Americover 2008 Exhibit Critique

This exhibit contains many fine covers but the treatment, that is, the underlying organization is hard to determine. The first paragraph of the title page reflects history. The one sentence second paragraph is too brief to convey the goal(s) and scope of the exhibit.
If some attributes of the exhibit were revisited, the exhibit could be stronger. These include:
(1) Expand the text on the title page to fully describe the exhibit
(2) Include a philatelic item on the title page. Perhaps the page 2 cover could go on page 1 and then page 2 follows your outline starting with crew selection
(3) Do not have so many single item pages. Forty six pages have single items. Double up.
(4) Consider showing an overall timeline for the mission and how/where each piece/exhibit page fits in
(5) Use chapter or section headings to help viewers orient themselves.
In addition roughly 30 pages (3/8th of total) are foreign first days relating to the project. Is this the proper mix of elements or are you combining elements of two different exhibits?

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