3.1 .Interviews
4.0 Columns (A-H) (I-Z)
4.1 .Checklists
5.0 Covers (A-F) (G-R) (S-Z)
5.1 .Mailgrams & Aerograms
5.2 .Postcards - Maximum Cards & Trading Cards
5.3 .Cachets
5.4 .Catalogs
6.0 Editorials
7.0 First
7.1 .First Day Covers
8.0 Geographical (A-F) (G-K) (L-Z)
9.0 In Memorium
10.0 Lighter Matters
11.0 Manned Events
11.1 .Jets
11.2 .Forerunners
11.3 .Mercury
11.4 .Gemini
11.5 .Apollo
11.6 .Skylab
11.7 .ASTP
11.8 .Space Shuttle
11.9 .Tracking Stations
11.10 .Space Station
11.11 .Space Lab
11.12 .Balloons
11.13 .Mars
11.14 .SR 71
11.15 .Russian Launches
11.16 .MIR
11.17 .Salyut
12.0 Miscellaneous
13.0 NASA
14.0 Postmarks
15.0 Space Explorers
16.0 Space Unit Business
16.1 .Meetings
16.2 .Officer Candidates
16.3 .About Members
16.4 .Exhibiting
16.5 .Chapter Reports
16.6 .Study Units
16.7 .Associations
16.8 .Classified Adverts
16.9 .Miscellaneous
17.0 Stamp Shows
17.1 .Conferences
18.0 Stamps
18.1 .Stamp Clubs
18.2 .Coins
19.0 Space Hardware
20.0 Trips / Excursions
21.0 Unmanned Events (A-Ma) (Me-Z)
21.1 .Ariane
21.2 .Pioneer
21.3 .Venus
21.4 .Commercial
21.5 .Comets
21.5 .Moon
21.6 .Hubble

This page is maintained by Dr R J Smith .
Last modified on 8 May, 2000.