Various Space Stamps - A-F - Pre 1999
(Not to size)

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Aitutaki

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Ajman

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Albania

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Angola

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Antarctica French - see French Antarctica

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Australia - see also Australian Stamps

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Austria

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Bahamas

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Barbuda

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Bhutan

Proof sheet of 4 of 12 stamps

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Bosnia Herstgovena

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Brazil

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Bulgaria

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Canada

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Central Africian Republic

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Chad

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) China - see separate page

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) China - Taiwan

1 of 4 stamps

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Ciskei

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Comoros Republic


llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Congo Democratic Republic

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Cook Islands

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Costa Rica

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Cuba

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Czechoslovalia

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Djibouti

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Dominica (Commonwealth of)

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Eire

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Equatorial Guinea

1 of 8 Space stamps

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Fiji

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) France

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) French Antarctica

llblball.gif (1031 bytes) Fujeira

When issued, this was the largest stamp ever issued


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Last modified on 2008 July 18